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diy solar

Data/Spec Sheet for LiitiKala 100AH LFP cells


More Power Scottie!!!
Feb 17, 2020
Has anyone run across the specs for the LiitiKala 100AH LFP cells being sold on AliX? I have looked and googled attempting to get the data, and have not been successful. If so, could you please post, or direct me to where I can obtain? I bought four cells back in January, and am expecting delivery shortly.

Thanks for any possible responses...

If you find a data sheet, I'm interested, too. Have you gotten your cells yet?

If you find a data sheet, I'm interested, too. Have you gotten your cells yet?

I asked LiitiKala, and they responded the specs are in the AliX sale website, which we ordered from. Not exactly the answer I was wanting, but oh well. Yes I did receive my cells. How about you? See the latest on where I and others are at with these cells.

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Thanks! Yeah, a real datasheet would be nice. I'll check out that thread you linked, too. I haven't gotten my cells yet - ordered Feb 10. Hoping to get them soonish!
Thanks! Yeah, a real datasheet would be nice. I'll check out that thread you linked, too. I haven't gotten my cells yet - ordered Feb 10. Hoping to get them soonish!
It took just short of two months for mine to arrive to PA. Others got them a little quicker than me. Good luck. Yes, check out my referenced thread, and please contribute your experiences on these LiitiKala 100ah cells.

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diy solar