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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Yeah .... they are doing SO much worse than we are. 5.8 cases / 100,000 to over 1400 for us

Nothing else you have posted is worthy of response .... but you seem to be wanting to keep torturing yourself with this.
I prove you wrong with a FOX poll and you say it needs no reponseLOL/

Doesnt matter what the Covid rate in the US is BOB. That is called a red herring argument. Look it up.

What we are discussing is the accuracy of your statement that Uttar Pradesh had irradicated Covid. It wasnt true at the time you made it and it certainly is not true now.

I understand you NOW want to compare the rate with the US rate but that is NOT what you said BOB. Eradicated does not equal exponential growth.
There is also in development a nasal inhalant vaccine which not only will be easier to distribute but it is believed will be better at blocking transmission.
I've been doing that on my own for over a year. A very dilute hydrogen peroxide solution along with 1 drop of iodine in a nebulizer works fine.
Doesnt matter what the Covid rate in the US is BOB. That is called a red herring argument. Look it up.

What we are discussing is the accuracy of your statement that Uttar Pradesh had irradicated Covid. It wasnt true at the time you made it and it certainly is not true now.

I understand you NOW want to compare the rate with the US rate but that is NOT what you said BOB. Eradicated does not equal exponential growth.
You STILL fail to understand what I have posted about them ..... The only red herring is trying to note and out of context slight up tick with Omicron.
Their success compared to ours is the whole point whether you realize it or not.
Yeah .... they are doing SO much worse than we are. 5.8 cases / 100,000 to over 1400 for us

Nothing else you have posted is worthy of response .... but you seem to be wanting to keep torturing yourself with this.
So FOX NEWS says 82 percent of Democratic Males think the vaccine is safe and effective but only 48% of Republican men.

Isn't that like the exact opposite of what you were trying to blow up our behinds earlier today?????? Almost like you were WRONG.
I've been doing that on my own for over a year. A very dilute hydrogen peroxide solution along with 1 drop of iodine in a nebulizer works fine.
This is a vaccine inhalant BOB. Not your nonsense.
So FOX NEWS says 82 percent of Democratic Males think the vaccine is safe and effective but only 48% of Republican men.

Isn't that like the exact opposite of what you were trying to blow up our behinds earlier today?????? Almost like you were WRONG.
So .... Maybe you didn't watch the presidential and vice presidential debates .... or just fail to remember what they had to say about the vaccine?
This is a vaccine inhalant BOB. Not your nonsense.
My nonsense works just fine .... and I didn't have to wait 2 years for them to contrive something they could charge a fortune for.

I kill off any virus I have inhaled every time I get home from being around other people. It a cheap inexpensive and safe way to eliminate or reduce any virus I have inhaled.
I am getting the boosters because I do not want Omicron, symptoms for Omicron are much worse than for the boosters. It can even lead to death.

I take the flu vaccine every year as well even though the flu is far less deadly.

I am not afraid of the vaccines, never have been.

Getting the booster does not mean you will not experience the symptoms of omicron.

This is the point. You have probably been exposed repeatedly unless you have been hiding out. Every time you are exposed, you have been given a "booster".

Now let me be clear, I am not telling you to not get a booster! If you want to get a booster, DO IT! I am an incredibly strong advocate for vaccination for the people who what it. I am also an incredibly strong advocate for those who do not want to get it. Both sides just need to actually be educated. Not listening to some fat guy on the internet (who absolutly should have been vaccinated) telling everyone they should not get it, and then dying, or to some jack ass on the internet preaching blind compliance and pressuring anyone with questions to shut up and just do it.

I have nothing but respect for your decision.

I am not afraid of either the vaccine or the virus. As I have said before, My diet, sleep and health are all spot on. Personally I am not vaccinated and have zero fear. I do not believe covid is a hoax. It is very real but is only a concern for those with weakened immune systems for what ever reason.
So .... Maybe you didn't watch the presidential and vice presidential debates .... or just fail to remember what they had to say about the vaccine?
Oh NOW you want to talk about vaccine hesitancy BEFORE the vaccine trials were even done. Sure BOB. Makes sense.
I've been doing that on my own for over a year. A very dilute hydrogen peroxide solution along with 1 drop of iodine in a nebulizer works fine.
That is not the same.

As for your "remedy", I could give you a sugar pill and claim that 98% of the people taking this "medication" will survive covid. The fact that this is no different from the people who don't get the "medication" is lost by way to many people.

Double blind trials exist for a good reason.
Getting the booster does not mean you will not experience the symptoms of omicron.

This is the point. You have probably been exposed repeatedly unless you have been hiding out. Every time you are exposed, you have been given a "booster".

Now let me be clear, I am not telling you to not get a booster! If you want to get a booster, DO IT! I am an incredibly strong advocate for vaccination for the people who what it. I am also an incredibly strong advocate for those who do not want to get it. Both sides just need to actually be educated. Not listening to some fat guy on the internet (who absolutly should have been vaccinated) telling everyone they should not get it, and then dying, or to some jack ass on the internet preaching blind compliance and pressuring anyone with questions to shut up and just do it.

I have nothing but respect for your decision.

I am not afraid of either the vaccine or the virus. As I have said before, My diet, sleep and health are all spot on. Personally I am not vaccinated and have zero fear. I do not believe covid is a hoax. It is very real but is only a concern for those with weakened immune systems for what ever reason.
There is also debate about whether mere exposure to Omicron triggers the immune response and to what degree. Just as the vaccine is dose-dependent in response, so is the virus itself. So unless it takes hold in you and your body responds you are not upgrading your immunity. As far as getting the virus I think more people should focus on the unknowns.
You still don't understand the difference between prevention and treatment ... once you get symptoms it is too late.
Good catch BOB. I thought I would blow that right by you.

So you will then distinguish from BMcl who claims ivermectin prevents infection?
That is not the same.

As for your "remedy", I could give you a sugar pill and claim that 98% of the people taking this "medication" will survive covid. The fact that this is no different from the people who don't get the "medication" is lost by way to many people.

Double blind trials exist for a good reason.
It is not a remedy .... it is a preventive tool to kill off the virus while it is still in the sinus or mouth and hasn't taken hold in the system yet. Very dilute hydrogen peroxide and iodine kill a virus on contact.
You still don't understand the difference between prevention and treatment ... once you get symptoms it is too late.
A nasal rinse of saline and hydrogen peroxide is used for chronic sinus infection and thought to reduce reinfection.
First, I partially reject your premise. I am seeing a debate amongst actual legitimate, epidemiologists, virologists and immunologists where we should go from here. There is no consensus for a booster train.

exactly, yet medial and politicians and pushing everyone to get boosted.
Part of the question is whether we should strive to maintain a high antibody level (which looks like a 4-month interval) or whether we can rely on our secondary immune system response that will not prevent infections but "hopefully" lower hospitalizations and deaths.

What is our "secondary immune system?

The first defense is the innate immune system. This is the one that has failed in most of the sick and old population and is why they have to rely on the adaptive immune system and the belief that it needs to be kept on "high alert" with boosters instead of allowing circulating anitbodies wain and rely on memory t and b cells to do their job. The booster approach is relevant for the sick but if you have anything even close to resembling health you are fine with relying on memory t and b cells.

Israel has started the 4th shot but, unlike with the third, there is uncertainty in the mainstream US scientific discussion. I think most of them think it is at least time to move on to a new vaccine (making less sense to have a vaccine based on Wuhan original virus) or maybe just boost prior to winter. There are also other nonspike protein vaccines in development that may prevent the variant immune escape problem. So I don't know the answer to your question. Clearly, we need to be prepared because as Omicron proves there is little time to react.

Omicron is fear porn and statements like this just encourage consumption of it.
Second, the overwhelming consensus is that we should avoid infection and not try to get immunity for infection by getting infected.

You can not avoid infection! This is the whole point I am trying to make. If you get exposed, you are infected. If you are really healthy, your innate immune system kicks its ass and you will probably be asymptomatic, If not so healthy you get sick and the adaptive system learns, If you have already been exposed/vaccinated your adaptive immune system kicks in and you will either have an asymptomatic infection or you will develop mild symptoms. That is the only purpose of this vaccine. It is not to avoid infection. It is to try to make the infections as mild as possible!
In addition to vaccines, I am very hopeful we can get much wider use of N95 masks and better overall ventilation. We need indoor air standards for disease prevention just like water standards.
External defenses are a poor replacement for a healthy immune system.
It is not a remedy .... it is a preventive tool to kill off the virus while it is still in the sinus or mouth and hasn't taken hold in the system yet. Very dilute hydrogen peroxide and iodine kill a virus on contact.
Well there is no study that I know of to prove that--speculation--and your timing would need to be perfect. If it worked with covid it would work with every respiratory infection and we know that does not happen.
Well there is no study that I know of to prove that--speculation--and your timing would need to be perfect.
...and there never will be a study
If it worked with covid it would work with every respiratory infection and we know that does not happen.
How do we know it "doesn't happen?" .... whatever that means

I haven't had a cold, flu, or covid since I started doing this every time as soon as I get home.. At the very least, it is going to significantly reduce the viral exposure .... at the best, it kills the virus off before it can get a foothold.
Why are you fabricating things Ive never commented on?

Why dont you stick to what Ive posted here instead, which is that:

1, solid, verifiable evidence exists that the 2020 election was rigged, I provided a link to support that.

2, thusly, Donald Trumps claims prior to and on jan 6 were not baseless as the media claims still today.

3, consequently, the rationale you used to vote against him is just plain wrong but youd rather spend time trying to dig up things about me on the internet rather than admit your side cheated to put an inept moron in charge who would destroy the country for a few million future democrat votes.

I dont think youre a republican or ever were.
LOL...more conspiracy theories....use your brain for once.
...and there never will be a study

How do we know it "doesn't happen?" .... whatever that means

I haven't had a cold, flu, or covid since I started doing this every time as soon as I get home.. At the very least, it is going to significantly reduce the viral exposure .... at the best, it kills the virus off before it can get a foothold.
This is one of the things I discovered they are doing in Uttar Pradesh .... :LOL:
OK ....Yeah .... that was trolling.
Getting the booster does not mean you will not experience the symptoms of omicron.

This is the point. You have probably been exposed repeatedly unless you have been hiding out. Every time you are exposed, you have been given a "booster".

Now let me be clear, I am not telling you to not get a booster! If you want to get a booster, DO IT! I am an incredibly strong advocate for vaccination for the people who what it. I am also an incredibly strong advocate for those who do not want to get it. Both sides just need to actually be educated. Not listening to some fat guy on the internet (who absolutly should have been vaccinated) telling everyone they should not get it, and then dying, or to some jack ass on the internet preaching blind compliance and pressuring anyone with questions to shut up and just do it.

I have nothing but respect for your decision.

I am not afraid of either the vaccine or the virus. As I have said before, My diet, sleep and health are all spot on. Personally I am not vaccinated and have zero fear. I do not believe covid is a hoax. It is very real but is only a concern for those with weakened immune systems for what ever reason.
You believe to be a healthy freedom loving and patriotic individual. Let's give you the benefit of the doubt.

The reason we have written laws is that we want to treat people equally, fairly and with respect. It doesn't always work out that way, but a reasonable person would want to achieve that. Now there is an argument to be had that there are way to many laws and we might object to some of them in varying degrees.degrees.

We would not need any laws if people usually acted in the interest of the common good within reason. The definition of common good is also debatable and has changed over the. For example slavery was considered perfectly acceptable not all that long ago by many in the us and it is still practiced in other parts of this world.

By getting the vaccine and keeping it up to date, we are less likely to end up in hospital and given that hospitals do have limited resources, it is in every ones interest that we do get vaccinated and keep up to date with the vaccine.

You stated a while back that you would not seek hospital treatment for covid if you did get it and that is perfectly acceptable to me. I am open to have people who refuse the vaccine sign a paper where they forgo possible hospital treatment in the case of covid infection. It would allow society to get back to normal and end the lockdowns.

Would that be a solution you are willing to get behind?
It is not a remedy .... it is a preventive tool to kill off the virus while it is still in the sinus or mouth and hasn't taken hold in the system yet. Very dilute hydrogen peroxide and iodine kill a virus on contact.
Sure replace the word remidy with preventitive tool, you still have to prove effectiveness. In addition you will have to prove safety as other people will be exposed to your protective tool.

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