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diy solar

Domestic Terrorist

Ultra wealthy, Bob Lee stabbed to death in public near nice area in California….. murderer still at large.

who did Bob Lee piss off? Professional hit? Or just a street crazy? HOW Did his murderer identify?


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Leo…. Do you think any of that you posted cancels anything? I’ve pointed out the sickness of the transgenders and their killing of christians, children, and ppl that oppose them. It is reaction to laws being put in place against them. If a mass shooter could be stated as white racist it would still be referenced on news everyday for long period of time even by you. So…. The obvious double standards are well noted - obvious to see or not see. I and others do not like double standards. Where is the nashville and louisville manifestos. Both were known to be mentally ill. Parents not getting their mentally ill children help is the problem. They are and have certainly humanized both of the recent murderers VS if it was a Racist white that had done the shooting. Both - most mass shooters are white. Most have planned it out and picked easy soft targets. Gun free Zones like schools with least security in most cases.

Why hasn’t a mass group of democrats been targeted by the nut jobs doing the killing? ?? It is normally always targeted at ppl on the Right. Why are you only posting about ppl on the Right? Granted a pedo is an oxygen thief no matter what but when you omitt ppl on the Left then you are acting like trying to use the Right’s crimes to some sick way justify the Left’s

The current trend for mass murders are transgenders doing the killing by percentage. So is it obvious our Govt and news media are protecting the Leftist doing the murdering? Kind of seems that way for an obvious fact.

flat out most ppl thought TSA at the airport would profile and target ppl suspected of hijacking planes aka muslims-Islamist. Instead it targeted white 80 year oldgrannies to strip search. When you are seeking ppl that attacked you then it has to br focused if you want to address the real issues. That is right now as defined by my post transgenders mass murdering ppl. They are tiny fragment to be so violent. It is not the guns. It is ppl violent - mentally ill.

What is your obsession with genitalia?
Exactly why is the obsessions for men wanting to be women or act like a woman when they are a man or vice versus welcome to the transgender discussion. Who do these ppl want to trick. Do they want to trick a man into chasing them only to reveal they are a man too. At least open gays are honest and up front. Why are men in drag trying to take sports and such from women? You obviosly are starting to figure out transgenders are obessed with genitalia and want to allow children to change sex. A child can’t legally vote or drink or own a gun yet YOU want to sex change them. Why are you obsessed with child genitalia? We know pedo want to access children genitalia to alter or change it
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why do you think the transgender attacked christians and their kids….. same as your meme depicts is exactly why. You are disgusting.

Removing guns is the orgasm of every politician in the World. Removing cars is orgasm of them too…. IMG_2436.jpeg
why do you think the transgender attacked christians and their kids….. same as your meme depicts is exactly why. You are disgusting.
The shooter attacked his/her former school, and we have no idea what motivated her to attack the school

Removing guns is the orgasm of every politician in the World.
You and your weird fantasies.
Removing cars is orgasm of them too….
You and your weird fantasies.
It's pretty obvious that more and more people are being driven over the edge by people like you who's entire goal is to disrupt and create chaos.


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diy solar