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diy solar

Does a tankless propane water heater with 24v ignition exist?


New Member
Jul 13, 2023
San diego ca
I built a 24v system with 2000w inverter and it has been perfect. I have found any appliances I need as 12v/24v or directly a 24v appliance. I cannot find a propane water heater that will run off my 24v system, and would rather not have to build a step down converter to 12v for one appliance if I can.
Anyone have any experience finding the solution? I have enough power (1200w solar with 300ah batteries) to run it as 120v for the ignition, but I don't see that either.
Any advice or experience for a solution would be greatly appreciated!
Is this a mobile application or something? Residential tankless propane water heaters that run on 120v would be the standard I think.
Quick search says 35w of 120v and should not present a burden. Probably a small 100w inverter would do if the 2000 wants to be off periodically.
If you can run with 120V AC, that sounds like the easiest approach. Our Rinnai propane tankless seems to just sip power. I have an Emporia Vue and noticed a few days ago that the Rinnai was using just 39W when running. I didn't catch it at the moment of actual ignition, but suspect that's not much different.
Bosch makes battery powered tankless propane water heaters, 2 D cells last years. Not servo controlled. Heater adds X degrees to incoming water, in summer lower heater temp and in winter raise heater temp. Simple system. Switched to Rennai , settable water temp regardless of input water temp. Uses about 150W active.
They use so little power I'd just use your existing 120v. Outdoor models can consume a bit more power (I have an outdoor Rinnai model) as they have internal heaters to prevent freezing. I don't think you will find something that runs on 12/24v natively.

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