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diy solar

Charging EcoFlow DPU from EG4 Chargeverter GC


New Member
Jun 15, 2024
I have read about charging DPUs using DC SMPS to one of the PV inputs.

Has anyone tried, or see any issues with using an EG4 Chargeverter GC to do so?

The Low Voltage PV side of the DPU can take 15A, roughly 800W at the Chargeverter output voltage. Would it be possible to use bus bars to charge a pair of DPUs with the Chargeverter set to 30A?

This would allow me to trickle charge off a portable generator during an extended outage.

Thanks in advance!
Assuming that the voltage is correct. Yes, it will work fine.
As for charging two at the same time. That would be fine too, as long as they don't have any other common connection between them.
Assuming that the voltage is correct. Yes, it will work fine.
As for charging two at the same time. That would be fine too, as long as they don't have any other common connection between them.
The outputs of the DPUs would be connected with the EcoFlow 50A hub.

The outputs of the DPUs would be connected with the EcoFlow 50A hub.

May not be a good idea for the outputs to be connected together, while the inputs are connected together.
It could create a loop that could be an issue. If the inputs and outputs are not completely isolated from eachother.

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