diy solar

diy solar

Condo Solar

Is the wall you are leaning the panels against part of your building? Is that a patio, or a rooftop?
Secure the panels against wind, as mentioned.

Looks to me like trees and buildings will cause shading some times of day. Even when panels are directly aimed at sun; a hard shadow with full sun on other panels runs maximum current through bypass diodes which can overheat if not actually designed for it (some aren't.) Maybe a different fixed orientation would get more Wh/day and have less current at times of shadowing.

PV DC wire inside dwelling to be in metal conduit according to US NEC. Maybe slipped inside flexible spiral aluminum or metal would do.
What voltage and current do they carry?

We've learned not all "MC4" connectors are the same. Actually, only Stabuli is MC4. There have been fires due to mixed brands, and now only same brand or pairs that were UL tested together are listed for use together.
Your panels may have come with Stabuli MC4 but random cables don't unless specified.
Just and FYI, with condo's ( USA ) you only own the inside of the property, everything external is common area and would require board approval as well as meet wind and electrical codes. So that hole in the wall for the wiring, panels on the fence isn't yours to do as you choose, likely you will find out soon enough..
Thank you all for your comments and input.
This is not on a rooftop, but my patio which faces due south. It is built to be portable as it gets no meaningful sunlight 6 months a year due to the surrounding stuctures and foliage. I will move it come early October. and secure it to my patio wall for winter.
The lawn is a Limited Common Element owned by myself and neighbor. It is not a 'common' element. I am not violating HOA rules.
Two JInko JKM565N-72HL4 panels in series. Here are their specs Voc = 52.16V Isc =13.6A. I used 10awg wire.
Please feel free to ask any other questions or provide any input.
Thank you all.

BTW, THIS had zero affect on me yesterday. I was the only person in my building, possibly neighborhood, with power. :)
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diy solar

diy solar