diy solar

diy solar

Do I have to Top Balance new Lithium batteries?


New Member
Nov 22, 2020
I bought 8 12 v 200 Ah LIFE PO4 batteries. I got a Schneider 4048 and an Outback 80.I also have 12 320 solar panel. These batteries are brand new, do I have to top balance them and how do I it with 8 batteries. ( I use to have 8 gel batteries 12v 200 ah, they are really no good). Need help

You don’t need to top balance a prebuilt battery but you should individually charge each of the 8 batteries to 100% SOC before hooking them up in parallel.

Do you intend to put these in series at all for a higher voltage setup? If so then you need further steps to properly balance the batteries together in preparation for putting them in series.
Put the eight pack in parallel and run them up to 14.4 to 14.6 volts. Any common battery charger should be able to do this.
Once in series watch the individual battery voltages don't go much over 14.6 volts. May need to lower the charging voltage on the 4048 until proper balance has been verified. Maybe 54.0 to 55.2 to start. Consider a battery balancer to keep them in line and complete the balance if needed.

Something like this:
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