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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Kinda sounds like the right wingers posting into any misinformation they find on some wacky Qanon website like Bmcl and Bob frequent.

Trump, Putin and their followers have a LOT in common.

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LOL...let's start with the no mRNA in your body since its the most recent one.
Do you always debate by posting lies about people (Qanon?) ? You can't just stick to a topic without acting like an 8 year old ?
I simply pointed out I haven't been vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine.
That's not a statement of belief. It's simply a fact.
Are you "proud" that you received a mRNA vaccine ? Why ?
Do you always debate by posting lies about people (Qanon?) ? You can't just stick to a topic without acting like an 8 year old ?
I simply pointed out I haven't been vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine.
That's not a statement of belief. It's simply a fact.
Are you "proud" that you received a mRNA vaccine ? Why ?
You said there is no mRNA in your body.

I actually am super glad I was able to receive an mRNA vaccine. So was Trump!

No mRNA in my body.

Did you actually receive a high school diploma or get the GED later on in life?

If you post from Qanon websites, I assume you are Qanon.
LOL...The computer Science woman who thinks Roundup is bad and has something to do with Covid
Well .... Gylyphosate IS bad. I causes blood cancers just like agent orange .... also developed by Monsanto. Doesn't seem like a stretch that it could reduce immune response and therefore a worse case of Covid.
Bayer is now betting that they can make more money off it than the court cases cost them.

I'll guarantee that woman has WAY more going on upstairs than you do.
You said there is no mRNA in your body.

I actually am super glad I was able to receive an mRNA vaccine. So was Trump!

And NOBODY CARES that you or Trump received a mRNA vaccine.
Did you actually receive a high school diploma or get the GED later on in life?
You don't want to debate. You know I'm a mechanical engineer who has humiliated all of you with math questions.
If you post from Qanon websites, I assume you are Qanon.
TROLL name one website that's Qanon we post at
I'll guarantee that woman has WAY more going on upstairs than you do.
Despite your continued assertions to the contrary, the facts showed that Trump left office with higher unemployment than when he entered office, I suggest your guarantees are pretty much worthless among normal people.

As for Gylyphosate, you should do a little research, it works well and it safer than the herbicides it replaced. But I do follow the recommended precautions when I use it. (And believe me, I have no love for Monsanto.)
Well .... Gylyphosate IS bad. I causes blood cancers just like agent orange .... also developed by Monsanto. Doesn't seem like a stretch that it could reduce immune response and therefore a worse case of Covid.
Bayer is now betting that they can make more money off it than the court cases cost them.

I'll guarantee that woman has WAY more going on upstairs than you do. has been proven safe. You have been watching too many personal injury attorney claims. If it really did all what they said it does, it wouldn't continue to be sold.

Almost all glyphosate you buy is generic. the patent ran out years ago.
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And NOBODY CARES that you or Trump received a mRNA vaccine.

You don't want to debate. You know I'm a mechanical engineer who has humiliated all of you with math questions.

TROLL name one website that's Qanon we post at
You asked if I was proud that I got it. Was answering your question...something you don't tend to like to do.

You did not get an engineering degree. We determined that a long time ago.

The theconservativetreehouse that you just linked is a QAnon supported website.

You still sure you have no mRNA in your body?
Last edited: has been proven safe. You have been watching too many personal injury attorney claims. If it really did all what they said it does, it wouldn't continue to be sold.

Almost all glyphosate you buy is generic. the patent ran out years ago.
You keep right on believing that while it kills you .... Monsanto lost court big cases and Bayer has already agreed to almost 11 Billion in settlements for currently pending cases which includes 1.2 Billion for future cases.
You don't have to actually use glyphosate to be exposed to it. They spray that crap on everything now days and it is in human food, animal feed, and in butchered animals.
That's the real crime of GMO .... they genetically modify things like soybeans so glyphosate doesn't kill it .... then spray the crap out of it.
They actually use it to kill wheat so they can control the harvest .... so the glyphosate is sprayed on it right before it is harvested ... then they make flour out of the wheat.

I personally know people who died of side effects of Agent Orange and others who have suffered terribly their whole life, so I know first hand how evil Monsanto is. Agent Orange caused blood cancers just like glyphosate does.
I also have side effects of Agent Orange exposure but got lucky with less exposure than others and my problems are much less severe.
I think CDC director Walensky may be growing a conscious .... She is getting closer and closer to telling the truth .... Will probably be replaced before that happens.

It is probably going to be another year yet before "stuff" really hits the fan .... but for sure it is going to happen.
Another .... Woa, that's weird moment.

Researchers have found a patented Moderna gene sequence in the Covid spike protein.

Another .... Woa, that's weird moment.

Researchers have found a patented Moderna gene sequence in the Covid spike protein.

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You did not get an engineering degree. We determined that a long time ago.
That's a bet I will take ! Why do you think I would bluff when I've defeated all of you in math questions ?
The theconservativetreehouse that you just linked is a QAnon supported website.
That's ridiculous. Post proof !
You still sure you have no mRNA in your body?
The J&J shot was a conventional vaccine. No mRNA.
You succeeded in affirming you are a TROLL who argues with no substance.
As usual .... You guys just ignore content and make drive by personal attacks and straw man arguments.

I guess you think the director of the CDC is spreading misinformation when it doesn't agree with what you want to think .... You must think that Pfizer is trying to hurt themselves by releasing documents that show the potential side effects of their vaccine ..... You seem to think that the terrible VAERS data is somehow good new for the vaccines .... just a little band of hecklers who don't know anything else.

You just want to sit around and wait til one of us posts something then jump up and post a bunch of ridiculous comments that have nothing to do with what was posted.

Another development is that the Biden administration has decided that it is a good idea to completely bypass doctors and have pharmacies directly prescribe Paxlovid. Gosh ... what about that long list of medicines and conditions that are on the Paxlovid data sheet ... It's a DOCTOR's job to know his patients details and decide if a drug is appropriate for them .... but the administration ... as usual .... seems to think that everybody is the same .... If you have a positive test for Covid .... have them start taking Paxlovid.

I'm REALLY glad that I don't live in you guys fantasy world.
I'm REALLY glad that I don't live in you guys fantasy world. posting articled from Qanon sites!

BTW, if an article brings in religion, like these Qanon sites do, it probably isn't factual. posting articled from Qanon sites!

BTW, if an article brings in religion, like these Qanon sites do, it probably isn't factual.
See .... There you go again .... Nothing but BS

Must be really paranoid .... Qanon behind every tree.
So ..... Governor DeSantis and his Surgeon General meet with this group of experts and .... front line doctors .... and then announces they are officially recommending that HEALTHY children NOT be vaccinated .... Good for Florida.


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