diy solar

diy solar

Dependable 6V charger recommendations


New Member
Feb 28, 2020
I've been looking all over Amazon, Ebay, and Walmart, and seem to find the same three brands over and over. I returned a Schumacher 6/12 charger because it was pumping out 8V, with the battery making bubbling sounds.

Are there any good 6V chargers you guys can recommend? I'm trying to get all the batteries to the same voltage/charge level before hooking them up to each other.
I'm trying to get all the batteries to the same voltage/charge level before hooking them up to each other.
I am trying to understand "hooking them up to each other". I am assuming that you mean hooking them up in series.

With that assumption and understanding your desire to equalize the 6v batteries, why not hook them all in parallel? The will self-equalize.

I hope this helps, sorry if i misinterpreted your question.

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diy solar