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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Just because YOU don't think a source is legitimate doesn't make it true .... I would match Dr McCullough's credentials against yours ANY day.
LOL...that is some funny shit!

Of course it was just a "conspiracy" against him and Dr Malone.

More Bulshit from Bobbie Bullshitter.

Out of curiosity, does anyone in your own family call you out on this nonsense?
Just because YOU don't think a source is legitimate doesn't make it true .... I would match Dr McCullough's credentials against yours ANY day.
Saying he isn't credible is just a tactic .... there is no secret that the many people have been out to get him because he doesn't agree with the official narrative ... he doesn't walk their line, so they tried .... unsuccessfully to take him and Dr Malone down.
If you have proof that he is wrong about anything in the video ... let us know.
The ONLY thing I have ever seen him be wrong about is when he said people didn't get Covid twice ... If you watched his video you would see that he is acknowledging that it is now proven that people can get Covid more than once .... unlike you ... he has corrected his narrative.
You also do this over and over. I am not putting my credentials against these doctors. I am putting his opinion against the opinion of the overwhelming majority of research scientists, immunologists, infectious disease experts and govt regulatory in the entire world. Unlike you, I also can understand the underlying science better than most non medical people because I have training in research and a background in nursing. I believe the consensus of experts. I also believe in global warming and that Trump lost fair and square. If you don’t believe those basic things than you have the problem not me. These guys are repeatedly engaged in fraudulent behavior. Just last week Dr Marik, who you claim is highly regarded, was notified that his research on sepsis and vitamin c was fraudulent. It was the same con game as is going on with Covid. He claimed his special protocol with vit c cured sepsis. He no doubt killed people and the research was fabricated. How blind can you be.
LOL...that is some funny shit!

Of course it was just a "conspiracy" against him and Dr Malone.

More Bulshit from Bobbie Bullshitter.

Out of curiosity, does anyone in your own family call you out on this nonsense?

Why don't you accuse Fauci and the CDC of misinformation ... they have been wrong about virtually everything. Masks didn't work .... then they did .... then better to wear 2 cloth masks .... then only if it was N95 ... misinformation
They just corrected their death numbers by over 25% .... so I guess they were spreading misinformation before that. The vaccine was 95% effective ... misinformation The vaccine is perfectly safe ... misinformation Getting vaccinated keeps you from spreading the virus ... misinformation

Someone being accused of spreading misinformation by these people just means they called out the official narrative when it was wrong.

You are MUCH worse than Kipp .... You have NEVER posted anything substantive ... at least Kipp has tried from time to time.
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You also do this over and over. I am not putting my credentials against these doctors. I am putting his opinion against the opinion of the overwhelming majority of research scientists, immunologists, infectious disease experts and govt regulatory in the entire world. Unlike you, I also can understand the underlying science better than most non medical people because I have training in research and a background in nursing. I believe the consensus of experts. I also believe in global warming and that Trump lost fair and square. If you don’t believe those basic things than you have the problem not me. These guys are repeatedly engaged in fraudulent behavior. Just last week Dr Marik, who you claim is highly regarded, was notified that his research on sepsis and vitamin c was fraudulent. It was the same con game as is going on with Covid. He claimed his special protocol with vit c cured sepsis. He no doubt killed people and the research was fabricated. How blind can you be.
When did I say that .... If I posted anything about him it was a LONG time ago.

All the major outlets for health information have been corrupted by this epidemic ... What ... nothing about the outright made up data the Lancet published?

If you choose to ignore my posts ... I'm 100% fine with that .... but to claim it is false just because you can find something bad someone said about the person in the post .. MEANS NOTHING UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE THE INFORMATION IN THE POST ISN'T CORRECT.
When did I say that .... If I posted anything about him it was a LONG time ago.

All the major outlets for health information have been corrupted by this epidemic ... What ... nothing about the outright made up data the Lancet published?

If you choose to ignore my posts ... I'm 100% fine with that .... but to claim it is false just because you can find something bad someone said about the person in the post .. MEANS NOTHING UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE THE INFORMATION IN THE POST ISN'T CORRECT.
Again you can’t even remember what you say because you just repeat whatever tripe you happened to read. He is one of the founders of The Front Line Doctors. Isn’t it a problem I remember things you post better than you?
When did I say that .... If I posted anything about him it was a LONG time ago.

All the major outlets for health information have been corrupted by this epidemic ... What ... nothing about the outright made up data the Lancet published?

If you choose to ignore my posts ... I'm 100% fine with that .... but to claim it is false just because you can find something bad someone said about the person in the post .. MEANS NOTHING UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE THE INFORMATION IN THE POST ISN'T CORRECT.
It is not because people have said bad things about them as much as it is that the consensus of the scientific community is against them. The fact that they have a history of engaging in this behavior should convince even a moron.
Again you can’t even remember what you say because you just repeat whatever tripe you happened to read. He is one of the founders of The Front Line Doctors. Isn’t it a problem I remember things you post better than you?
How does an epidemic corrupt every health organization in the world?
Again you can’t even remember what you say because you just repeat whatever tripe you happened to read. He is one of the founders of The Front Line Doctors. Isn’t it a problem I remember things you post better than you?
I'm not going to bother looking up the charge you brought up ..... it's not relevant to the discussion.
Unlike you ..... I wouldn't condemn the work of an entire group of front line doctors for something one of them allegedly did.
It is not because people have said bad things about them as much as it is that the consensus of the scientific community is against them. The fact that they have a history of engaging in this behavior should convince even a moron.
The consensus of the scientific community .... more BS. I guarantee you that history is going to look much more favorably on Dr McCullough than those who hid and ran from their responsibilities as doctors.

Why don't you accuse Fauci and the CDC of misinformation ... they have been wrong about virtually everything. Masks didn't work .... then they did .... then better to wear 2 cloth masks .... then only if it was N95 ... misinformation
They just corrected their death numbers by over 25% .... so I guess they were spreading misinformation before that. The vaccine was 95% effective ... misinformation The vaccine is perfectly safe ... misinformation Getting vaccinated keeps you from spreading the virus ... misinformation

Someone being accused of spreading misinformation by these people just means they called out the official narrative when it was wrong.

You are MUCH worse than Kipp .... You have NEVER posted anything substantive ... at least Kipp has tried from time to time.
Because science evolves especially in an ongoing once in a few century pandemic. In the beginning they did not think the virus was airborne, only droplet. Thus the emphasis on washing hands. It wasn’t a lie. They learned more and changed. The virus is also evolving so that impacts recommendations and vaccine effectiveness. The modification of theory and hypothesis is exactly how science is supposed to work. They make errors and correct. Did you ever learn the scientific method? If people insist they are right despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that is a problem. CDC numbers showed about 1,000,000 in the US have died from the virus. Are you saying it is now 750,000. You write slop.
The consensus of the scientific community .... more BS. I guarantee you that history is going to look much more favorably on Dr McCullough than those who hid and ran from their responsibilities as doctors.
Sure I will bet everything I have on that. What time period are you talking. I am 63 so I need to be around to collect on the bet.
Because science evolves especially in an ongoing once in a few century pandemic. In the beginning they did not think the virus was airborne, only droplet. Thus the emphasis on washing hands. It wasn’t a lie. They learned more and changed. The virus is also evolving so that impacts recommendations and vaccine effectiveness. The modification of theory and hypothesis is exactly how science is supposed to work. They make errors and correct. Did you ever learn the scientific method? If people insist they are right despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that is a problem. CDC numbers showed about 1,000,000 in the US have died from the virus. Are you saying it is now 750,000. You write slop.
Look .... you are being intentionally dense here ..... If someone like Dr McCullough called them out on ANY of the misinformation items I posted above .... HE is the one who was falsely accused of spreading misinformation ... some of the Twitter and Facebook bans were reversed within 48 hours .... but an internet search will still find those people were spreading misinformation ... when they were right all along.
Just like the lab leak theory .... that was not only misinformation, but an intentional lie by Fauci and his cohorts. Can't believe you still trust everything these people have to say.
Sure I will bet everything I have on that. What time period are you talking. I am 63 so I need to be around to collect on the bet.
.... and you will loose it all. It will take a turn over in the people controlling the narrative .... by the end of the term of the next republican president things will be more clear .... but an internet search will still be clouded by all the crap that has been accepted as true .... that isn't.
There are official databases .... like the DoD database .... that a number of people are using to prove a number of things. Just watch my posts and you will see the lies come unraveled.
.... and you will loose it all. It will take a turn over in the people controlling the narrative .... by the end of the term of the next republican president things will be more clear .... but an internet search will still be clouded by all the crap that has been accepted as true .... that isn't.
There are official databases .... like the DoD database .... that a number of people are using to prove a number of things. Just watch my posts and you will see the lies come unraveled.
Sure Bob. Sorry but the US election is not going to change a worldwide consensus of scientists. I don’t even know what issue you are talking about anymore. Do you think ivermectin will be proven effective if a Republican is President?
.... and you will loose it all. It will take a turn over in the people controlling the narrative .... by the end of the term of the next republican president things will be more clear .... but an internet search will still be clouded by all the crap that has been accepted as true .... that isn't.
There are official databases .... like the DoD database .... that a number of people are using to prove a number of things. Just watch my posts and you will see the lies come unraveled.
Despite showing you numerous sources, it took you two months to stop claiming Trump left office with higher unemployment then when he entered, I think it is unlikely you have a grip on reality.

The way things are going, regardless of who "wins", the rich will continue to accumulate even more wealth and the republicans are cheering it on because all they have to so is claim that the alternative is far left wing Socialism/Communism/Marxism, blame minorities for all that ails America and blame democrats. It does not take a PHD in economics to see that there is a (somewhat) limited amount of money and if the rich are taking a disproportionate amount of it that there is going to be less for every one else.

The terms "left" and "right" appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution (republicans) to his left. Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on 'ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism', while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on 'notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism'

On a social level, the right generally believes that a hierarchy in society is natural and normal. For them, the idea of a class system whereby the richer employ the poorer in a triangle is healthy because everybody benefits and it has historically been the natural order of things. Their economic policy (generally speaking) complements this, by promoting a form of capitalism which gives more economic freedom to big businesses. This means fewer regulations and lower taxes. They argue that as big businesses grow they create jobs for the working class and gradually everyone gets richer.

The left on the other hand is more keen to reduce the gaps in society between the rich and the poor. They believe society should work together to help everybody, with schemes like single payer health care and education. They argue the rich should pay proportionally more
for this through taxes, thus reducing the gap between rich and poor. They also prefer to regulate 'the Market', which means distributing the wealth created on the stock market and in banks so that it does not all end up in the pockets of millionaires but some of it goes
to solving the country's problems.

The easiest way to think about it is the idea of 'State vs. Market'. The state is the government, using its power to solve problems that only the government can; healthcare, policing, schools etc. Those departments are the 'public sector'. The market is the capitalist force which creates wealth, such as business transactions and banking. This is the 'private sector'.
Despite showing you numerous sources, it took you two months to stop claiming Trump left office with higher unemployment then when he entered, I think it is unlikely you have a grip on reality.

The way things are going, regardless of who "wins", the rich will continue to accumulate even more wealth and the republicans are cheering it on because all they have to so is claim that the alternative is far left wing Socialism/Communism/Marxism, blame minorities for all that ails America and blame democrats. It does not take a PHD in economics to see that there is a (somewhat) limited amount of money and if the rich are taking a disproportionate amount of it that there is going to be less for every one else.

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This is an excellent example of weaponizing religion in putting down a group of people, In fact some could argue that it is "racist" and stereo typing against this group.
This is an excellent example of weaponizing religion in putting down a group of people, In fact some could argue that it is "racist" and stereo typing against this group.
Don't be a snowflake, if you don't agree with what these people in your party/community are doing, speak up. They are giving the republican party and Christianity a bad name.
There you go again, deflecting again. Seems you have no idea what a snowflake is.
Don't be a snowflake, if you don't agree with what these people in your party/community are doing, speak up. They are giving the republican party and Christianity a bad name.
Lets make it real clear. I do not like YOU pushing racist, stereotyping a group.
Look .... you are being intentionally dense here ..... If someone like Dr McCullough called them out on ANY of the misinformation items I posted above .... HE is the one who was falsely accused of spreading misinformation ... some of the Twitter and Facebook bans were reversed within 48 hours .... but an internet search will still find those people were spreading misinformation ... when they were right all along.
Just like the lab leak theory .... that was not only misinformation, but an intentional lie by Fauci and his cohorts. Can't believe you still trust everything these people have to say.

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