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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

I find the viewpoint of libertarians naive. For capitalism to work, we need an educated population taking rational decisions in their own interests. Government is there to preserve a fair distribution of the goods and services in order to promote the welbeing of the population. Failing to do so will only lead to oppression and ultimately in the violent overthrow of governments. That is in no one's interest.
I believe that government is there to exercise the powers they are given by the constitution .... If it isn't expressed in the constitution .... they don't have that power. Freedom is the guarantee ... not equal outcome.
Why should people who are not unwilling to put in the work expect to have an equal outcome?

If they want to take a role that is unconstitutional .... there is a vehicle built into the constitution to amend it. Once you start routinely pushing what is unconstitutional .... or selectively enforcing laws .... You are doomed to being a banana republic and ruled by someone like Putin or Castro or Maduro in Venezuela.
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I believe that government is there to exercise the powers they are given by the constitution .... If it isn't expressed in the constitution .... they don't have that power. Freedom is the guarantee ... not equal outcome.
Why should people who are unwilling to put in the work expect to have an equal outcome?

If they want to take a role that is unconstitutional .... there is a vehicle built into the constitution to amend it. Once you start routinely pushing what is unconstitutional .... or selectively enforcing laws .... You are doomed to being a banana republic and ruled by someone like Putin or Castro or Maduro in Venezuela.
I understand your position, I believe that in a perfect world government would not even need to exist. But it would be naive to believe in that utopia.
I understand your position, I believe that in a perfect world government would not even need to exist. But it would be naive to believe in that utopia.
To contain the undesirable tendencies of human beings we require laws .... laws that are enforced equally. Without that we will have chaos .... we are starting to see what happens when laws aren't enforced equally.

Utopia is not a concept that should even be entertained .... it is not possible given the nature of human beings.
To contain the undesirable tendencies of human beings we require laws .... laws that are enforced equally. Without that we will have chaos .... we are starting to see what happens when laws aren't enforced.
There is so much more to it. What do we do with people who can't function like you can, who don't have the mental capacity and early support I received as a child?

In order to develop a better society, people should be given the chance to succeed and at least not have to resort to crime in order to provide for their families. People will either vote for politicians that promise (and give) them a fairer slice of the pie or rise up and take it.
There is so much more to it. What do we do with people who can't function like you can, who don't have the mental capacity and early support I received as a child?

In order to develop a better society, people should be given the chance to succeed and at least not have to resort to crime in order to provide for their families. People will either vote for politicians that promise (and give) them a fairer slice of the pie or rise up and take it.
You are describing the importance of charity .... and charitable organizations. There are many who have historically protected those who can't protect themselves. We should donate and volunteer to help those who can't help themselves.

It is not the role of government to decide what is "equitable". It is not the role of government to re-allocate wealth. It is the role of government to punish those who gain wealth in an illegal or monopolistic way.
One of the worst things you can do to destroy the human spirit is to give them something for nothing.
I had a good friend who was destroyed by that .... it is just like an opioid drug to some people.
You are describing the importance of charity .... and charitable organizations. There are many who have historically protected those who can't protect themselves.

It is not the role of government to decide what is "equitable". It is not the role of government to re-allocate wealth. It is the role of government to punish those who gain wealth in an illegal or monopolistic way.
One of the worst things you can do to destroy the human spirit is to give them something for nothing.
I had a good friend who was destroyed by that .... it is just like an opioid drug to some people.
Like I said I understand your position. But if you were right we would not ever see a revolution or communism voted in.
There is so much more to it. What do we do with people who can't function like you can, who don't have the mental capacity and early support I received as a child?
That is WAY different then then hand-outs to lazy individuals.There is no self worth involved. Making individuals dependent on an ever growing government is a great way to destroy a country. When in Rome.......
Like I said I understand your position. But if you were right we would not ever see a revolution or communism voted in.
The US government has been REAL busy during the pandemic giving people a shot of that opioid .... handout money to everyone .... then to a smaller select group .... get them used to getting something for nothing.
So, those who can be hooked by that are going to be .... those who resist being hooked on free money have their resistance to it lowered.
They progressives REALLY want UBI .... this is how they destroy a person's self respect and get them to vote for communism.
That is WAY different then then hand-outs to lazy individuals.There is no self worth involved. Making individuals dependent on an ever growing government is a great way to destroy a country. When in Rome.......
Why, the fast majority of the population does not have paid employment to begin with. And denying people an income, even if it is unemployment, reduces the crime rate and thus the incarceration rate. Those people are going to vote for parties that support government handouts while complaining about the greedy rich.
It's our fault for electing the wrong people.
Well yes. But it is our fault for electing people that would put in justices that would allow corporations to fund campaigns. The horse is out of the barn and I see no way of going back. Many politicians could not care less what the majority thinks or what their constituents think but are focused completely on campaign contributions and appealing to the most extreme interests so the media does not criticize them.

Corporations are funding campaigns, and the state legislatures are making bizarre district lines in combination with restricting voting rights. I just see no hope.

Yes, politicians used to compromise but they also had districts that were blended and they did not have partisan media blaring at them all day long. Remember when we used to have media provide equal time? Remember when if a politician or media person lied they would have irreparable damage to their reputation?

As you say, Bob the entire constitution was premised on people acting in good faith. The constitution simply cannot withstand what is happening. We are a failed state and I see no way around it.

I find myself wishing there actually is a deep state that could step in or that corporate America would realize we were killing the goose that killed the golden egg and stop this.

I just don't see how we get out of this absent a new constitution and I don't see that happening without extreme scenarios.
In any case I expect AI to take of soon and make a whole lot of jobs obsolete. Interesting times ahead.
So, those who can be hooked by that are going to be .... those who resist being hooked on free money have their resistance to it lowered.
They progressives REALLY want UBI .... this is how they destroy a person's self respect and get them to vote for communism.
This is the kind of rhetoric that destroys compromise. No one I have ever met wants communism. The entire idea is ludicrous.

Wanting to stabilize and rebuild the middle class makes sense for everyone. All you need to do is spend 5 minutes with a chart showing income distribution and disparity despite an incredible increase in productivity by the American worker.

The American economy can only be truly healthy if fueled by the middle class.
There is an article out that claims vaccine side effects are occurring mostly in a small % of "bad batches."

Here's the website (below) where you can enter your batch number (from your vax card) and see if there were many reported instances.

I just checked mine and it was one of the worst :unsure: Janssen batch 1822809

There is an article out that claims vaccine side effects are occurring mostly in a small % of "bad batches."

Here's the website (below) where you can enter your batch number (from your vax card) and see if there were many reported instances.

I just checked mine and it was one of the worst :unsure: Janssen batch 1822809

That explains a lot.

Here’s how to detox from the COVID spike protein – from the jab or the virus​

Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs, but the World Council for Health has compiled a list of medications to prevent this.
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Thu Dec 23, 2021 - 10:38 am EST


  • If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
  • Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
  • The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body
  • Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
  • The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium
There is an article out that claims vaccine side effects are occurring mostly in a small % of "bad batches."

Here's the website (below) where you can enter your batch number (from your vax card) and see if there were many reported instances.

I just checked mine and it was one of the worst :unsure: Janssen batch 1822809

Pretty sure that Fauci, Biden and Eco Health mixed a special batch for you (apparently your picture is hanging in the Wuhan lab) over the objections of marine liaison Joseph Murphy. The DOD document proving this is in a triple classified off-site DOD server under the protection of flying mutated catfish!!!!!!!

Here’s how to detox from the COVID spike protein – from the jab or the virus​

Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs, but the World Council for Health has compiled a list of medications to prevent this.
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Thu Dec 23, 2021 - 10:38 am EST


  • If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
  • Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
  • The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body
  • Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
  • The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium
Simply not true. The vaccine does not contain spike proteins. A spike protein alone, from the vaccine, generated made by your body can do nothing. They are NOT viruses. They cannot reproduce. The body destroys them. That is what triggers the immune response. Complete nonsense.

You keep posting articles from lifesitenews. it is a known source of antivaccine junk. Fresh from his scam of selling "liposomal Vit C". Mercola new scam is to sell a special formula to battel spike protein toxicity that does not EXIST.

Here’s how to detox from the COVID spike protein – from the jab or the virus​

Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs, but the World Council for Health has compiled a list of medications to prevent this.
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Thu Dec 23, 2021 - 10:38 am EST


  • If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
  • Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
  • The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body
  • Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
  • The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium
Mercola has a site where he sells supplements. He is all jacked up on steroids and says it is natural. Each month, nearly two million people click to see the osteopathic physician’s latest musings on the wonders of dietary supplements and minerals (“The 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Himalayan Crystal Salt”), the marvels of alternative therapies (“Learn How Homeopathy Cured a Boy of Autism”), and his take on medical research, from vaccines (“Your Flu Shot Contains a Dangerous Neurotoxin”) to vitamin D (“The Silver Bullet for Cancer?”).


Here’s how to detox from the COVID spike protein – from the jab or the virus​

Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs, but the World Council for Health has compiled a list of medications to prevent this.
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Thu Dec 23, 2021 - 10:38 am EST


  • If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
  • Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
  • The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body
  • Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
  • The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium
Mercola once claimed that showering after being in the sun would wash off the Vit D. He then sold tanning beds which he said make you look younger.

An ABSOLUTE KOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting Cold-EEZE makes NO claim whatsoever about Covid. I was going to invest in that company before it even started manufacturing so I know some of the history. Think of ALL the money they could make (and the studies, not really studies, you found). Seems like they would be on tv every day and shouting this from the rooftops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But no, not a word, and even after their bold packaging and claims about the cold there is an asterisk and after that it says: "Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated".

Zinc is necessary to proper immune system function. That amount can be achieved in a good diet. But if you have doubts take a multivitamin. recommended dose 8-10 mg per day.
Lets not divert the discussion. Your attempted rebuttal of the use of zinc lozenges employed a study on using zinc as a dietary supplement. Its not the same thing. You were wrong and its bizarre you dont seem to care of this method has thereapeutic value.
As for cold eze they arent going to update their labelling for every damn virus that comes along.

Here’s how to detox from the COVID spike protein – from the jab or the virus​

Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs, but the World Council for Health has compiled a list of medications to prevent this.
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Thu Dec 23, 2021 - 10:38 am EST


  • If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
  • Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
  • The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body
  • Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
  • The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium
This scam organization is made to sound like the World health organization. IT IS NOT. It has nothing to do with them and is an anti-vaxxer fake front group.

BMcl is a liar and a perpetuator of known fraud.
I understand that you want it to work. So do I, but if you want to claim it works, you have to do the study and post the results. Untill then the default position is that is an unproven treatment at best. In the meantime normal people will accept the study results.

Don't get me wrong I have no problem with adults choosing to take zinc , horse dewormer, bleach or drink their own urine. When those same people make false or unproven claims, they should expect skepticim laughter and ridicule. Polite response takes a lot of self constraint.
You dont understand why the study is irrelevant either.
Your ignorance is allowed but dont pretend it adds credibilty to the high horse youre climbing onto.
Simply not true. The vaccine does not contain spike proteins. A spike protein alone, from the vaccine, generated made by your body can do nothing. They are NOT viruses. They cannot reproduce. The body destroys them. That is what triggers the immune response. Complete nonsense.

You keep posting articles from lifesitenews. it is a known source of antivaccine junk. Fresh from his scam of selling "liposomal Vit C". Mercola new scam is to sell a special formula to battel spike protein toxicity that does not EXIST.
Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine : This type of vaccine uses genetically engineered mRNA to give your cells instructions for how to make the S protein found on the surface of the COVID-19 virus.

Here's a nice description of the S protein (spike protein). It doesn't seem to support what you are saying, which is the vaccines don't cause spike proteins to be made ? Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying ?

Lets not divert the discussion. Your attempted rebuttal of the use of zinc lozenges employed a study on using zinc as a dietary supplement. Its not the same thing. You were wrong and its bizarre you dont seem to care of this method has thereapeutic value.
As for cold eze they arent going to update their labelling for every damn virus that comes along.
Are you saying this with a straight face? There sales would go through the roof if this was true.

The idea of the lozenge is that it would coat your throat in zinc thus inhibiting viral reproduction.

Covid is systemic.

The only possible benefit of zinc would be to enhance your immune system IF you consumed it. However, our body only absorbs so much and our immune system only needs so muc. That need is met by a healthy

Here is your argument. Oil is really good as it stops metal on metal wear on the engine. Therefore I ma going to fill my engine beyond the required amount and it will make my engine super healthy.

NO IT WON'T. You have produced letters referring to the theoretical benefits of Zinc and retroactive case analysis. Fine. Zinc was worth exploring. IT DOES NOT WORK. You need a randomized controlled trial/ They do not exist for a reason.

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