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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

You understand that numbers are double-checked and old information updated. right? Stuff filters in from the state and numbers are confirmed. I don't know if you are talking about vaers numbers or CDC mortality numbers but that stuff will change. That is a massive data pool. I know you want o see conspiracies around every corner but they arent there.
When confronted .... they said they said they found a problem with an algorithm.

Why do you constantly misrepresent things? We need to have a full time fact checker follow you wherever you go.
When confronted .... they said they said they found a problem with an algorithm.

Why do you constantly misrepresent things? We need to have a full time fact checker follow you wherever you go.
I am not misrepresenting anything. I was just telling you the numbers will change. A typo, an algorithm, slow reporting. Whatever. Why did you post the article about the israeli study? It confirms the vaccine does reduce infections against omicron, just not a lot. If that was supposed to contradict what I said you still can’t read.
I am not misrepresenting anything. I was just telling you the numbers will change. A typo, an algorithm, slow reporting. Whatever. Why did you post the article about the israeli study? It confirms the vaccine does reduce infections against omicron, just not a lot. If that was supposed to contradict what I said you still can’t read.
And that is why I pick on the unemployment rate under Trump, showing that Bob lives in lala land. Experts and the evidence they bring, only reinforces the false notion that the conspiracy is real and even more widespread.
You reference websites from Colombia domains ??

Why don't you move to Colombia and live there? Send us a post card and let us know how that works out for you....

"Twitter uses the domain as part of a service to protect users from harmful activity, to provide value for the developer ecosystem, and as a quality signal for surfacing relevant, interesting Tweets."

Thats a US Senate report. Remain ignorant, I dont really GAF.
LOL. When did Trump get a criminal conviction for fraud? Youre lying.
You are right, he was not convicted, he only agreed to pay back some of the money he took.

See how easy it is?

Now it is your turn. What did the Clintons get convicted for?
Instead of cherry picking a single study .... why don't we look at the average of all 81 studies.

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Nice try. Observational and many of them discredited. We have had two major double-blind randomized controlled clinical trials released in the last 60 days. It doesn't work Bob. Think just a week ago you were saying no one would do a randomized clinical trial. Donate your stash to a horse farm.
Instead of cherry picking a single study .... why don't we look at the average of all 81 studies.

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All of this has been a money scam that killed people. The very first study, that kicked this off, found that ivermectin could kill the virus in the lab but the doses could not be achieved in a human without killing them.

From that day forward we knew.

Those "studies" you cite were reviewed by Cochrane in a metanalysis, they were reviewed by the drug approving agency of every western country, they were reviewed by every medical association in every country. All of them said there is no evidence and they would need to see a major clinical trial to change their minds. We now have two that decisively found Ivermectin does not work. What follows from that is that the people dishing this crap have killed people for profit and you are their stooge. I have told you your nonsense will kill people for many months now. No one can even describe a method of action by which ivermectin could work. You might as well say a piece of lettuce will kill Covid.
Instead of cherry picking a single study .... why don't we look at the average of all 81 studies.

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Who writes the IVMMETA analysis you cite Bob? Who?

They refuse to identify themselves and have consequently been banned on many platforms for misinformation. What you just cited is shit. They create their own methodology and use those numbers to cite improvement...ridiculous.
Bob today you cite IVMMETA. Here is what I posted to you on November 16, 2021:

"IVMMETA is not a real meta-analysis. It has never been published. The site has been blocked from Twitter as misinformation. The site is not associated with any university or research hospital. The names and credentials of the people populating IVMMETA are not known. Medical research is done in accordance with established protocols for a reason."

But still, you keep posting misinformation.
Bob today you cite IVMMETA. Here is what I posted to you on November 16, 2021:

"IVMMETA is not a real meta-analysis. It has never been published. The site has been blocked from Twitter as misinformation. The site is not associated with any university or research hospital. The names and credentials of the people populating IVMMETA are not known. Medical research is done in accordance with established protocols for a reason."

But still, you keep posting misinformation.
Twitter criteria for blocking things .... If in any way the post makes it less likely that people would get vaccinated .... it is blocked .... NOTHING to do with whether it is true or not.
But ... we know you are a Twitter hound .... so it's not too surprising you think being blocked by Twitter is relevant. Seems kinda like you are just plagiarizing Twitter again.

There are links to all the studies .... You are the one pushing misinformation when you claim this is misinformation. There are also links to other meta analyses with similar results .... The studies are broken down into categories like early treatment and prophylaxis.


I'm not going to engage in further discussion about it .... others can look at the list of studies .... look at the individual studies and decide for themselves.

There is also a method at the bottom to provide feedback if you want ... go for it.
Twitter criteria for blocking things .... If in any way the post makes it less likely that people would get vaccinated .... it is blocked .... NOTHING to do with whether it is true or not.
But ... we know you are a Twitter hound .... so it's not too surprising you think being blocked by Twitter is relevant. Seems kinda like you are just plagiarizing Twitter again.

There are links to all the studies .... You are the one pushing misinformation when you claim this is misinformation. There are also links to other meta analyses with similar results .... The studies are broken down into categories like early treatment and prophylaxis.

View attachment 88335

I'm not going to engage in further discussion about it .... others can look at the list of studies .... look at the individual studies and decide for themselves.

There is also a method at the bottom to provide feedback if you want ... go for it.
Yes, Twitter has a whole section on how to respond to ignorant conspiracy theorists and I plagiarize it.
Nice try. Observational and many of them discredited. We have had two major double-blind randomized controlled clinical trials released in the last 60 days. It doesn't work Bob. Think just a week ago you were saying no one would do a randomized clinical trial. Donate your stash to a horse farm.
Oh ... I almost forgot .... here is another lie from Kipp.
I guess he is used to getting away with his lies other places .... or just tapping into the Twitter lies.

The analysis includes at least 30 randomized control trial and the vast majority of them showed in favor of Ivermectin.

You are the one that said no one would do a randomized controlled trial just last week and now you want to show me what 30 of them? Again with IVMMETA even though it is a known source of misinformation. They we reviewed in the Cochrane analysis which I have previously discussed and linked. I have also previously provided links to specific analyses of almost every study listed. That is distortion of the worst order.

Finally, let me say this really slow- a RANDOMIZED DOUBLE-BLIND CLINICAL TRIAL. The fact that you do not know the difference is your problem, not mine.

Accuse me of lying again and you will start down the road of BMcl. Fair warning.
You are the one that said no one would do a randomized controlled trial just last week and now you want to show me what 30 of them? Again with IVMMETA even though it is a known source of misinformation. They we reviewed in the Cochrane analysis which I have previously discussed and linked. I have also previously provided links to specific analyses of almost every study listed. That is distortion of the worst order.

Finally, let me say this really slow- a RANDOMIZED DOUBLE-BLIND CLINICAL TRIAL. The fact that you do not know the difference is your problem, not mine.

Accuse me of lying again and you will start down the road of BMcl. Fair warning.
You mean .... don't call you out when you aren't telling the truth or there will be consequences? That sounded like a threat to me ... maybe there is a line that can't be crossed on this thread?

You said these were observational studies and were therefore meaningless .... That's a lie

Is running around the internet spreading propaganda a source of income for you?
You mean .... don't call you out when you aren't telling the truth or there will be consequences? That sounded like a threat to me ... maybe there is a line that can't be crossed on this thread?

You said these were observational studies and were therefore meaningless .... That's a lie

Is running around the internet spreading propaganda a source of income for you?
No it isn't a lie. Who wrote the graph you put up. Name them.
No it isn't a lie. Who wrote the graph you put up. Name them.
Look .... they linked to all the studies ..... it's pretty easy to figure what the truth is.
If you were simply mistaken .... I would accept that.
You mean .... don't call you out when you aren't telling the truth or there will be consequences? That sounded like a threat to me ... maybe there is a line that can't be crossed on this thread?

You said these were observational studies and were therefore meaningless .... That's a lie

Is running around the internet spreading propaganda a source of income for you?
How can I lie about something when it says 81 studies? It doesn't even say what they are? It says studies. Who put the graph together?
How can I lie about something when it says 81 studies? It doesn't even say what they are? It says studies. Who put the graph together?
What don't you understand ..... they linked to all the studies .... that chart I just posted is ALL RCT's .... The chart came from that analysis.

If your getting paid to do this .... someone should be asking for money back.
Look .... they linked to all the studies ..... it's pretty easy to figure what the truth is.
If you were simply mistaken .... I would accept that.
I am not going to read all of those. I have posted about them before. It said 81 studies above. Now it lists 32. I am not going to go to a recognized site of disinformation and then tell you something you will flatly disagree with even though you cannot understand. I did not mean who did the studies. I meant who put these charts together that you are posting? What is their background?

diy solar

diy solar