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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

This is true. OAS maybe what we are seeing with the reduced benefit of the vaccines to Omicron. This was always a possibility. Odd that you are happy about it or act like it was hidden information. It is well established in immunology----moron.
Do you actually think calling people names makes your posts more credible?
It actually only demonstrates your total lack of character and indicates something has been mentioned that you don't have a good response for.

This OAS phenomena IS well known by people in vaccine development as it relates to flu vaccines .... and now also Covid ..... Which makes a person wonder why they want to keep doing more and more booster shots.
It is NOT well know to the average person who has heard over and over again that the vaccines are still very effective against the variants and the vaccine and boosters are recommended.

The truth is that the current vaccines actually cause a person to have a worse immune response to the variants than the unvaccinated .... that was the quote from the study.
This is also made apparent by looking at how places like Hong Kong, Israel and the UK where they are being ravaged by Omicron as compared to places with lower vaccination rates .... They have both been doing the 4th dose.
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Do you actually think calling people names makes your posts more credible?
It actually only demonstrates your total lack of character and indicates something has been mentioned that you don't have a good response for.

This OAS phenomena IS well known by people in vaccine development as it relates to flu vaccines .... and now also Covid ..... Which makes a person wonder why they want to keep doing more and more booster shots.
It is NOT well know to the average person who has heard over and over again that the vaccines are still very effective against the variants and the vaccine and boosters are recommended.

The truth is that the current vaccines actually cause a person to have a worse immune response to the variants than the unvaccinated .... that was the quote from the study.
This is also made apparent by looking at how places like Hong Kong, Israel and the UK where they are being ravaged by Omicron as compared to places with lower vaccination rates .... They have both been doing the 4th dose.
Well, moron how do you think this arises with the interaction between B cells and T cells? Please explain it to me in detail.

The big fault in your premise is that if OAS, or as now called antigenic seniority, is indeed occurring the solution would have been for everyone to fully comply with ALL restrictive measures and everyone vaccinate right away. It is the spitting off of numerous variants that is causing the problem.

You are assuming this phenomenon, if it is occurring, occurs only as a result of a vaccine. However, people are also exposed to the antigen when they are naturally infected. So when people do not take precautions and are getting repeatedly infected even though not showing symptoms they are creating setting the groundwork for this. The only difference is that with the vaccine, you are getting an antigen exposure without risking your life.

I know you want to make this about the vaccine but it isn't. It is about this particular virus, our immune system's response to the antigens in this virus and the fact that we are getting numerous variants. It is the perfect storm made far worse by anti-vaxxers and ivermectin proponents.

Does it diminish the vaccines and set us up for far more deaths? Yes, theoretically, if it is happening, yes, but that is not due to a vaccine. We will only know after we see more variants and see how people respond to the new vaccines. Right now, we don't know. What is happening in western Europe right now appears to be Omicron 2 and the first Omicron gave no meaningful protection. This appears to be true whether people were vaccinated or not. Anyone who says they know what is happening is lying. Again it remains significant that the vaccinated crowd continues to do much better with regard to hospitalization and death.
The truth is that the current vaccines actually cause a person to have a worse immune response to the variants than the unvaccinated .... that was the quote from the study.
No. There is no evidence that is happening. The numbers are very clear that even with the variants the hospitalization and death rates are far better for the vaccinated. Your reference to Kong Kong, Israel, and the UK also is also not accurate as each of those places are in different stages.
No. There is no evidence that is happening. The numbers are very clear that even with the variants the hospitalization and death rates are far better for the vaccinated. Your reference to Kong Kong, Israel, and the UK also is also not accurate as each of those places are in different stages.
For instance, this was released yesterday and shows a 95% reduction of hospitalization with a booster, across all ages, for Omicron, which applies to BA.2 as well. the
No. There is no evidence that is happening. The numbers are very clear that even with the variants the hospitalization and death rates are far better for the vaccinated. Your reference to Kong Kong, Israel, and the UK also is also not accurate as each of those places are in different stages.
All your post here merely show how deluded you are when it comes to vaccines .... Do you REALLY thing there is a way for the world population to all be vaccinated simultaneously? If we somehow managed to do that it would really make a difference?

I don't trust ANYTHING generated by the CDC at this point.

I'm not going to discuss this any further with you .... I think the conclusion of the Stanford study is self explanatory to anyone beyond a 2nd grade education.
The truth is that the current vaccines actually cause a person to have a worse immune response to the variants than the unvaccinated .... that was the quote from the study.
As time goes on, I'm finding that every time someone uses the word "Truth" or "Patriot", what they're selling is usually anything but..
All your post here merely show how deluded you are when it comes to vaccines .... Do you REALLY thing there is a way for the world population to all be vaccinated simultaneously? If we somehow managed to do that it would really make a difference?

I don't trust ANYTHING generated by the CDC at this point.

I'm not going to discuss this any further with you .... I think the conclusion of the Stanford study is self explanatory to anyone beyond a 2nd grade education.

Sure you do.. you just don't want to accept what they say.. But we both know when you or your loved one gets deathly sick, you're going to run to the nearest hospital and beg them to use their science to save you.
Anyone who has a daughter or has a wife still of child bearing age should watch at least the first part of the following video.

I also found the last 1/3 of this video very eye opening also .... It explains Kipps reaction to anything that doesn't fit the official narrative.

Oh ... Kipp ... please just skip over the childish name calling and skip right to the part where you explain how anything they are saying in the video isn't factual.

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As time goes on, I'm finding that every time someone uses the word "Truth" or "Patriot", what they're selling is usually anything but..
Bob always overstates his case with hyperbole. It doesn't really matter since the rest of his argument is so logically absurd and factually challenged but you will always see him saying things like "world reknowned" "frontline" etc in an attempt to enhance credibility. Doing so is, of course, a logical fallacy but again, what does it really matter, when the rest is obvious regurgitation of propaganda.
As time goes on, I'm finding that every time someone uses the word "Truth" or "Patriot", what they're selling is usually anything but..
So .... are you trying to say the Stanford study isn't factual .... or just doing your normal drive by comments?
Bob always overstates his case with hyperbole. It doesn't really matter since the rest of his argument is so logically absurd and factually challenged but you will always see him saying things like "world reknowned" "frontline" etc in an attempt to enhance credibility. Doing so is, of course, a logical fallacy but again, what does it really matter, when the rest is obvious regurgitation of propaganda.

Said the KING of hyperbole and smoke and mirrors.
All your post here merely show how deluded you are when it comes to vaccines .... Do you REALLY thing there is a way for the world population to all be vaccinated simultaneously? If we somehow managed to do that it would really make a difference?

I don't trust ANYTHING generated by the CDC at this point.

I'm not going to discuss this any further with you .... I think the conclusion of the Stanford study is self explanatory to anyone beyond a 2nd grade education.
Well, it is of course just the CDC reporting information collected elsewhere and the findings repeated elsewhere.

The Stanford study (which you never posted, by the way, isn't even about Coronavirus. Get real. Everyone that understood this in some depth knew OAS was a possibility. You act like you discovered it and it is indeed happening here.

No one else here will doubt that you first heard of this today in some you tube or rumble thing.
So .... are you trying to say the Stanford study isn't factual .... or just doing your normal drive by comments?
I don't debate science with people who don't understand even the basics of science. That would be akin to discussing my stock investments with a 6 year old.

Your condition, as well as most others, is our own fault.. We should have set and enforced educational laws and standards that restricted the graduating of students without a more comprehensive understanding of science.
I don't debate science with people who don't understand even the basics of science. That would be akin to discussing my stock investments with a 6 year old.

Your condition, as well as most others, is our own fault.. We should have set and enforced educational laws and standards that restricted the graduating of students without a more comprehensive understanding of science.
This x1000. This is explained perfectly by Tom Nichols in his book The Death of Expertise.
Well, it is of course just the CDC reporting information collected elsewhere and the findings repeated elsewhere.

The Stanford study (which you never posted, by the way, isn't even about Coronavirus. Get real. Everyone that understood this in some depth knew OAS was a possibility. You act like you discovered it and it is indeed happening here.

No one else here will doubt that you first heard of this today in some you tube or rumble thing.
I got an error message that the file is too large .... You will have to look up the full study for yourself if you are interested in reading it.
I don't debate science with people who don't understand even the basics of science. That would be akin to discussing my stock investments with a 6 year old.

Your condition, as well as most others, is our own fault.. We should have set and enforced educational laws and standards that restricted the graduating of students without a more comprehensive understanding of science.
The way Bob presents this he wants us to believe he has taken at least college-level courses in biochem and immunology or he happened upon it in his daily review of old medical journals. It is obvious bs.
I don't debate science with people who don't understand even the basics of science. That would be akin to discussing my stock investments with a 6 year old.

Your condition, as well as most others, is our own fault.. We should have set and enforced educational laws and standards that restricted the graduating of students without a more comprehensive understanding of science.
If you don't want to debate the study .... then stay out of the conversation instead of just resorting to meaningless BS
I got an error message that the file is too large .... You will have to look up the full study for yourself if you are interested in reading it.
Sometimes people post the title and citations in this situation.
Yeah .... the facts are real scary to you guys .... so the only thing left is do a series of meaningless posts that obscure them.
If you don't want to debate the study .... then stay out of the conversation instead of just resorting to meaningless BS
Why debate the study? It does not relate to this vaccine, virus or coronavirus. The applicability here is highly speculative. I have already stated this. My first line in response to you quoting the Stanford study were "This is true"
Why debate the study? It does not relate to this vaccine, virus or coronavirus. The applicability here is highly speculative. I have already stated this. My first line in response to you quoting the Stanford study were "This is true"
It EXACTLY relates to Covid ... it studies the effectiveness of the vaccine on the variants.
Yeah .... the facts are real scary to you guys .... so the only thing left is do a series of meaningless posts that obscure them.
What facts BOB???? Damn you thick. Okay take the Stanford study which you have not cited yet word for word---so what????????????????
Google is your best friend .... I'm sure you can find it if you want. Anyone else who wants it let me know.
You dont have it because you found this in a garbage right-wing blog.

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diy solar