diy solar

diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

I am upset about you and your constant stream of lies.
I didn't lie about Hunter Biden ... or the 50 intelligence agents signing a false letter .... the video of all the media hacks wasn't a lie .... I think you must be a little too invested in things that have been proven false.
I didn't lie about Hunter Biden ... or the 50 intelligence agents signing a false letter .... the video of all the media hacks wasn't a lie .... I think you must be a little too invested in things that have been proven false.
No, you did not actually read the study--which led in part to you misstating what it said. The snippets were out of context and did not say what others told you they said.
No, you did not actually read the study--which led in part to you misstating what it said. The snippets were out of context and did not say what others told you they said.
Really ..... You want to start over on that again?
Now crazy Marjorie Trailertrash Greene is getting crazier.

Republican party...what happened to you?
I'm not worked up .... I'm happy that some of these things are finally seeing the light of day .... a couple years late.
Durham does seem to be quite the bull dog .... his is slowly showing how the whole Russia collusion thing was in Hillary's camp. As usual .... they were trying to claim someone else was guilty of what they were doing.

I don't know the detail of the charges .... guess we'll find out if the indictment is issued.
It took all day, but there it is, the dumbest fucking thing I've seen today.
Republican party...what happened to you?

They feel threatened by the increasing influence of minorities.... It really is that simple.. and this increase in minority control is responsible for about 90% of all civil wars throughout history in every country on the planet.

Conservative brains have more processing power within the lobe that processes fear based emotions.. the lobe is actually physically larger. Google Liberal Brain vs Conservative Brain and you can read the studies done with FMRI scans. The researchers can determine, with greater than 70% accuracy, if someone is a liberal or a conservative, just by looking at their brain scans.

The typical white evangelical male feels like he's losing his rightful place in society..... and that scares the crap out of them.

Oddly enough, most of these conservatives don't even understand why they think the way they do.
They feel threatened by the increasing influence of minorities.... It really is that simple.. and this increase in minority control is responsible for about 90% of all civil wars throughout history in every country on the planet.

Conservative brains have more processing power within the lobe that processes fear based emotions.. the lobe is actually physically larger. Google Liberal Brain vs Conservative Brain and you can read the studies done with FMRI scans. The researchers can determine, with greater than 70% accuracy, if someone is a liberal or a conservative, just by looking at their brain scans.

The typical white evangelical male feels like he's losing his rightful place in society..... and that scares the crap out of them.

Oddly enough, most of these conservatives don't even understand why they think the way they do.
Are the researchers the same people that compiled covid19 data?
I'm not sure what to call it when you have 50 intelligence officials working in concert with a political party and many media outlets to control a narrative in a fake way to hurt the other political party.
From what I understand the fraud wasnt by the intelligence officials it was from the NY Times.

The officials wrote a letter the gist of which was "this has all the appearances of russian disinfo, but we have no actual evidence that it is."

The NY Times ran a story about the letter but left off the part in italics. The story missing the disclaimer was picked up by most of the media and repeated as fact, even by Adam Schiff in congress.

You can call the intel officials biased.

I love how people are trying to say the laptop has nothing to do with Joe.
Some of the laptop emails include a thank you from a Burisma official for the introduction and meeting with the vice president, which Joe said didnt happen.

Hunter has received millions of dollars from a number of entities that his father would have had policy influence to benefit. How can they be so dishonest?
They feel threatened by the increasing influence of minorities.... It really is that simple.. and this increase in minority control is responsible for about 90% of all civil wars throughout history in every country on the planet.

Conservative brains have more processing power within the lobe that processes fear based emotions.. the lobe is actually physically larger. Google Liberal Brain vs Conservative Brain and you can read the studies done with FMRI scans. The researchers can determine, with greater than 70% accuracy, if someone is a liberal or a conservative, just by looking at their brain scans.

The typical white evangelical male feels like he's losing his rightful place in society..... and that scares the crap out of them.

Oddly enough, most of these conservatives don't even understand why they think the way they do.
Absolutely, this is a fear panic response.
Sordid details of the Biden Crime Syndicate:

These people may be the biggest crooks to ever hold office, or at least since the last biggest crooks. The Clintons.
You reference websites from Colombia domains ??

Why don't you move to Colombia and live there? Send us a post card and let us know how that works out for you....
From what I understand the fraud wasnt by the intelligence officials it was from the NY Times.

The officials wrote a letter the gist of which was "this has all the appearances of russian disinfo, but we have no actual evidence that it is."

The NY Times ran a story about the letter but left off the part in italics. The story missing the disclaimer was picked up by most of the media and repeated as fact, even by Adam Schiff in congress.

You can call the intel officials biased.

I love how people are trying to say the laptop has nothing to do with Joe.
Some of the laptop emails include a thank you from a Burisma official for the introduction and meeting with the vice president, which Joe said didnt happen.

Hunter has received millions of dollars from a number of entities that his father would have had policy influence to benefit. How can they be so dishonest?
I think they wrote it that way intentionally so the media could make hay with it but they had cover if stuff hit the fan.
That's the parsing of words I was talking about .... they made it so it could be twisted to say something it actually didn't by the likes of Schiff and the partnered media.
I think they wrote it that way intentionally so the media could make hay with it but they had cover if stuff hit the fan.
That's the parsing of words I was talking about .... they made it so it could be twisted to say something it actually didn't by the likes of Schiff and the partnered media.
LOL....the laptop nonsense will go away as quickly as when it started....just like before. You Qanon nut cases are hilarious

LOL....the laptop nonsense will go away as quickly as when it started....just like before. You Qanon nut cases are hilarious

Your appraisal of the laptop would be completely different if it had been owned by someone in the Trump family .... We, on the other hand, would have condemned what it contained either way ..... It's pretty ridiculous that Hunter Biden is still walking around a free man and his father with dementia who helped him commit international crimes still won the presidency.

It's hard to figure how you and your comrades got so warped.
Your appraisal of the laptop would be completely different if it had been owned by someone in the Trump family .... We, on the other hand, would have condemned what it contained either way ..... It's pretty ridiculous that Hunter Biden is still walking around a free man and his father with dementia who helped him commit international crimes still won the presidency.

It's hard to figure how you and your comrades got so warped.
Yesterday you didn't know what crimes he would be charged with--now he committed international crimes---you can't name. Crazy much?
Yesterday you didn't know what crimes he would be charged with--now he committed international crimes---you can't name. Crazy much?
Really? I choose to wait and see what he is indicted for .... I have seen interviews with his business partner who has evidence of international crimes ..... That is completely independent of what the grand jury is doing ... maybe that is just too hard for you to understand.
Really? I choose to wait and see what he is indicted for .... I have seen interviews with his business partner who has evidence of international crimes ..... That is completely independent of what the grand jury is doing ... maybe that is just too hard for you to understand.
Has he been indicted? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO So why are you saying he shouldn't be a free man?????
Really? I choose to wait and see what he is indicted for .... I have seen interviews with his business partner who has evidence of international crimes ..... That is completely independent of what the grand jury is doing ... maybe that is just too hard for you to understand.
How do you function in society? I mean are you even smart enough to operate an ATM machine?

diy solar

diy solar