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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Not changing my mind. I have been consistent since the start. Perhaps you are missing detail like Dhasper as well.
I didn't miss crap. I did not read your second post until I had posted my first. In fact, you had not even posted it yet.
List what is wrong.
By the way. Common parlance.

What is the difference between primary and secondary immune system?

Memory B and T-cells are antigen-specific and, on encountering the antigen again, can mount a more rapid and effective immune response, known as the secondary immune response.
Overview of Immune Responses.
Primary immune responseSecondary immune response
Responding cellsNaïve B and T cellsMemory B and T cells
"We find that most diseases are dominated by genetic risk factors,

Yes, because people keep pulling the triggers on those "risk factors"
while environmental influences prevail for disorders such as depressions, cancers, or dermatitis. Almost never we find that more than one type of mechanisms is involved in the pathogenesis of diseases."
Your environment includes the environment your cells exist in and you have control over that.

Your to old, what you "know" is dated and now you are getting angry and frusturated and lashing out. Dementia much?

I didn't miss crap. I did not read your second post until I had posted my first. In fact, you had not even posted it yet.
You cant even keep this straight. Post #555, you quoted my post in which I discussed the adaptive immune system then you said this:

LOL good forbid you actually learn something. You never mentioned the adaptive immune system which is the same thing. You are a BS artist.

Now more lashing out in frustration because you cant keep up:

A number of things but most of it relates into your concept of having achieved a godlike innate immune system. it is childish and laughable.

Time for the retirement home.....
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By the way. Common parlance.

What is the difference between primary and secondary immune system?

Memory B and T-cells are antigen-specific and, on encountering the antigen again, can mount a more rapid and effective immune response, known as the secondary immune response.
Overview of Immune Responses.
Primary immune responseSecondary immune response
Responding cellsNaïve B and T cellsMemory B and T cells
Holy hell. You are really struggling.

Its a primary immune response. Not system

Jesus Christ! get it together

The primary and secondary immune RESPONSE is part of the adaptive immune SYSTEM.

Outside of weddings I have not stepped foot in a church since I was 15 or 16 but I am going to say a prayer for you. You are obviously suffering from some degree of cognitive decline.
Holy hell. You are really struggling.

Its a primary immune response. Not system

Jesus Christ! get it together

The primary and secondary immune RESPONSE is part of the adaptive immune SYSTEM.

Outside of weddings I have not stepped foot in a church since I was 15 or 16 but I am going to say a prayer for you. You are obviously suffering from some degree of cognitive decline.
So even though I also used the word adaptive also in my response saying it could be called either. Your entire concern is that I said secondary immune system rather than secondary immune response? That was it.

"utside of weddings I have not stepped foot in a church since I was 15 or 16 " I get it. That is what I was saying the human need for control over the uncontrollable.

I may be old but the Nature study and analysis was from 2016.
of cognitive decline.

How much time have you spent learning about epigenetics? The fear of genes is completely unfounded for the most part and believing that your destiny is laid out for you is so dis-empowering. You have choices if you choose to be educated.

Lifestyle and diet are the primary drivers of what genes are expressed. In some other thread or location in this one I used the example of Angelina Jolie chopping off her breasts after having a genetic test. If she had chosen to be fully educated instead of acting in fear, she would have known that just because you have a gene for a certain trait or condition, It does not mean it will ever be expressed.

"Your Genes load the gun, Diet and lifestyle pulls the trigger."

We have far more power over our destiny than most know or are willing to acknowledge. Acknowledging this fact makes us responsible for the mess we are in and lays it at our feet. I say this after suffering for years while "doing everything right" and relying on the sickcare system. Turns out that if you take responsibility for your own health you can fix almost everything, as long as your are not too far gone.
You can see dramatic differences if you compare a life in poverty or third world countries vs a middle-class first-world person. But then it becomes diminishing returns. An excellent diet is not going to make you resistant to an infectious disease. As I said the benefit is mostly in the quality of life---fewer chronic diseases, less pain, better mobility but the rest is all wishful thinking.

That is why you have no studies and just blurt things.

But as we know I already diagnosed you as a narcissistic psychopath so your need to believe in your own superiority and invulnerability logically flows. You consider other life less worthy. The irony is that your personality disorder is mostly genetic-driven!

The irony! Driven to claim control over by virtue of his mastery of environment by genetics. The very thing he denies!!!!!!!!!!!
So even though I also used the word adaptive also in my response saying it could be called either. Your entire concern is that I said secondary immune system rather than secondary immune response? That was it.

You were a nurse apparently.

You tell me how important it is to actually understand what you are talking about and being told in the health care setting.
"utside of weddings I have not stepped foot in a church since I was 15 or 16 " I get it. That is what I was saying the human need for control over the uncontrollable.

I may be old but the Nature study and analysis was from 2016.

Based on what I have seen out out you over the past few weeks trying to interact with you, you probably misread parts of it, didnt understand part of forgot some of it entirely.
Holy hell. You are really struggling.

Its a primary immune response. Not system

Jesus Christ! get it together

The primary and secondary immune RESPONSE is part of the adaptive immune SYSTEM.

Outside of weddings I have not stepped foot in a church since I was 15 or 16 but I am going to say a prayer for you. You are obviously suffering from some degree of cognitive decline.
This was a quote from a question and answer in a science Q and A on Google. I cited it to show you were an idiot. Sorry, I didn't make the quotations clear. I forgot you were such an idiot. As I said common parlance.
You are saying
"Jesus Christ! get it together" to a science website, not me. To which I can only say:
Jesus Christ! get it together
Based on what I have seen out out you over the past few weeks trying to interact with you, you probably misread parts of it, didnt understand part of forgot some of it entirely.
I linked it for you>
You were a nurse apparently.

You tell me how important it is to actually understand what you are talking about and being told in the health care setting.

Based on what I have seen out out you over the past few weeks trying to interact with you, you probably misread parts of it, didnt understand part of forgot some of it entirely.
You cant be serious. I perfectly described the system albeit it simply given my audience.

You make teeth.
You were a nurse apparently.

You tell me how important it is to actually understand what you are talking about and being told in the health care setting.

Based on what I have seen out out you over the past few weeks trying to interact with you, you probably misread parts of it, didnt understand part of forgot some of it entirely.
If my educational credentials far exceed yours will you go away and shut up forever?
You can see dramatic differences if you compare a life in poverty or third world countries vs a middle-class first-world person. But then it becomes diminishing returns. An excellent diet is not going to make you resistant to an infectious disease. As I said the benefit is mostly in the quality of life---fewer chronic diseases, less pain, better mobility but the rest is all wishful thinking.

Different diseases afflict different classes for different reasons

That is why you have no studies and just blurt things.

I dont have time to spoon feed, Im still a productive member of society with a large patient base that requires my attention. This is just entertainment.
But as we know I already diagnosed you as a narcissistic psychopath so your need to believe in your own superiority and invulnerability logically flows. You consider other life less worthy. The irony is that your personality disorder is mostly genetic-driven!
And of course you are qualified to make a psychological diagnosis, right? Of course not. Your just a pathetic old man trying to maintain some sort of relevance in a world that is pulling away from him.
The irony! Driven to claim control over by virtue of his mastery of environment by genetics. The very thing he denies!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, pathetic attempt to mischaracterize
Different diseases afflict different classes for different reasons
True but that really aids my point. Because when you control for those major factors lifestyle makes much less difference than one would expect.
And of course you are qualified to make a psychological diagnosis, right? Of course not. Your just a pathetic old man trying to maintain some sort of relevance in a world that is pulling away from him.

Again, pathetic attempt to mischaracterize
Well. toothmaker. I was a neuroscience nurse so yeah kinda but the statements you make are really self declaratory and self-diagnosing for meeting the DSM.

You have the worse possible personality and outlook to be in the healthcare profession. I mean you really don't give a damn about people. You have openly admitted it.
You cant be serious. I perfectly described the system albeit it simply given my audience.
Your explanation was what I would expect from the audience you claim to be explaining to

You make teeth.
That was what your genius level inteolect came up with. I didnt tell you what I do.

If my educational credentials far exceed yours will you go away and shut up forever?
Bahahaha. You want to measure them do you. What a complete desperate looser. Your not going to post up degrees, diplomas or anything else for public consumption.

True but that really aids my point. Because when you control for those major factors lifestyle makes much less difference than one would expect.
Wrong, The differences are even greater. That is the whole point of of controlling for the factors.

Here ya go old timer. Last thing Im going to spoon feed you:

Out to pasture for you and your wrinkly, demented old a$$
Your explanation was what I would expect from the audience you claim to be explaining to

That was what your genius level inteolect came up with. I didnt tell you what I do.

Bahahaha. You want to measure them do you. What a complete desperate looser. Your not going to post up degrees, diplomas or anything else for public consumption.

Wrong, The differences are even greater. That is the whole point of of controlling for the factors.

Here ya go old timer. Last thing Im going to spoon feed you:

Out to pasture for you and your wrinkly, demented old a$$
Ahh I will read this but I am tired due to my age and need to change out my teeth that some punk ass nobody made for me.

Absolutely I would posy my credentials.
Your explanation was what I would expect from the audience you claim to be explaining to

That was what your genius level inteolect came up with. I didnt tell you what I do.

Bahahaha. You want to measure them do you. What a complete desperate looser. Your not going to post up degrees, diplomas or anything else for public consumption.

Wrong, The differences are even greater. That is the whole point of of controlling for the factors.

Here ya go old timer. Last thing Im going to spoon feed you:

Out to pasture for you and your wrinkly, demented old a$$
Is this really a study that is important to you or did you just google it. Because "shock" i read actually studies and not articles about studies. Do you have the actual study because I tried to get it and got nothing?

So toothmaker, you changed your life based on a study you never read?
Your explanation was what I would expect from the audience you claim to be explaining to

That was what your genius level inteolect came up with. I didnt tell you what I do.

Bahahaha. You want to measure them do you. What a complete desperate looser. Your not going to post up degrees, diplomas or anything else for public consumption.

Wrong, The differences are even greater. That is the whole point of of controlling for the factors.

Here ya go old timer. Last thing Im going to spoon feed you:

Out to pasture for you and your wrinkly, demented old a$$
So it is a 2011 article with no underlying study? What is wrong with you???????????
Ahh I will read this but I am tired due to my age and need to change out my teeth that some punk ass nobody made for me.

Absolutely I would posy my credentials.
Get on it then,
Well. toothmaker. I was a neuroscience nurse so yeah kinda but the statements you make are really self declaratory and self-diagnosing for meeting the DSM.

You have the worse possible personality and outlook to be in the healthcare profession. I mean you really don't give a damn about people. You have openly admitted it.
If you are actually a neuroscience nurse, you are garbage at it. You are willing to make a psychological diagnosis based on an interaction on an internet forum. If you were actually still practicing and were dumb enough to post credentials, you would have a complaint against you for unethical conduct in a heart beat. If it is actually true you are a POS for making such claims.

So it is a 2011 article with no underlying study? What is wrong with you???????????
Its is a kick in the right direction. Do you own work.
Get on it then,

If you are actually a neuroscience nurse, you are garbage at it. You are willing to make a psychological diagnosis based on an interaction on an internet forum. If you were actually still practicing and were dumb enough to post credentials, you would have a complaint against you for unethical conduct in a heart beat. If it is actually true you are a POS for making such claims.

Its is a kick in the right direction. Do you own work.
Okay so here is a finding:

"a carbohydrate-rich diet, regardless of whether or not a person overeats, has consequences for genes that affect the lifestyle diseases, she says.

Like what???? And what kind of carbs? M&M's.

There is absolutely no analysis of the impact of diet on long-term disease. None. How would you begin to make conclusions?

Then as far as genes they say:

"Throughout the study, researchers surveyed the extent to which various genes were working normally or overtime. An aggregate measure of the results of all of this genetic activity is called gene expression. It can almost be considered a measurement of the genetic temperature of the body's state of health."

What a boatload of horseshit. "normally or overtime" !!!!!!! As defined by whom and WHO CARES. Absolute nonsense/

This tells us absolutely nothing. Absolute junk. You have no real science background and clearly are not a dentist or orthodontist. You are a toothmaker. A loser.
If you are actually a neuroscience nurse, you are garbage at it. You are willing to make a psychological diagnosis based on an interaction on an internet forum. If you were actually still practicing and were dumb enough to post credentials, you would have a complaint against you for unethical conduct in a heart beat. If it is actually true you are a POS for making such claims.
Ahhhhhh but I am not making a formal diagnosis and I am not still practicing. Very freeing. I am not enslaved by poverty like you. Trudging forth to make teeth for people I hate each day. So damn sad excuse me---I must weep for you.
Ahhhhhh but I am not making a formal diagnosis and I am not still practicing. Very freeing. I am not enslaved by poverty like you. Trudging forth to make teeth for people I hate each day. So damn sad excuse me---I must weep for you.
Now I know your full of it. It would not take a formal diagnosis to land you dumb ass in hot water. A real neuroscience nurse would know that as a healthcare provider there is an imbalance of power in your favor in this circumstance and as a claimed neuroscience nurse simply accusing anyone of having a neurological disorder puts you at risk.

Absolutely I would posy my credentials.
Still waiting........
Now I know your full of it. It would not take a formal diagnosis to land you dumb ass in hot water. A real neuroscience nurse would know that as a healthcare provider there is an imbalance of power in your favor in this circumstance and as a claimed neuroscience nurse simply accusing anyone of having a neurological disorder puts you at risk.

Still waiting........
LOL........... I am also a lawyer.

diy solar

diy solar