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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

You seem to have a bad habit of listening to anyone who IS NOT a scientist.

That's messed up.. You'll even listen to a comedian, but not a real scientist.

Irrational religious beliefs cause irrational behavior.
The outside temperature almost always goes up after the sun rises.
If someone who wasn't a scientist mentioned that to you , you would say they were irrational.

I could care less if you think HCQ and ivermectin work.
A liberal is a person who understands and respects other people’s opinions and behaviour, especially when they are different from their own.

Sure Robert Malone. Fresh from the Joe Rogan show. Claims he created the mRNA vaccine but no one will acknowledge him. Plenty of time to do an actual trial but instead, he tries to do a correlation based on a set point in time.
Well hands down I would trust his opinion over yours.

Well hands down I would trust his opinion over yours.
I see your one scientist and raise you 270 US doctors, scientists, healthcare professionals and professors.

His approval rating is in the basement.

Here he asks the mainstream media (Cnn, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, MSNBC, Youtube and twitter)
to ban Joe Rogan, Dr Malone and all others who don't blindly repeat what they are told about the Covid narrative.

There will be hell to pay by Google and Twitter when a republican President is in the White house.
Anti-trust legislation is waiting. To censor political speech is a campaign contribution to whichever side you are supporting.

The outside temperature almost always goes up after the sun rises.
If someone who wasn't a scientist mentioned that to you , you would say they were irrational.

I could care less if you think HCQ and ivermectin work.
You post way too much propaganda and fake information in this forum..

And it is "I couldn't care less" genius... not "I COULD"

Your purpose for being in this group is quite simple and clear.. to spread propaganda and fake information. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be doing it.

I suspect someone is paying you.
The outside temperature almost always goes up after the sun rises.
If someone who wasn't a scientist mentioned that to you , you would say they were irrational.

I could care less if you think HCQ and ivermectin work.
I don't think you understand how science works. When you make a claim you have to substantiate it. Now please provide evidence that drinking your own urine cures COVID.
You post way too much propaganda and fake information in this forum..

And it is "I couldn't care less" genius... not "I COULD"

Your purpose for being in this group is quite simple and clear.. to spread propaganda and fake information. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be doing it.

I suspect someone is paying you.
Everything I post here is information you will discard for whatever reason you invent.

You are invested in being right, and it's very clear you are on the wrong side of truth.
Keep shilling for Big Pharma (you, Dhasper and your minions)

This is the guy you want to censor :

Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organization of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.
Everything I post here is information you will discard for whatever reason you invent.

You are invested in being right, and it's very clear you are on the wrong side of truth.
Keep shilling for Big Pharma (you, Dhasper and your minions)

This is the guy you want to censor :

Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organization of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.
You are not here to post information, you're here because you want to post mis-information.

Paid Troll..

Everything I post here is information you will discard for whatever reason you invent.

Can you blame him, you were caught with your pants down lying.

Keep shilling for Big Pharma (you, Dhasper and your minions)

A right winger opposed to large corporations making money. Next you are going to tell us you are a communist?

Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organization of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.

Vaccination for children is quite normal, measels ain't much fun either. And while we are at it, do you also oppose the vaccination requiments for imigrants?
You are not here to post information, you're here because you want to post mis-information.

Paid Troll..

If you truly examine your claims, you are the paid shill.

I'm pushing for the freedom to access cheap generic drugs while you push Big Pharma's
narrative of forced vaccines and no early treatment.
Plus you want to censor the Joe Rogan's and Dr Malones of the world.

You and your minions should be ashamed.
If you truly examine your claims, you are the paid shill.

I'm pushing for the freedom to access cheap generic drugs while you push Big Pharma's
narrative of forced vaccines and no early treatment.
Plus you want to censor the Joe Rogan's and Dr Malones of the world.

You and your minions should be ashamed.
I never get my money for being a paid shill.

It is Dr. Malone vs the actual creators of the mRNA vaccine AND, virtually every drug regulatory agency in the world. Over two years to come up with a randomized control trial and he has nothing.
If you truly examine your claims, you are the paid shill.

I'm pushing for the freedom to access cheap generic drugs while you push Big Pharma's
narrative of forced vaccines and no early treatment.
Plus you want to censor the Joe Rogan's and Dr Malones of the world.

You and your minions should be ashamed.

You are probably a paid TROLL.
You are probably a paid TROLL.
Yeah, I desperately need to find more income by shilling for generic drugs.
I was attracted to the BIG profit margins in pills that cost a dime or less.
And the "GOD ALMIGHTY" superiority complex does give us a clue to your psychological problems.
What's it like to think someone is crazy for questioning anything you say ?
Yeah, I desperately need to find more income by shilling for generic drugs.
I was attracted to the BIG profit margins in pills that cost a dime or less.
And the "GOD ALMIGHTY" superiority complex does give us a clue to your psychological problems.
What's it like to think someone is crazy for questioning anything you say ?
I am curious...are you smart enough to invest in an S&P 500 index fund?
No, too boring and not volatile enough.
To truly make a lot of money, you need volatility.
But I don't waste my time with beginners or those who have nothing to invest.
So should this risk-benefit be performed by people reviewing conspiracy websites? Here is a risk-benefit analysis by actual scientists.
Glad to see that you now at least acknowledge that a risk-benefit analysis is appropriate.

A snippet from that "Analysis" .....
Kinda looks like they were somewhat sane on Sept. 3rd .... But they went on to change the criteria they were looking at .... and they try to completely ignore that the vaccine does have risk .... especially for boys in this age group.

Oh, BTW ... thought you guys always threw stuff out if there wasn't at least a double blind study

You posted the chart below .... but ignored that it is obvious that the below 30, the benefit is REALLY low ..... The cases below 18 are so low they didn't even bother to list it.
If you add that the vast majority of cases are with those with comorbidities .... the benefit becomes non existent for HEALTHY young people ... which has always been my contention.


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Glad to see that you now at least acknowledge that a risk-benefit analysis is appropriate.

A snippet from that "Analysis" .....
View attachment 79819
Kinda looks like they were somewhat sane on Sept. 3rd .... But they went on to change the criteria they were looking at .... and they try to completely ignore that the vaccine does have risk .... especially for boys in this age group.

Oh, BTW ... thought you guys always threw stuff out if there wasn't at least a double blind study

You posted the chart below .... but ignored that it is obvious that the below 30, the benefit is REALLY low ..... The cases below 18 are so low they didn't even bother to list it.
If you add that the vast majority of cases are with those with comorbidities .... the benefit becomes non existent for HEALTHY young people ... which has always been my contention.
View attachment 79817
This was a British analysis. Changing the subject. BMcl is saying that China and the US jointly created the pathogen and are now jointly covering this up. He is also saying that the US has known since April of 2020 that ivermectin and HCQ are curative of Covid in all phases of the disease. He is saying that the US intentionally covered this up so that Pfizer and Moderna could make money. When I pointed out to him this resulted in over 6 million deaths and every country in the world would have had to go along with it. He said, yes they did. Are you still on board with BMcl? You can see the discussion in his DOD documents post.
This was a British analysis. Changing the subject. BMcl is saying that China and the US jointly created the pathogen and are now jointly covering this up. He is also saying that the US has known since April of 2020 that ivermectin and HCQ are curative of Covid in all phases of the disease. He is saying that the US intentionally covered this up so that Pfizer and Moderna could make money. When I pointed out to him this resulted in over 6 million deaths and every country in the world would have had to go along with it. He said, yes they did. Are you still on board with BMcl? You can see the discussion in his DOD documents post.
I'm really not interested in engaging in another argument .... I was simply responding to your response to my post.
The discussion has become so toxic that I'm not even sure there is value in participating at all ..... except for some who may be lurking ... but with all the name calling and hate in this thread, I doubt there are many of those left.
This was a British analysis. Changing the subject. BMcl is saying that China and the US jointly created the pathogen and are now jointly covering this up. He is also saying that the US has known since April of 2020 that ivermectin and HCQ are curative of Covid in all phases of the disease. He is saying that the US intentionally covered this up so that Pfizer and Moderna could make money. When I pointed out to him this resulted in over 6 million deaths and every country in the world would have had to go along with it. He said, yes they did. Are you still on board with BMcl? You can see the discussion in his DOD documents post.
Are you claiming that I'm saying no one would have died if HCQ and ivermectin were available ? You don't have to lie to debate me.
Deaths would have been greatly lowered, but many who died had several comorbidities and nothing would have saved them.

Not every country has gone along with this. Japan and many other countries are using ivermectin. And are doing much better than us.
And you don't think we helped China create this virus ? LOL delusional

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diy solar