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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

? I guess you didn't read what I wrote. People can't get a test on record so they are self testing, staying out, and not reporting. That means it makes the numbers lower than they actually are.
So youre saying the whole home testing protocol is useless?

Or youre against self testing and in favor of people standing in lines, crowding into rooms for official tests. Particularly now in

Hows that gonna stop disease transmission? I guess youll have a mask monitor handing out crappy chinese paper masks at the door. My North cartridge style respirator that filters nerve and mustard gas is of course non compliant.
Lets face it. These protocols on so many levels are just broken and putting us at further risk. We need to speak out about this, create a dialogue and stop government drones from silencing us.
Using these crap paper masks is causing us to get sick, and only benefit the chinese who make them and liberals who use them as a political weapon.

How does mandated testing help anyone if we have to gather in crowded places to get tested?

How do mask requirements in restaurants help anyone when repeatedly donning and removing the mask destroys it and the wearer must touch his face after touching common surfaces?

Why should we take the so called science seriously when its mask studies were so flawed it only looked at the filter material, not its durability, or comfort of the wearer?

Why have my effective homemade masks been banned and these worthless paper masks been forced upon me?
Regarding US elections, two examples on why the US is so fucked up:

1) Single payer healthcare is both cheaper and has better results on average. Regardless of your preferred economic system, why would you not implement a cheaper and superior (or less bad) health care system?

2) Why are there subsidies for fossil fuel companies? Republicans like to claim they do not like government to pick winners and Democrats are supposed to be conservationist.

You guys need to stop this nonsense about stolen elections and instead focus on the issues.
Why do you believe in conspiracies?
What conspiracy have I promoted here?
Youre an ass****, plain and simple as that. You lie. You stalk people on the internet hoping to find something personal you can use on them when your topical arguments fail. You repeatedly use cheap personal attacks and ignore that the user addressed the issue long ago. I said it here and another topic, that was over a dozen years ago, I was mislead, soon admitted I was wrong, and spent a dozen years since trying to talk sense into the conspiracy theorists.

Im sure you know this.

Youre here in this topic doing this because this behavior in real life would see you stomped out like the insignificant cockroach you really are. And why are you following me trying to discredit my person? Because it bothers you that someone exists with different views than your own.

What a great human you are, your parents must be proud. Did they have any children that lived?
All of these security solutions for something that is a non issue. Then when Zuckerpunk helps hold peoples hands to get out the vote, its buying the election. Make up your mind
You didnt support your assertion. Do you believe ID laws are discriminatory? Against whom and why? How is one group oppressed by that?
Lets face it. These protocols on so many levels are just broken and putting us at further risk.
We need to speak out about this, create a dialogue and stop government drones from silencing us.
Using these crap paper masks is causing us to get sick, and only benefit the chinese who make them and liberals who use them as a political weapon.
Paper masks are making you sick? Try wearing a mask that is not made of paper, how hard is that?

How does mandated testing help anyone if we have to gather in crowded places to get tested?
It is an attempt to make it harder for idiots who refuse to get vaccinated and prefer to take horse dewormer, to go to places instead of staying home for the benefit of themselves and others.

How do mask requirements in restaurants help anyone when repeatedly donning and removing the mask destroys it and the wearer must touch his face after touching common surfaces?
You wear a mask to protect others in case you have covid, not to protect yourself. You have been told that a gazillion times. In a restaurant, you take of your mask when seated and only put it back to go to the washroom or leave the restaurant.

Why should we take the so called science seriously when its mask studies were so flawed it only looked at the filter material, not its durability, or comfort of the wearer?
When you show that you do not know that you wear the mask in order to protect your fellow citizens, you have lost all credibility when you talk about science. Again, don't like the mask, get something better...

Why have my effective homemade masks been banned and these worthless paper masks been forced upon me?
You claim your masks are effective, why would any one take your claim as relevant when you have demonstrated that you fail to understand what the purpose of wearing a mask is?
You see there? That's your conspiracy talking..

While congress people do have some privileges not afforded to the rest of us, they are not secret.. they are well known and documented and are usually associated with their security or job requirements.

Stop with the conspiracy thinking.. it isn't healthy
Sometimes I think you live in an alternate reality .... It's not a conspiracy to report what a doctor is reporting.

If you actually think members of congress are open and transparent ... I KNOW you live in an alternate reality.
Several have pointed out Dr Kory wasn't who treated the congress members with ivermectin, but that he personally knew doctors who did

Joe Rogan said his doctor, Pierre Kory, is part of a group that has used Ivermectin to quietly treat 200 Members of U.S. Congress

Seems odd.
While it was Dr Kory who reported many members of congress ... families ... staff ...... were treated with the FLCCC protocol .... I don't think he said he was the one who personally managed all the treatments. The FLCCC is a group of doctors ... he is a primary member of the group.
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I wish it were true, around here you can't get in to get a covid test, our numbers have stabilized but many are just waiting out the mandatory 5 days if they have symptoms then returning to work. I doubt many with at home tests are bothering to go in, and Im doubly sure they arent self reporting. I guess that is one way to deal with it, and as long as their symptoms are gone brother CDC says its all good in the hood :-/
Well ... the shortage of test is a different issue. There was a shortage even before Omicron hit.

The other factor with Omicron is that it is much more mild .... so, I wouldn't be surprised if Omicron cases haven't been underreported the whole time.
People are also getting sick and tired of Covid in general. If they just feel a little crappy for a few days and get better ... they are probably just going on with their lives.
I had a few mild symptoms yesterday ... a few sniffles and mild sore throat .... I wasn't going to run out and try to find a Covid test. Just rested a little more ... did a couple extra nebulizer treatments ... I'm fine today. Probably not Omicron, but if it was I will never know.
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What conspiracy have I promoted here?
Youre an ass****, plain and simple as that. You lie. You stalk people on the internet hoping to find something personal you can use on them when your topical arguments fail. You repeatedly use cheap personal attacks and ignore that the user addressed the issue long ago. I said it here and another topic, that was over a dozen years ago, I was mislead, soon admitted I was wrong, and spent a dozen years since trying to talk sense into the conspiracy theorists.

Im sure you know this.

Youre here in this topic doing this because this behavior in real life would see you stomped out like the insignificant cockroach you really are. And why are you following me trying to discredit my person? Because it bothers you that someone exists with different views than your own.

What a great human you are, your parents must be proud. Did they have any children that lived?

Conspiracy is a propaganda term that has been drummed into their heads .... so ... they turn around and start calling everything a conspiracy theory ..... Which in itself is a conspiracy ?
Conspiracy is a propaganda term that has been drummed into their heads .... so ... they turn around and start calling everything a conspiracy theory ..... Which in itself is a conspiracy ?
You claim that thousands of medical scientists around the world are secretly working to prevent a working remedy for a pandemic from being used. And now you want us to believe that the other guys are the conspiracy theorists? REALLY?
You claim that thousands of medical scientists around the world are secretly working to prevent a working remedy for a pandemic from being used. And now you want us to believe that the other guys are the conspiracy theorists? REALLY?
No .... You are the ones who have drank too much cool aid .... You've been propagandized.
Sometimes I think you live in an alternate reality .... It's not a conspiracy to report what a doctor is reporting.

If you actually think members of congress are open and transparent ... I KNOW you live in an alternate reality.
A doctor reported that congress is being treated differently than the rest of us? That they're hiding something and denying it to everyone else? Because that's what you said you'd be surprised about.
The truth can't be hidden too much longer .... in addition to the databases mentioned in this short video .... the vaccine injuries are also showing up in the DOD database and the WHO VigiBase data I posted earlier.

We will get the full Pfizer FDA data .... even though Pfizer is now appealing for the rights to censor the data the FDA is being forced to release.

Let me ask you a question.. I know you won't answer it, but I'll ask anyhow.

Do you suffer from any of these other conspiracies?

Please check all that apply.

Flat Earth
Fake Moon Landing
911 Inside Job
Elvis still alive
Aliens at Area 51
Stolen Election
Democrat child molestation clinics
SandyHook Crisis Actors
FEMA Slave Camps
A doctor reported that congress is being treated differently than the rest of us? That they're hiding something and denying it to everyone else? Because that's what you said you'd be surprised about.
I actually think they are doing for themselves what they know works .... They are probably in the minority and don't think they can change things .... for now.
Let me ask you a question.. I know you won't answer it, but I'll ask anyhow.

Do you suffer from any of these other conspiracies?

Please check all that apply.

Flat Earth
Fake Moon Landing
911 Inside Job
Elvis still alive
Aliens at Area 51
Stolen Election
Democrat child molestation clinics
SandyHook Crisis Actors
FEMA Slave Camps
Never heard of any of them .... but ... seems you have.
There is a lot of concern that too many Covid shots + boosters could be damaging our overall immune system function.
Along the same line, there are also reports of big upticks in cancer ... which could be because of reduced immune response. I think it's too early to tell on the cancer up tick ... it could be that is because so many people just didn't get in for ... early diagnosis and treatment.
Below is data compile from UK data bases.


Paper masks are making you sick? Try wearing a mask that is not made of paper, how hard is that?

It is an attempt to make it harder for idiots who refuse to get vaccinated and prefer to take horse dewormer, to go to places instead of staying home for the benefit of themselves and others.

You wear a mask to protect others in case you have covid, not to protect yourself. You have been told that a gazillion times. In a restaurant, you take of your mask when seated and only put it back to go to the washroom or leave the restaurant.

When you show that you do not know that you wear the mask in order to protect your fellow citizens, you have lost all credibility when you talk about science. Again, don't like the mask, get something better...

You claim your masks are effective, why would any one take your claim as relevant when you have demonstrated that you fail to understand what the purpose of wearing a mask is?
So youre saying that touching common areas in public places, getting my hands filthy with no ability to wash them, and then repeatedly touching my face while eating, does not put ME at greater risk of contracting covid? And Im supposed to endure all these increased risks to myself on the slim chance that I, who had covid already, and am fully vaxxed, might pass covid to someone else in that slim window before symptoms show?
I know what masks are for you rude idiot. The paper masks suck, are you going to claim a tattered paper mask hanging off my face is more effective than my good fitting cloth one? Thats the situation Amtraks monitors put us in by following federal guidelines to the letter but ignoring common sense.
Amtrak monitors want the mask on between actual bites. Not just before and after the meals. Federal officials decided the poorly fitting paper masks are allowed and cloth ones are not.
I do not appreciate your tone toward me when its obvious you misunderstood almost every point I made.
By zuckerbucks, I assume you refer to facebook? What does facebook have to do with our election??
Ive mentioned this and linked to credible references several times in this thread, I am not sure if you are trolling me now pretending to know nothing about it. Do you honestly want to know or are you just playing dumb hoping I will waste my time presenting things you have no desire to acknowledge?

Most of you ignore it because the underlying facts arent disputed. Shale made brief replies but misportrayed/ downplayed it, the allegations are hardly limited to "getting out the vote".
Mollie Hemmingway is a credible journalist, her book was mostly ignored by mainstream media, though links I provided show it saw the light of day. Significantly, NObody came out with pointed rebuttals, I did see one article attempt to discredit all the claims by latching onto something she said in a prior book. This is not unlike saying the Zuckerbucks story means nothing because the Arizona audit didnt show fraud. One =/= the other, the argument is as patronizing as it is dishonest

Bizarrely Time magazine published a piece which mirrored many of her claims but painted it as "saving democracy". Her partisan whitewash was thin, and those with critical thinking skills can see all the efforts from players, she goes overboard to claim were nonpartisan, were actually focused on ensuring just one outcome. One says two things were expected, that Trump would steal the election outright or lose in the electoral college and refuse to leave office.

This sends up red flags and shows the authors partisanship and arrogance.

The possibility that Trump might win the election legitimately, is never or imagined or allowed, by "nonpartisans" she claims "saved democracy". This proves that their efforts were to ensure a predetermined outcome.

She admits Zuckerbergs money funded moles in the offices of election officials. She admits BLM protest organizers met with top DNC managers, how to maximize impact. If you choose to believe that the only way to protect democracy was to remove Trump from office using any means necessary I am sure you will see nothing wrong with the actions the article describes.
There are plenty out there who think this way, but their credibility only exists within their small political circle.
Its clear that the threat to our republic lies with those who are presented credible evidence that corruption did happen, that those who corrupted the election lead a coverup, and in the face of that tell whoever shows them, that no evidence exists at all.

So what to do with all this? Are you going to attack Time magazine and their liberal author as liars, conspiracy theorists? Dismissing the rose colored lenses she looks through, her reporting absolutely confirms the allegations made by Mollie Hemmingway. Each side can reach their own conclusions about whether to applaud or condemn Zuckerbergs actions.
However continued claims that the election was free and fair only serve to fracture the hope that left and right can productively reach middle ground to all of our benefit.
Patronizing people angers them. I believe this was the motivation of many on January 6th.
Here again is your sides admissions.

If it was legit and just getting out the vote why does your own side call it secret, and shadow?

"Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy."

Yeah that sounds non partisan as hell to me, when the election is called Trumps assault on democracy.

"But, we are not prepared for the two most likely outcomes”–Trump losing and refusing to concede, and Trump winning the Electoral College (despite losing the popular vote) by corrupting the voting process in key states. “We desperately need to systematically ‘red-team’ this election so that we can anticipate and plan for the worst we know will be coming our way.”

The best way to convict someone is using their own statements

"Atlanta-area voters looking to return their ballots using a drop box in next year’s gubernatorial election will have to do some searching.
Just eight boxes will be spread across Fulton County’s nearly 529 square miles — or about one for every 100,000 registered voters. That’s down from the 38 drop boxes that were available to voters last fall." (Fulton county, 73% D population)

good grief, who needs 419 million when you can just marginalize voters with political power.
It seems you are attempting to deflect from the zuckerberg 2020 election issue, by introducing this red herring .

Most of us can keep track of more than one talking point.

If you would care to provide evidence that this Texas ruling affects certain people more than others we can discuss that too. Youd have to prove a lot of things, then argue the absurd idea that a single ballot drop off does not increase ballot security for all.
So it makes it harder for EVERYone to vote. So what? Why dont we put a ballot box right at the doorstep of every home in the county?
How have you proved this is targeted voter suppression?

Yeah maybe this ruling does favor republicans simply because with only one location to monitor it would be impossible for democrats formerly staffing boxes scattered all over town, to throw GOP ballots away.

Of course you are alarmed.

Funny you dont see it the other way, that a single box makes it impossible for yours to get thrown away.

Thats because it wasnt happening.
Well .... This guy has put together the most lucid conspiracy theory I have heard .... He is definitely qualified to know what he is talking about .... yes ... I said it ... this one IS about a conspiracy theory.
He used to be Pfizer's chief science officer .... He knows everything about what goes into developing, testing, and bringing a vaccine to market.
One notable quote he made was ..... a person who is one step ahead is seen as a genius ... a person who is 2 steps ahead is a nutcase.

Anyway ... here is another one that must be watched at least 1.5 speed.


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