diy solar

diy solar

Docan 48V 100Ah Server Rack Battery


Solar Wizard
Dec 30, 2019
Some months ago I emailed asking if they had come out with a Server Rack type battery.

She said it was in development but not available and I asked her to let me know when it came out.

They now have one and it looks like it will sell for $1500 DDP to USA, plus some transaction fee which will add about 3-5% I believe.

I may not be buying one since I have the urge to DIY another 48V nominal battery using a Chargery BMS-16T that I have laying around currently but I did want to let the forum know there is another option for the Server Rack form factor.

Hopefully I can attach the manual here without screwing it up :cool: .


  • Docan 48V 100A 3u 5kwh Battery pack.pdf
    952.9 KB · Views: 91
It’d be huge if they drop ship from Huston TX vs the slow boat. But costs are costs.
Is there anything special about this one or is it JASRB? (Just another server rack battery).
Some months ago I emailed asking if they had come out with a Server Rack type battery.

She said it was in development but not available and I asked her to let me know when it came out.

They now have one and it looks like it will sell for $1500 DDP to USA, plus some transaction fee which will add about 3-5% I believe.

I may not be buying one since I have the urge to DIY another 48V nominal battery using a Chargery BMS-16T that I have laying around currently but I did want to let the forum know there is another option for the Server Rack form factor.

Hopefully I can attach the manual here without screwing it up :cool: .
makes no sense at this price tbh, would have to be DDP under $1000 to even consider.

eg4/sok much better all things considered.

diy solar

diy solar