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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

As usual ... when they find something they don't like .... further study is needed LOL

The snippet I have posted TWICE is perfectly clear .... and the real world experience in Hong kong and Israel support this finding.

For the man that doesn't believe the CDC but believes conspiracy sites. Here is similar data to the CDCs but for Switzerland.


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For the man that doesn't believe the CDC but believes conspiracy sites. Here is similar data to the CDCs but for Switzerland.
How do you explain what is going on in Hong Kong?
They are 80% vaccinated and there is nowhere left to put the bodies. They have exceeded 900 cases per 100,000 per week ..... the previous record for that was held by New York where there were around 500 cases per 100,000 at one point.

In most places Omicron was mild ... where over 80% have 3 or 4 doses it is decimating them.

Also, concerning the snippet I posted earlier which shows are reduced immune response to new variant as compared to unvaccinated .... are you trying to say a weak immune response is actually a good thing?
Some immunologists are concerned that the repeated vaccines could be damaging the immune system.

They specifically say that this antibody response is AS OAS phenomenon .....

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1. Hong Kong is a strange situation as they have been sooo good at keeping low infection numbers they have a large immune naive population. Although 70% have been given double vaccinated, only 30% have been boosted. BA2 is more transmissible than the first Omicron and it seems some of their most vulnerable population is the least likely to be vaccinated. For instance, only 15% of the elderly in care homes are vaccinated. We will have to see what their final numbers look like.

2. On the other. I have explained it to you the best I can. Believe what you want. The quote does not say what you think it says. I wish you would share with us where you picked this up.
1. Hong Kong is a strange situation as they have been sooo good at keeping low infection numbers they have a large immune naive population. Although 70% have been given double vaccinated, only 30% have been boosted. BA2 is more transmissible than the first Omicron and it seems some of their most vulnerable population is the least likely to be vaccinated. For instance, only 15% of the elderly in care homes are vaccinated. We will have to see what their final numbers look like.

2. On the other. I have explained it to you the best I can. Believe what you want. The quote does not say what you think it says. I wish you would share with us where you picked this up.
Why .... so you could attack the source and ignore the study? Seems like you had trouble because there was no discussion of this on Twitter that you could plagiarize.

Another little tidbit .... They also found that it was wrong to try to force previously infected people to be vaccinated.

The way I read the snippet below is that they are concerned that vaccines developed for later variants may not be effective and needs more study.



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How do you explain what is going on in Hong Kong?
They are 80% vaccinated and there is nowhere left to put the bodies. They have exceeded 900 cases per 100,000 per week ..... the previous record for that was held by New York where there were around 500 cases per 100,000 at one point.

In most places Omicron was mild ... where over 80% have 3 or 4 doses it is decimating them.
So here again as you can see from the stats I gave you. You are lying or misinformed. As I said above lets wait to see Hong Kongs final numbers but early reports suggest it is decimating the unvaccinated which would be expected as they are immune naive and many elderly.

Covid-19: Almost 90% of fifth-wave deaths analysed by Hong Kong gov’t were among unvaccinated​

The Centre for Health Protection has analysed 46 deaths recorded since the fifth-wave began. Only six had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.
Why .... so you could attack the source and ignore the study? Seems like you had trouble because there was no discussion of this on Twitter that you could plagiarize.

Another little tidbit .... They also found that it was wrong to try to force previously infected people to be vaccinated.
View attachment 88056

The way I read the snippet below is that they are concerned that vaccines developed for later variants may not be effective and needs more study.

View attachment 88059
How can you possibly say I ignored the study I spent hours with it!!!! The quotes you are snipping simply don't say what you claim they say. yes, i am interested to see who is telling you these things to see if you are misinterpreting them or whether they are engaged in purposeful misinformation.
So here again as you can see from the stats I gave you. You are lying or misinformed. As I said above lets wait to see Hong Kongs final numbers but early reports suggest it is decimating the unvaccinated which would be expected as they are immune naive and many elderly.

Covid-19: Almost 90% of fifth-wave deaths analysed by Hong Kong gov’t were among unvaccinated​

The Centre for Health Protection has analysed 46 deaths recorded since the fifth-wave began. Only six had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.
So ..... thousands are dying and they analyzed 46 deaths .... and don't know how to spell analyzed.

That statistic would be impossible when expanded to include the overwhelming number of deaths .... it would mean that almost everyone unvaccinated is dying from Omicon ....
So ..... thousands are dying and they analyzed 46 deaths .... and don't know how to spell analyzed.

That statistic would be impossible when expanded to include the overwhelming number of deaths .... it would mean that almost everyone unvaccinated is dying from Omicon ....
As the article says, this was back on Feb 26. That is the European-British spelling. I have said three times now we should wait for the final data.
How can you possibly say I ignored the study I spent hours with it!!!!
Where did I say you ignored the study .... I am suggesting that you are trying to mis-interpret it.

You have been trying to interpret a weaker immune response as a good thing. .... it is a BAD thing.
As the article says, this was back on Feb 26. That is the European-British spelling. I have said three times now we should wait for the final data.
That's pretty much the standard response when they see thing they don't want to admit .... needs more study .... that never gets done.
That's pretty much the standard response when they see thing they don't want to admit .... needs more study .... that never gets done.
No it was Feb 26 and at the beginning,. That is the date of the article. You cant analyze data until you have it.
Where did I say you ignored the study .... I am suggesting that you are trying to mis-interpret it.

You have been trying to interpret a weaker immune response as a good thing. .... it is a BAD thing.
"Why .... so you could attack the source and ignore the study? '
"Why .... so you could attack the source and ignore the study? '
That's what you would LIKE to do .... We know that because it is your STANDARD tactic that you use over and over again.

You are the one trying to spread the misinformation that a reduced immune response is a GOOD thing.
That's what you would LIKE to do .... We know that because it is your STANDARD tactic that you use over and over again.

You are the one trying to spread the misinformation that a reduced immune response is a GOOD thing.
Obviously, I have not ignored it and have written my comments. You are the one who pretends you didn't say things you have written.

This confirms what I was saying on Hong Kong.

Virologist Siddharth Sridhar at Hong Kong University’s Department of Microbiology said Hong Kong’s Covid-19 death rate – among the worst in the world – was “tragic but expected”, pinning it on a “perfect storm” of low vaccination rates among elderly people, low rates of prior infection and an overwhelmed healthcare system.
Dhanasekaran said: “The data is really clear … Most people who end up in hospitals are not vaccinated, most people who are in severe conditions are elderly. It is really clear what has gone amiss.”

Obviously, I have not ignored it and have written my comments. You are the one who pretends you didn't say things you have written.

This confirms what I was saying on Hong Kong.

Virologist Siddharth Sridhar at Hong Kong University’s Department of Microbiology said Hong Kong’s Covid-19 death rate – among the worst in the world – was “tragic but expected”, pinning it on a “perfect storm” of low vaccination rates among elderly people, low rates of prior infection and an overwhelmed healthcare system.
Dhanasekaran said: “The data is really clear … Most people who end up in hospitals are not vaccinated, most people who are in severe conditions are elderly. It is really clear what has gone amiss.”


Omicron has been a MILD virus and yet Hong Kong has been decimated by it. Why didn't the much more virulent delta strain kill all these people?
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Omicron has been a MILD virus and yet Hong Kong has been decimated by it. Why didn't the much more virulent delta strain kill all these people?
Because they have never been exposed to the virus before. Omicron 2 is just as deadly in a person that has been exposed via infection or vaccine before as delta. Omicron is not inherently mild, it is as virulent as Delta, it is just that we have so many vaccinated and previously infected people compared to Hong Kong. They only had 500 deaths before this last wave.
Because they have never been exposed to the virus before. Omicron 2 is just as deadly in a person that has been exposed via infection or vaccine before as delta. Omicron is not inherently mild, it is as virulent as Delta, it is just that we have so many vaccinated and previously infected people compared to Hong Kong. They only had 500 deaths before this last wave.
Why did hardly anyone die of Omicron in South Africa? We had a LOT of cases but a MUCH lower percentage of deaths .... The consensus of everyone except you is that Omicron was mild compared to Delta.
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Omicron has been a MILD virus and yet Hong Kong has been decimated by it. Why didn't the much more virulent delta strain kill all these people?
Oh well here is the Atlantic. You can read the whole thing at the link. Again I think we should wait for the whole story BUT

"The missteps are almost too numerous to recount, but the worst ones have to do with Hong Kong’s singular inability to vaccinate its population. The government’s efforts were from the start imbued with politics and marred by poor messaging. It initially rushed through approval of the China-made Sinovac vaccine, and city leaders made a show of being inoculated with it, despite a better option—BioNTech’s mRNA jab—being available. (The large majority of deaths have been among the unvaccinated, but officials refuse to disclose data on which vaccine was administered to those who died after being vaccinated.)"
Why did hardly anyone die of Omicron in South Africa? We had a LOT of cases but a MUCH lower percentage of deaths .... The consensus of everyone except you is that Omicron was mild compared to Delta.
because SA had very high rates of Covid previously. That had an estimate of 72% infected before Omicron ever hit.
Why did hardly anyone die of Omicron in South Africa? We had a LOT of cases but a MUCH lower percentage of deaths .... The consensus of everyone except you is that Omicron was mild compared to Delta.
The consensus of people is on population-based virulence. However, if you exposed an immune naive person to Omicron, the answer is unclear. That is called intrinsic severity. So Hong Kong has a large portion of its population that is immune naive getting hit with a virus that is much more transmissible than delta and likely as severe.
Why did hardly anyone die of Omicron in South Africa? We had a LOT of cases but a MUCH lower percentage of deaths .... The consensus of everyone except you is that Omicron was mild compared to Delta.
By the way. I guess you have chosen to just pretend this didn't happen?

Kipp ..... You like to use the term disinformation over and over again .... just like in this video. People using that term over and over again are the MOST likely to be spreading misinformation. Supposed journalist in this case that were shilling for the Bidens to help him get elected.
Everyone should watch this video and know who the people were who are totally willing to spread disinformation while accusing others of doing it .... that way you can be careful listening to these people and may be able to recognize it the next time.

For those of you who may not know ... even the New York Times has now admitted that the laptop and associated emails WERE Hunter Biden's.

The term "conspiracy theory" is another term thrown around by the same people and should cause you to raise a red flag.
Kipp ..... You like to use the term disinformation over and over again .... just like in this video. People using that term over and over again are the MOST likely to be spreading misinformation. Supposed journalist in this case that were shilling for the Bidens to help him get elected.
Everyone should watch this video and know who the people were who are totally willing to spread disinformation while accusing others of doing it .... that way you can be careful listening to these people and may be able to recognize it the next time.

For those of you who may not know ... even the New York Times has now admitted that the laptop and associated emails WERE Hunter Biden's.

The term "conspiracy theory" is another term thrown around by the same people and should cause you to raise a red flag.
Trying a little misdirection are you?

So here is a more recent article citing the one you are providing snippets of. Do you want me to interpret it for you or will you go to your 'sources'?

Kipp ..... You like to use the term disinformation over and over again .... just like in this video. People using that term over and over again are the MOST likely to be spreading misinformation. Supposed journalist in this case that were shilling for the Bidens to help him get elected.
Everyone should watch this video and know who the people were who are totally willing to spread disinformation while accusing others of doing it .... that way you can be careful listening to these people and may be able to recognize it the next time.

For those of you who may not know ... even the New York Times has now admitted that the laptop and associated emails WERE Hunter Biden's.

The term "conspiracy theory" is another term thrown around by the same people and should cause you to raise a red flag.
Does this graphic from the article help you??? I await your response.


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Kipp ..... You like to use the term disinformation over and over again .... just like in this video. People using that term over and over again are the MOST likely to be spreading misinformation. Supposed journalist in this case that were shilling for the Bidens to help him get elected.
Everyone should watch this video and know who the people were who are totally willing to spread disinformation while accusing others of doing it .... that way you can be careful listening to these people and may be able to recognize it the next time.

For those of you who may not know ... even the New York Times has now admitted that the laptop and associated emails WERE Hunter Biden's.

The term "conspiracy theory" is another term thrown around by the same people and should cause you to raise a red flag.

There were 50 "intelligence official" who signed a letter claiming the laptop story was Russian disinformation as well.
Their names have now been published if anyone is interested in knowing who they were ..... So .... it was not only the media spreading the disinformation .... but a large number of intel officials as well.
Most have remained silent about the letter since ..... but some are trying to weasel out of it by parsing words in the same way Kipp does.


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