diy solar

diy solar

Checking solar panels


New Member
Mar 8, 2023
I have some panels on the roof . I get a ground fault on the panel side . I am going to go up and check every panel to see what is going on . I got one on the ground . I get good watts and amps . When I cross one power cord with the frame it makes the multimeter move about 10% of the wats . My question is Is this panel leaking volts out to the array . Can any one tell me the Propper way to test a panel . I watch videos and cant find anyone that has done this . My brothers panel dont do this .
Have you bonded all the frames of the PV panels together and earthed that to a grounding rod or your main service ground ? I got a shock the other day touching the metal roof so must still go through this exercise.
Have you bonded all the frames of the PV panels together and earthed that to a grounding rod or your main service ground ? I got a shock the other day touching the metal roof so must still go through this exercise.
I grounded to the rails . not each panel .The ground wire goes bock to its own grounding rod . I could easy do each panel I just never thought it was a issue . I have a 2nd set that is just grounded to the steel roof and works ok .
You likely have an edge delamination on the front glass to back seal plastic allowing moisture intrusion. It creates electro-migration between cells' interconnects and metal frame. Check resistance between pos and neg leads of panel and metal frame. Should be near open circuit, at least greater than 200k ohms to prevent a ground fault.

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