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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories and false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.

You guys think you are diminishing me .... but, in fact ... you are diminishing yourselves.
You are proving to us all how shallow you are .... that all you have is name calling and no substance.

It's a shame really that there are so many in society today who have never grown up.
Ahh Cancel Culture Social-Justice Warriors, lie, defame, shame, name calling. What a brave new world you are creating. acting in fascist, authoritarian ways and to boot denying it the whole way......
Awwwwwwwww Poor Bobby Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Says he has been canceled while posting one BS article after another.
I think it is time for you to come clean with us about why you are REALLY on this thread.

You guys think you are diminishing me .... but, in fact ... you are diminishing yourselves.
You are proving to us all how shallow you are .... that all you have is name calling and no substance.

It's a shame really that there are so many in society today who have never grown up.
It's cool that you are so open with your mental illness.
That's not an answer ..... a simple yes or no will do.
No. But why is that meaningful to you? You think the CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA, and every other major medical association and worldwide regulatory agency is lying to you, so why would you believe my answer? Do you see how incredibly screwed up your head is? You know my real name. I have told you I am also on Twitter. Why would anyone pay me to argue with you? BMcl is gone and the likes of Grizzman and Batvetter were lost to the world decades ago.
No. But why is that meaningful to you? You think the CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA, and every other major medical association and worldwide regulatory agency is lying to you, so why would you believe my answer? Do you see how incredibly screwed up your head is? You know my real name. I have told you I am also on Twitter. Why would anyone pay me to argue with you? BMcl is gone and the likes of Grizzman and Batvetter were lost to the world decades ago.
You are right about 1 thing .... I don't believe you.

I will eventually get tired of this thread like others who were actually interested in finding the truth in an internet full of garbage.
For now, I will just post things I find interesting and then watch you guys make fools of yourselves.
...others who were actually interested in finding the truth...
That is the standard Qanon conspiracy quote that the BSers try to make you believe their story.

I am sure you will continue to post BS articles you found on's the only thing you know how to do.
Ahh Cancel Culture Social-Justice Warriors, lie, defame, shame, name calling. What a brave new world you are creating. acting in fascist, authoritarian ways and to boot denying it the whole way......
Did you complete high school?
Did you complete high school?
Maybe I got mixed up but I believe he once identified himself as an engineer but then later it was computer software programming. Statistically, the conspiracy types are lower-income, low education, whites but there are exceptions. He is older and has a wife with health problems. As far as I can tell the big common denominator with conspiracy types is some type of failure in their lives combined with the belief that others are responsible. These people are essentially losers that would prefer to question reality than face themselves. They have extremely low emotional intelligence and when you throw in Christian nationalism, it is quite a package. Bob was interesting because he at first tried to hide it and say he was only asking questions but now he is balls to the wall crazy. He does sometimes bring up good points in critiquing something I post but seems absolutely incapable of introspection or recognizing any weakness in things that affirm his held beliefs. We have repeatedly factually and logically overwhelmed him and I think he actually believes he is holding his own.
Maybe I got mixed up but I believe he once identified himself as an engineer but then later it was computer software programming. Statistically, the conspiracy types are lower-income, low education, whites but there are exceptions. He is older and has a wife with health problems. As far as I can tell the big common denominator with conspiracy types is some type of failure in their lives combined with the belief that others are responsible. These people are essentially losers that would prefer to question reality than face themselves. They have extremely low emotional intelligence and when you throw in Christian nationalism, it is quite a package. Bob was interesting because he at first tried to hide it and say he was only asking questions but now he is balls to the wall crazy. He does sometimes bring up good points in critiquing something I post but seems absolutely incapable of introspection or recognizing any weakness in things that affirm his held beliefs. We have repeatedly factually and logically overwhelmed him and I think he actually believes he is holding his own.
Man most of what you say is wrong. It is entrusting that you ramble on with your own beliefs then rambles on side stepping and attempting to look like he is an intelligent soul. Oops I forgot Dhasper has been trained as a lawyer.
Man most of what you say is wrong. It is entrusting that you ramble on with your own beliefs then rambles on side stepping and attempting to look like he is an intelligent soul. Oops I forgot Dhasper has been trained as a lawyer.
Yes very enttrusting.
Maybe I got mixed up but I believe he once identified himself as an engineer but then later it was computer software programming. Statistically, the conspiracy types are lower-income, low education, whites but there are exceptions. He is older and has a wife with health problems. As far as I can tell the big common denominator with conspiracy types is some type of failure in their lives combined with the belief that others are responsible. These people are essentially losers that would prefer to question reality than face themselves. They have extremely low emotional intelligence and when you throw in Christian nationalism, it is quite a package. Bob was interesting because he at first tried to hide it and say he was only asking questions but now he is balls to the wall crazy. He does sometimes bring up good points in critiquing something I post but seems absolutely incapable of introspection or recognizing any weakness in things that affirm his held beliefs. We have repeatedly factually and logically overwhelmed him and I think he actually believes he is holding his own.
No ... what it's evolved into is .... I post something and then you guys start calling everyone involved a bunch of derogatory names and don't actually discuss content or substance.

Your positions on things are falling apart ... so name calling is all you have.
No ... what it's evolved into is .... I post something and then you guys start calling everyone involved a bunch of derogatory names and don't actually discuss content or substance.

Your positions on things are falling apart ... so name calling is all you have.
You can't defend anything. You don't even read what you post. We call you names because it just has become a farce. Plus you may not notice but you call us names continuously. The notion I have not responded to you substantively is ludicrous and you know it.
You can't defend anything. You don't even read what you post. We call you names because it just has become a farce. Plus you may not notice but you call us names continuously. The notion I have not responded to you substantively is ludicrous and you know it.
How about any substantive response to what I posted today .... or yesterday? If you don't have any factual basis you just call names .... that is MOST of the time.
How about if you don't have anything substantive to say ..... or some proof the facts are wrong ... you just remain silent. .... I doubt that's possible for you to do. You think you have to ... or get paid to... attack anything "the other side" says regardless of whether you have any relevant basis for it.

You guys seem to think that if you can find something negative said by anybody on the internet it makes your post relevant .... It doesn't. It's possible to find something negative about virtually anyone if that is what your goal is ..... you can find bad things people have said about Ghandi ... but that doesn't mean he is an evil person.
Anyone who doesn't realize by now that the fact checkers you guys rely on are a total joke has no deductive reasoning whatsoever.
How about any substantive response to what I posted today .... or yesterday? If you don't have any factual basis you just call names .... that is MOST of the time.
How about if you don't have anything substantive to say ..... or some proof the facts are wrong ... you just remain silent. .... I doubt that's possible for you to do. You think you have to ... or get paid to... attack anything "the other side" says regardless of whether you have any relevant basis for it.

You guys seem to think that if you can find something negative said by anybody on the internet it makes your post relevant .... It doesn't. It's possible to find something negative about virtually anyone if that is what your goal is ..... you can find bad things people have said about Ghandi ... but that doesn't mean he is an evil person.
Anyone who doesn't realize by now that the fact checkers you guys rely on are a total joke has no deductive reasoning whatsoever.
Actually read something from a legitimate news source and post it. We have talked Peter McCullough before. He has been fully debunked multiple places. There is nothing new there. You keep posting things that you have posted before or repeat the same talking point. He is a fraud. Yes I see they say the vaccine diminishes. Yes, it does and there is no evidence for original antigenic sin right now. I spent hours looking at that and wrote a long post. You had not even read the underlying study of which you posted a snippet and you made no substantive response to what I said. What is the purpose of repeating that? None of us are going to give a second look at your rumble and youtube videos. That is why we mock you and post every time those are not reputable sources. Rather than just post something that sounds good to you why cant you take the time to find out what the underlying story is and find reputable sources. The fourth booster will be approved next week. Listen to the actual FDA meeting if linked. They will probably discuss original antigenic sin. That is actual news. Why not that instead of garbage?
Actually read something from a legitimate news source and post it. We have talked Peter McCullough before. He has been fully debunked multiple places. There is nothing new there. You keep posting things that you have posted before or repeat the same talking point. He is a fraud. Yes I see they say the vaccine diminishes. Yes, it does and there is no evidence for original antigenic sin right now. I spent hours looking at that and wrote a long post. You had not even read the underlying study of which you posted a snippet and you made no substantive response to what I said. What is the purpose of repeating that? None of us are going to give a second look at your rumble and youtube videos. That is why we mock you and post every time those are not reputable sources. Rather than just post something that sounds good to you why cant you take the time to find out what the underlying story is and find reputable sources. The fourth booster will be approved next week. Listen to the actual FDA meeting if linked. They will probably discuss original antigenic sin. That is actual news. Why not that instead of garbage?

Just because YOU don't think a source is legitimate doesn't make it true .... I would match Dr McCullough's credentials against yours ANY day.
Saying he isn't credible is just a tactic .... there is no secret that the many people have been out to get him because he doesn't agree with the official narrative ... he doesn't walk their line, so they tried .... unsuccessfully to take him and Dr Malone down.
If you have proof that he is wrong about anything in the video ... let us know.
The ONLY thing I have ever seen him be wrong about is when he said people didn't get Covid twice ... If you watched his video you would see that he is acknowledging that it is now proven that people can get Covid more than once .... unlike you ... he has corrected his narrative.

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diy solar