diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

Not my job, you are making the assertion it is up to you to back it up.
Mine is not assertion it is reported and displayed as fact just as you keep presenting material as fact. When it is OPINION.
If I were a scientist would be headed to Nigeria to find out why.

second thought stay out of nigeria we-don’t want you spreading a new version of covid to prove you were wrong but right
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That website is either down or being blocked
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That website is either down or being blocked
That link is working for me .... not sure what's going on. The one from Switzerland has to have English selected at the top .... unless you speak German.
I think the Doctor that posted that is the bigger story

2 hospitals filed charges yet no patience or family of treated member complained. She was using ivermectin and getting what was called great results far better then remdesivir which fauci approved. Fauci also sais no other drugs besides Remdesivir were available - fauci denied hcq and ivermectin - no mention in 2020.

funny how ppl place the covid vaccine at saving ppl but deny this lady - doctor. And other doctors like Dr Zelenko. Several doctors were treated badly for saving lives with ivermectin. Again ppl say covid vaccines were no more effective at working. If she had done nothing would ppl have survived or died.? We don’t know anymore then if ppl had not taken the vaccines. That is the problem.

the 1918 Spanish flu passed by ppl gaining natural immunities. in 1918 the dirty mask worn over and over probably killed more by breeding pneumonia bacteria on them then that sickness.


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I think the Doctor that posted that is the bigger story

2 hospitals filed charges yet no patience or family of treated member complained. She was using ivermectin and getting what was called great results far better then remdesivir which fauci approved. Fauci also sais no other drugs besides Remdesivir were available - fauci denied hcq and ivermectin - no mention in 2020.

funny how ppl place the covid vaccine at saving ppl but deny this lady - doctor. And other doctors like Dr Zelenko. Several doctors were treated badly for saving lives with ivermectin. Again ppl say covid vaccines were no more effective at working. If she had done nothing would ppl have survived or died.? We don’t know anymore then if ppl had not taken the vaccines. That is the problem.

the 1918 Spanish flu passed by ppl gaining natural immunities. in 1918 the dirty mask worn over and over probably killed more by breeding pneumonia bacteria on them then that sickness.
They are trying to intimidate doctors into going along with their program .... It is working in most cases.

Big Pharma's 'Appalling' $26 Billion in Shareholder Payouts Could Fund Vaccines for All of Africa: Report​

"Instead of creating new vaccine billionaires, we need to be vaccinating billions in developing countries."​

As wealthy nations swallow up much of the existing supply, developing countries are left largely without access to vaccines as coronavirus infections continue to surge globally, fueling warnings that vaccine-resistant strains could spread widely and prolong the deadly pandemic.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), less than 2% of the hundreds of millions of coronavirus vaccine doses that have been administered globally have gone to people in Africa, the world's second-most populous continent. More broadly, the WHO said earlier this monththat just one in 500 people in low-income countries have been vaccinated, compared to nearly one in four people in rich nations.

I think we know how so many poor countries had far less covid deaths then us now.
Politico did a story covering the Covid litigation conference. No matter what side of the discussion you are on, there will be something for you in the article.
What is telling is that it is NOT the shrill bashing type article that would be expected from Politico. My guess would be that the writers opinion was moved somewhat by attending and reporting on the conference ..... The reporter was seated next to a lady who was born in the former Soviet Union .... a little snippet about that lady below.


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Politico did a story covering the Covid litigation conference. No matter what side of the discussion you are on, there will be something for you in the article.
What is telling is that it is NOT the shrill bashing type article that would be expected from Politico. My guess would be that the writers opinion was moved somewhat by attending and reporting on the conference ..... The reporter was seated next to a lady who was born in the former Soviet Union .... a little snippet about that lady below.

View attachment 144099

Bob the govt and news media put this out saying “ivermectin won’t cure Covid.” Ivermectin to my knowledge was never a cure … it was a treatment like most treatments. It does not prevent covid. So it is true Ivermectin is not a cure for covid in a sense. It - Ivermectin and HCQ is was used as a treatment for covid along with a cocktail of other drugs and supplements. Everything have read for effective treatments were cocktails… not just hcq or ivermectin alone as a treatment.

To a logical person then it seems the Covid Vaccine has not cured Covid either. It certainly doesn’t prevent Covid either. Right? Do ppl not use simple logic? Why not ? Covid Agenda is to make the Industrial Medical Complex Rich…they want funds….. reality is hospital and medicines are not suppose to be money making industries. They are a service industry Their role is important just like all support services industries such as farmers, schools, and so on. The power is to great to create a constant profit so it becomes like the fireman turned arson.
Sorry but that is what we are seeing right now. The Hospital in Texas that won their case to force inject with mandates are building a billion dollar business center for themselves with monies received. The doctor that resigned from there and was treating ppl with ivermectin was herself vaccinated with covid-19 shots. She was not an antivaxxer And had complied with the hospital covid-19 vaccine mandates - been injected. She was an out crier after the fact of seeing the vaccine not effective
.If you dig deep enough can find where Doctors treated each other with hcq and ivermectin… silently - not well publicized but documented for some.

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French study proves Hydroxycholoquine protocol worked really good also.

Here is the contrast for covid vaccines. Words like “estimate”….. words like “computer models”. Computer models are subject to the same flaws of programs like chatgpt AI.
“trust the science” means trust their influenced and gleamed computer model or study. Some ppl that accept this are very concerned or put out by Chatgpt AI. Trust one but not the other. Some ppl say reading is critical. I say damn right: and words like “estimate” are just that = not proof. Computer models are not proof and if you buy that then should buy chatgpt is FLAWLESS PROGRAMMED AI. Hahahaha…

I can’t stand ppl that won’t read nor get along with others ESPECIALLY talk how they say, “everyone has low iq or no education“ (murphy types) but they can’t understand the simple words in news articles like “estimate”. Again We have those type ppl on this forum. They are robotic repeaters of main stream media vs looking at the actual words used to determine test results “ estimate”. This method is “estimate“ = not proof. PROBABLY .. No real studies were done. A group of assholes got paid money to walk into a room make a decision then render a verdict like a legal trial-panel of experts. Never mind another group of experts - assholes with same qualifications can do the same and have a different verdict. It happens all the time court and appeals. ‘’ Trust the science” is a bs statement to give credit to an “estimate“ like a used car salesman (gender whatever) talking a line of bs.

Why does the USA have more covid deaths then any other country in the World? Look back a few post because most poor countries could not afford our covid vaccine medicines aka our covid vaccines. Maybe best thing ever happened to them. Just Americans and wealthy countries will die out since we could afford them. USA has highest reported death toll from Covid for entire World USA is only ~5% of total world population. .
Post in thread 'Do We Need a Control Group?' Something is wrong big time… we have the REPORTED highest covid deaths in the world.

Nigeria in Africa only had reported covid deaths of ~3500 and Africa complained could not get our covid vaccines due to prices. My estimate is they were lucky. We lost over 1 million ppl estimated and they only lost ~3500 ppl to covid. Trust the science something is wrong. Doesn’t take rocket science degree to see a huge number difference.

We can look at our own charts and see what we see. Don’t get me wrong some govt agencies know ppl are going to compare and be looking so they make very little standard from onne to the next. I suspect to keep ppl from easily openly viewing everything with applied standards to compare for ourselves. Conspiracy. That is the term FBI charges ppl in court Of law every chance gets but ppl use it against someone presenting infor like this. Reason is simple …. they are controlled idiot parrots. Are the charts below accurate probably not but they easily show both to compare. The charts are listed as United Nations.


As an objection to above CNN article …. Note the deaths attributed to covid exceed the actual covid numbers for tested - known covid. Did you catch that part or not? Is that an obvious estimate or not? We know damn well the pcr test was not accurate and was discontinued because of that. PCR was not accurate - Fact. Reports out of Africa the pcr was going off on inanimate objects upon testing for covid. The inventor of the pcr stated it was wrong test and not setup right. So…… how many ppl died from covid In USA? How many died from sepsis like 3 of my family members?

this means the assholes have not got together to count their money and made a decision which way to promote it. The grift comes later to see who will send them the most money. Melinda and Billl Gates foundation provided a lot of funding allthe way around to their money maker.

Now it's official.

News from Switzerland.

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What would you so without you fact blockers ..... What is the lie? The article says Switzerland has withdrawn Covid 19 vaccine recommendations .... THAT IS TRUE.
It doesn't say they banned the vaccinations ... just that they aren't recommending them and if you choose to get the vaccine, the government will not be liable for any vaccine induces injuries.

Not only are you a science denier .... apparently you can't read what the article actually says.
Your fact blocker is just making up strawman arguments .... a tactic you are thoroughly familiar with.
What would you so without you fact blockers ..... What is the lie?
For starters, fact checkers are not fact blockers, clearly you do not understand the definition of "fact".

The article says Switzerland has withdrawn Covid 19 vaccine recommendations .... THAT IS TRUE.
It doesn't say they banned the vaccinations ... just that they aren't recommending them and if you choose to get the vaccine, the government will not be liable for any vaccine induces injuries.

Not only are you a science denier .... apparently you can't read what the article actually says.
The fact checker pointed out that government recommendations are provided in English and you do not have to rely on the machine translation of a news paper article or even the fact checker. Fact checkers do make it easier to debunk the constant stream of utter nonsense spouted by conspiracy nutters.

Your fact blocker is just making up strawman arguments .... a tactic you are thoroughly familiar with.
Not at all. I will repeat the picture you posted to show that it is a lie, all you need to do is go to the government website, not only does that show that your are repeating that lie, your claim of a strawman argument is another falsehood. Why do you lie so much Bob? Do you have no shame at all?


diy solar

diy solar