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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Such a sickening thing to quote when your real attitude is,F everyone.I won’t even wear a mask to protect the vulnerable. You quote words as though they reflect you although you are the polar opposite. You should be reading the words about whited sepluchars.

There are many religious people I admire, but you are absolutely right, BMcL is one of those who give religion a bad name.
Russia (and China) are making the claims about bio weapons being manufactured in those labs, conspiracy theorist, who have made up similar stories about Wuhan China, are repeating them. The scary part is that Russia, who has an ongoing history of poisoning people, both individuals as well in war, will use it as a pretext to justify their continued use.

As for corruption and other shenenigans in Ukraine, I would agree. But their latest guy got elected on an anti corruption platform and was delivering.
Can you "PROVE" that it is (Bio Weapons) a "conspiracy"? Perhaps YOUR assumptions are a "Conspiracy" theory?
"ANYONE" who thinks that the Wuhan Bio Lab is not a possibility of the cause of Covid 19, Has "Bats in there Belfry"
"ANYONE" who thinks that the Wuhan Bio Lab is not a possibility of the cause of Covid 19, Has "Bats in there Belfry"
While something is possible, you have to prove guild. (For example it is possible that Trump raped a 13 year old, it would be unfair to claim that he is a pedophile until it is proven beyond reasonable doubt)
While something is possible, you have to prove guild. (For example it is possible that Trump raped a 13 year old, it would be unfair to claim that he is a pedophile until it is proven beyond reasonable doubt)
There you go side stepping..... again.
There you go side stepping..... again.
Problem understanding how evidence works?

Unless you have evidence for your suggestion that COVID-19 could have been developed in a bio lab in Wuhan China, it can simply be dismissed as yet another conspiracy theory. The lack of evidence to support your hypothesis is enough to dismiss it.
So .... which one of these people sound like they are trying to get to the truth?

I don't know a hatchet job by a known conspiracy site or Lancet. Let me think.

Safety of mRNA vaccines administered during the initial 6 months of the US COVID-19 vaccination programme: an observational study of reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and v-safe​

Published:March 07, 2022DOI:
Do you really think it matters one way or the other what Russia claims?

All these fact blockers have learned their trade by watching what Russia and China do to control the information in their countries.

Trudeau talks about how much he admires Chinas dictatorships ability to control the country.

What Russia and China do to control information is to control the news media and imprison anyone who doesn't tow the company line. They censor the internet by running it through government firewalls and servers.. and when a reporter gets out of hand or refuses to go along, they usually kill them or put them in jail for treason or other high crimes.

Russia just did this a couple days ago.. their internet is now being controlled by the state.
Russia is now doing their normal gaslighting. Kinda sounds like Trump 6 months before the election setting up his "Big Steal" narrative Did Trump learn this from Putin?

Madison Cawthorn calling Zelensky a thug. What on earth has happened to the RepubliKlan party!

All you see is the loud obnoxious ones, but even the average republican still vote for idiots like that because they believe the other party is even worse. I don't see any other reason why voters who proclaim to be for family values and integrity in the US would vote for a presidential candidate, who cheated on all of his wives and known fraudster (Trump university, Trump charity)

You see similar things happen in other countries, Putin's popularity shot up when he invaded Ukraine.
This website is a cesspool of anti-Christian faith.
Just a first-hand observation.
I doubt any debate can be conducted civilly when the owner of the website approves of such hate speech.
It's comical when the owner and moderators of the website ban people who point these flaws out.

I will never view Will Prowse in the same light as I did one year ago when I first posted here.

Of course, if I had never been banned myself, I would never complain.
Treat us all equally ? Fine.
But I've been banned twice. And all because of expressing christian views.
This website is a cesspool of anti-Christian faith.
Just a first-hand observation.
I doubt any debate can be conducted civilly when the owner of the website approves of such hate speech.
It's comical when the owner and moderators of the website ban people who point these flaws out.

I will never view Will Prowse in the same light as I did one year ago when I first posted here.

Of course, if I had never been banned myself, I would never complain.
Treat us all equally ? Fine.
But I've been banned twice. And all because of expressing christian views.

Years ago, when I decided to read the bible and question what I was reading, I had joined a few Christian based website forums. Its not logical to reject something you don't understand, so in order to understand it, I went and did a bit of study..

When questioning biblical passages that weren't favorable to the sales and marketing literature, I was promptly banned.. I mean, you know, when the bible says "Love your neighbor", that's not really something anyone would question.. But when it says you can go ahead and make slaves of other humans.. well... some parts need questioning...
I was warned about my questions several times by the website owners.. and when I ignored their rules, they banned me.. Their website, their rules.. I didn't go crying about it like an 8 year old. In fact, it taught me something about Christianity.

The hypocrisy is stunning.. when the Christians ban people, its their right.. when the Christians get banned, its either hate speech of censorship...
And don't even get me started about the 2000 years of Christians killing non believers.. burning people alive, etc. Hate speech? LOL.. There's no hate speech.. just a bit of ribbing over how ridiculous the whole philosophy is.. don't be a triggered snowflake.

And one more thing genius.. I don't hate Christians.. or Muslims, or people who pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. My two closest friends are both Christians.. they're just not bible thumping wack jobs with old fashioned idiotic "christian views" who join forums to post fake news and conspiracy garbage... "Christian views" is a funny term.. its just code for bigotry, misogyny, and racism.

The 200+ years of slavery in this country were based on your "christian views"..

The owners of this website enjoy their first amendment protections, and if you create your own website, you too will enjoy the same first amendment protections.. Those are protections that the soldiers and the veterans of this country (I'm one of them) served their country to protect.. some of them died to protect your right to free speech and expression, and your right to believe in any magical invisible sky fairy your parents indoctrinate you into.

How about you? Have you served your country to protect it? Or do you just moan and cry about the protections others have provided when they don't work out in your favor?

Here's a statement you should try really hard to understand: I will fight, (and die if needed), to protect your rights to believe whatever you want.. That doesn't mean I have to respect your beliefs, only your right to have them.

The 1st amendment is a two way street. I would say "sorry to burst your bubble", but I'm really not..
All you see is the loud obnoxious ones, but even the average republican still vote for idiots like that because they believe the other party is even worse. I don't see any other reason why voters who proclaim to be for family values and integrity in the US would vote for a presidential candidate, who cheated on all of his wives and known fraudster (Trump university, Trump charity)

You see similar things happen in other countries, Putin's popularity shot up when he invaded Ukraine.

Most of the people in Russia are not happy about him invading Ukraine..
This website is a cesspool of anti-Christian faith.
Another falsehood. Atheist only reject one more god than yourself.

Just a first-hand observation.
You are not very observant, you only see what you want to see.

I doubt any debate can be conducted civilly when the owner of the website approves of such hate speech.
What hate speech? Asking you to provide prove for your god isn't hate speech. You want to see examples of hate speech? Read the old testament, it's hate has no bounds, it even prescribes the killing the vicitms of rape (Deuteronomy 22:23-24)

It's comical when the owner and moderators of the website ban people who point these flaws out.
There you go again, making false allegations. You got a two week suspension, first you claimed it was for abusing other members and later you claimed you did not know why you were suspended for two weeks because you were not told. (You were suspended for lying)

I will never view Will Prowse in the same light as I did one year ago when I first posted here.
Will has nothing to do with that, moderaters have stated that this section is no longer moderated, I doubt Will even reads it.

Of course, if I had never been banned myself, I would never complain.
Really? if your god existed and takes offence to my posts, ask him/her/it to talk with me directly.

Treat us all equally ? Fine.
We are treated equally.

But I've been banned twice. And all because of expressing christian views.
Oh, in this post you claim were suspended for pointing flaws out and claim it is for expressing Christian views. Which one is it?

People like you give Christians a bad name.
Not sure about that, but people there can't speak their mind, so I don't know how reliable the polling is.

My wife is from Kiev.. her mother is still there.. bombs dropping around her.

We have family in Ukraine and Russia on my wife's side.. The general feeling in Russia is pretty grim about the war. Putin is basically telling family to shoot at other family.

As I was explaining to someone in another post, the Russia-Ukraine cultural relationship isn't like USA and Mexico, its more like Ohio and Michigan.. Its all one people culturally..

If you picked any 10 random Ukrainians, half of them would probably have relatives in Russia. This is most likely why we see so many abandoned Russian vehicles.. The soldiers are probably thinking "I'm not going to shoot at a city my brother lives in"
My wife is from Kiev.. her mother is still there.. bombs dropping around her.

We have family in Ukraine and Russia on my wife's side.. The general feeling in Russia is pretty grim about the war. Putin is basically telling family to shoot at other family.

As I was explaining to someone in another post, the Russia-Ukraine cultural relationship isn't like USA and Mexico, its more like Ohio and Michigan.. Its all one people culturally..

If you picked any 10 random Ukrainians, half of them would probably have relatives in Russia. This is most likely why we see so many abandoned Russian vehicles.. The soldiers are probably thinking "I'm not going to shoot at a city my brother lives in"
I hear different stories from different people. I really hope you are right and that the invaders go back home.
Not sure about that, but people there can't speak their mind, so I don't know how reliable the polling is.

Old people, less wealthy and the less educated are pro Putin for the most part because they get fed the misinformation and believe it. Younger, more well educated and more wealthy don't believe the BS they are fed and are against Putin....Sound familiar?


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