diy solar

diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

If he committed some sort of crime, then he should go to prison. Not unlike Humpty Trumpty.
These people may be the biggest crooks to ever hold office, or at least since the last biggest crooks. The Clintons.
Trump is a convicted fraudster, look it up. (Trump university, Trump charity) What did the Clintons get convicted for?
Well .... I wouldn't have used the C word.
If you had the misfortunate of sharing Bob's inability to reason you would look at this chart and say:

OMG!!!!!! The vaccine REDUCES heart attacks in young men by almost 70%%%%%%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ISNT THE VACCINE MANDATORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE STORY.


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Hmmmm, sounds like Mr. Science had his feelings hurt.
Your response just confirmed what I said.

Sometimes it just better to remain quiet and let people think you're an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.
Yes, I was trying to help you.. Do you need a picture to go with my response?

And I, you. You seem to need it unless the boorish behavior and insecurity evidenced by your typical posts here are not a fair representation of your personality.
And I, you. You seem to need it unless the boorish behavior and insecurity evidenced by your typical posts here are not a fair representation of your personality.
Apparently you do need a picture..
It would be helpful. Art therapy can be a very effective treatment for personality disorders.
If you had the misfortunate of sharing Bob's inability to reason you would look at this chart and say:

OMG!!!!!! The vaccine REDUCES heart attacks in young men by almost 70%%%%%%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ISNT THE VACCINE MANDATORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE STORY.
Deaths have gone up by over 400 in the chart below since I last posted this chart .... but of course Kipp doesn't think it means anything.

Oh ... and I am REALLY disappointed that in your quest to keep us informed you haven't posted about the CDC .... unannounced .... reduced the number of Covid deaths in there system by over 25% in the under 18 age group .... and also across all age groups.

..... There is good new ... actually GREAT news .... Fauci may be retiring. They will probably burn up several shredders between now and then.

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Both charts are equally meaningful for the points being made. I post something to show how idiotic you are and you respond by demonstrating it in real-time.

Here Bob/

Thanks to a new study from the UK we are now beginning to uncover the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the brain. This study documents significant cortical gray matter loss, equivalent to nearly 10 years of aging. But by all means, do not take the vaccine due to a theoretical risk from a paper you misread.

Both charts are equally meaningful for the points being made. I post something to show how idiotic you are and you respond by demonstrating it in real-time.

Here Bob/

Thanks to a new study from the UK we are now beginning to uncover the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the brain. This study documents significant cortical gray matter loss, equivalent to nearly 10 years of aging. But by all means, do not take the vaccine due to a theoretical risk from a paper you misread.

Have you had Covid? That would explain a LOT.

My points about the vaccine are more about informed consent so an individual risk vs reward can be accomplished.
Have you had Covid? That would explain a LOT.

My points about the vaccine are more about informed consent so an individual risk vs reward can be accomplished.
Informed consent. Another term you read in a blog. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Have you had Covid? That would explain a LOT.

My points about the vaccine are more about informed consent so an individual risk vs reward can be accomplished.
Both charts are equally meaningful for the points being made. I post something to show how idiotic you are and you respond by demonstrating it in real-time.

Here Bob/

Thanks to a new study from the UK we are now beginning to uncover the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the brain. This study documents significant cortical gray matter loss, equivalent to nearly 10 years of aging. But by all means, do not take the vaccine due to a theoretical risk from a paper you misread.

Did you ignore this little snippet from that article?

MORON. A fully vaccinated population with restrictions reduces ALL infections.
It has been shown over and over again with Omicron that the vaccine doesn't prevent infections .... Only severity.
Did you find anywhere in that article where it said vaccination status made a difference?

I don't why you call others names and then lie.
It has been shown over and over again with Omicron that the vaccine doesn't prevent infections .... Only severity.
Did you find anywhere in that article where it said vaccination status made a difference?

I don't why you call others names and then lie.
Lie? As I told you yesterday we need to stop the variants. Moderna and Pfizer both already have an Omicron-specific vaccine. You fight efforts all the way and then say "see nothing can be done". As I said we need indoor clean air, masking, and other restrictions. Not misinformation.

How Vaers works has been explained to you multiple times. The raw numbers are meaningless except to spot irregularities. That 9s how they picked up both the myocarditis and the clotting.
It has been shown over and over again with Omicron that the vaccine doesn't prevent infections .... Only severity.
Did you find anywhere in that article where it said vaccination status made a difference?

I don't why you call others names and then lie.
By the way, this is also wrong as the vaccine, at least with the boost, did reduce the number of infections.
By the way, this is also wrong as the vaccine, at least with the boost, did reduce the number of infections.
There have been studies both ways .... I can find them that say it didn't .... You can find them that say it did.
If vaccination status made any difference in that brain damage report they would have been shouting it from the rooftops.
That's why it's almost impossible to know the truth .... Now CDC is silently adjusting their numbers ... REAL unbiased Covid data is a hard thing to find.
There have been studies both ways .... I can find them that say it didn't .... You can find them that say it did.
If vaccination status made any difference in that brain damage report they would have been shouting it from the rooftops.
That's why it's almost impossible to know the truth .... Now CDC is silently adjusting their numbers ... REAL unbiased Covid data is a hard thing to find.
No you haven't seen studies both ways.
You understand that numbers are double-checked and old information updated. right? Stuff filters in from the state and numbers are confirmed. I don't know if you are talking about vaers numbers or CDC mortality numbers but that stuff will change. That is a massive data pool. I know you want o see conspiracies around every corner but they arent there.

diy solar

diy solar