diy solar

diy solar

Door to door sales people

But you are a flyer on the curve. You know in advance or know how to inform yourself.

I give people information they do not usually know how to aquire on their own. This educates them. If they do not wish to purchase immediately based on that information I have educated them sufficiently to have the ‘vocabulary’ to inquire of my competitors.

More often than not the active consumer will choose to buy my products once they’ve done some research. I sometimes lose sales to “closers” and sometimes to a lower price (of usually a lesser product) but more often I get the sale based on my product and often get the sale based on price (apples to apples my company’s installed price is lower than my top three competitors).

There’s a few things I do and a few more things I don’t do based on my personal morals. Do I “lose” sales because of that? Yes- but I don’t view that as my losing anything. And my way of being honest and ‘soft’ yields me anywhere from 150- 300% ‘close rate’ of average for my company. I get sales others won’t because they discover they can trust.

Not everyone ‘needs’ a salesman to inform them about a product just like not everyone needs a doctor to tell them how to be healthy or an installer to put a home security system in.
Some do.

Sales is a legitimate, honorable profession if carried out by legitimate, honest people. There’s plenty of sharks and plenty of prey everywhere- I’ve sold to ‘prey’ (victim) customers; I can recognize them but I don’t victimize them.

People inquiring on a product are going to buy from someone and they’re a lot better off buying my product at our price than they are buying any product at any price.
And I make sure these people are aware of what they are getting. I sell them after they buy the product.

You can’t tank all salespeople just because the sharks exist. They provide many people with a valuable resource they otherwise may not have the advantage of having just like selecting a good cpa or mechanic or lawyer or house painter. Personally I’m somewhat glad the sharks exist- makes my job easier.
I agree… with you both . I do almost all my research and arrive at a buying decision through my own efforts and learning from every source available. Sometimes it takes years to become educated.. sometimes it means seminars or schools…the internet has changed the world in that respect… sometimes a combination of it all .
while I tend to not use salesmen very much either ,sales men play an important role in life as most people will not put forth the effort to become self taught to a high level until that product has become so mainstream that everyone “ knows that” …!
As in nature ,a pack of wolves or a school of sharks are of value to help keep the “herd “ or prey more fit and adapted to life as it exists at that time.. people gain awareness by seeing what happened to the others in their herd who didn’t learn…
Darwinism at its finest..
So when you go to get advice about your health concerns do you go to the tire store? Or ask your doctor? If you want to buy a car do you ask your dentist what to purchase?

Going to a salesman who knows his product, his competition, and the industry is very wise. He should be able to provide excellent answers to your questions and show you where to find the information to back up his claims. He should explore your questions and reiterate them to ascertain whether they adequately answered you. His goal should be to provide enough information to make a careful and informed decision.
Basically you distrust salespeople carte blanc which is a bit odd unless that is projection of one’s own trustworthiness.

If one is susceptible to scammers that’s on them-not their sales contact.
I get most of my information from independent sources, ones that don't have skin in the game. This practice has served me well. No need to take pot shots just because we do not agree.

diy solar

diy solar