diy solar

diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Does this graphic from the article help you??? I await your response.
This ARTICLE is clearly damage control .... I will stand by the snippets from the people doing the STUDY. My biggest concern is the signals for reduced immune response after the vaccines .... but my interest has moved on.

Sorry you are stuck on that I have moved on.
This ARTICLE is clearly damage control .... I will stand by the snippets from the people doing the STUDY. My biggest concern is the signals for reduced immune response after the vaccines .... but my interest has moved on.

Sorry you are stuck on that I have moved on.
Damage control? It is from an entirely different publication. Of course, you have moved on. you have moved on from both this and ivermectin. Wonder why??????????????
Damage control? It is from an entirely different publication. Of course, you have moved on. you have moved on from both this and ivermectin. Wonder why??????????????
Because people already have enough information to make up their own mind or trigger their own research if they want.

You are the only one here who wants to TELL people what to think .... I post things that might que a person to be curious enough to think and research for themselves. I'm not into discussion ad nauseum like you are.
Because people already have enough information to make up their own mind or trigger their own research if they want.

You are the only one here who wants to TELL people what to think .... I post things that might que a person to be curious enough to think and research for themselves. I'm not into discussion ad nauseum like you are.
Uh huh...............
Because people already have enough information to make up their own mind or trigger their own research if they want.

You are the only one here who wants to TELL people what to think .... I post things that might que a person to be curious enough to think and research for themselves. I'm not into discussion ad nauseum like you are.
So are these examples of you NOT telling people what to believe:

"The truth is that the current vaccines actually cause a person to have a worse immune response to the variants than the unvaccinated .... that was the quote from the study."

"I think the conclusion of the Stanford study is self explanatory to anyone beyond a 2nd grade education."

There were 50 "intelligence official" who signed a letter claiming the laptop story was Russian disinformation as well.
Their names have now been published if anyone is interested in knowing who they were ..... So .... it was not only the media spreading the disinformation .... but a large number of intel officials as well.
Most have remained silent about the letter since ..... but some are trying to weasel out of it by parsing words in the same way Kipp does.

This is a PERFECT example of the absolute fraud that the Media and Gov. officials do when it does not "fit" there narrative and claim..............wait for it...................."Conspiracy Theory"......... then of course, they blow it off as "old" news.
Kipp ..... You like to use the term disinformation over and over again .... just like in this video. People using that term over and over again are the MOST likely to be spreading misinformation. Supposed journalist in this case that were shilling for the Bidens to help him get elected.
Everyone should watch this video and know who the people were who are totally willing to spread disinformation while accusing others of doing it .... that way you can be careful listening to these people and may be able to recognize it the next time.

For those of you who may not know ... even the New York Times has now admitted that the laptop and associated emails WERE Hunter Biden's.

The term "conspiracy theory" is another term thrown around by the same people and should cause you to raise a red flag.
Here is a second analysis published since the study you stated said the vaccine was doomed by OAS. In yet a different journal. interest both these immunologists interpret the study you posted the same way I do. I just don't know whether to believe these immunology journals or ivermectin groupie without any medical background Bob B. Suck on this quote Bobby:

Regardless, mRNA vaccines containing the original Wuhan Spike appear to be capable of generating and boosting memory B cell responses and associated antibodies with the capacity to recognize all current SARS-CoV-2 VOCs and may provide lasting protection against future variants.

This is a PERFECT example of the absolute fraud that the Media and Gov. officials do when it does not "fit" there narrative and claim..............wait for it...................."Conspiracy Theory"......... then of course, they blow it off as "old" news.
Hmmmm ..... Makes me start to wonder .... what exactly is the definition of "deep state"?
Hmmmm ..... Makes me start to wonder .... what exactly is the definition of "deep state"? you do believe there is something called "deep state"?

Pretty funny Hunter Biden's laptop all of a sudden is a story again. Republicans realize all their crazies that supported Putin are killing there "story" to try and win the midterms so they resurrect this BS. Giulianni has had this laptop for what...1 1/2 years now? you do believe there is something called "deep state"?
Just asked a question .... do you?

I'm not sure what to call it when you have 50 intelligence officials working in concert with a political party and many media outlets to control a narrative in a fake way.
Not one you?
I'm not sure what to call it when you have 50 intelligence officials working in concert with a political party and many media outlets to control a narrative in a fake way to hurt the other political party.
I'm not sure what to call it when you have 50 intelligence officials working in concert with a political party and many media outlets to control a narrative in a fake way to hurt the other political party.
He thinks he is saying something true. Is this still about hunter? get a life.
Jeez he is a moron. Everyday the stupidity that he writes gets more and more crazy.
Yes BMcl drove right off the bridge but he started in crazy land. Bob B wins the prize for steepest delusional descent in a forum thread.
Jeez he is a moron. Everyday the stupidity that he writes gets more and more crazy.
If you look at what I have posted you will see the proof .... I posted a video and a MSN story that show exactly what I posted.
If you failed to see those posts .... that is your loss
Yes BMcl drove right off the bridge but he started in crazy land. Bob B wins the prize for steepest delusional descent in a forum thread.
What EXACTLY have I said that isn't accurate that you guys are so worked?
If you look at what I have posted you will see the proof .... I posted a video and a MSN story that show exactly what I posted.
If you failed to see those posts .... that is your loss
I will take the loss. Is this the same story where Hunter allegedly dropped off his computer to a blind computer repairman who claims to have seen something and given it to rudy g/
I will take the loss. Is this the same story where Hunter allegedly dropped off his computer to a blind computer repairman who claims to have seen something and given it to rudy g/
It's NOT allegedly any more .... Even the New York Times has admitted the authenticity of the laptop and the emails ..... do you guys live under a rock?

diy solar

diy solar