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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Trump was saying the election was going to be rigged in the summer before the vote occurred. There is ZERO proof anything nefarious occurred. Even Trump's lapdog Bill Barr said so before the Trump shit show on jan 6th was going to happen.

He also said that Cruz rigged the Iowa caucus in 2016. He is an egomaniac that doesn't like that he lost.

You are a conspiracy proved it from what you believed in the past. Maybe there were some people with energy weapons who zapped you in the head.

You also sound like a Qanon nutjob like BMCL. You believe there is a ring of pedophiles run by the deep state too?
Why are you lying?
What are republicans doing to prevent people from voting? Why would that matter if they did? If you somehow prevented half the population from voting, the outcome would be the same right?
Is this where you now assert the absurd notion race is involved? Please expand upon your point, its just bizarre.
Are you being deliberately daft? Have you not heard of pulling ballot boxes in disproportionately democratic voter areas in an attempt to limit voting? Changes to requirements to disproportionately effect democratic voters? Good job supporting the political normalization of minimizing voters rights.
Are you being deliberately daft? Have you not heard of pulling ballot boxes in disproportionately democratic voter areas in an attempt to limit voting? Changes to requirements to disproportionately effect democratic voters? Good job supporting the political normalization of minimizing voters rights.
good grief.... looks like boots are in order,
good grief.... looks like boots are in order,

"Atlanta-area voters looking to return their ballots using a drop box in next year’s gubernatorial election will have to do some searching.
Just eight boxes will be spread across Fulton County’s nearly 529 square miles — or about one for every 100,000 registered voters. That’s down from the 38 drop boxes that were available to voters last fall." (Fulton county, 73% D population)

good grief, who needs 419 million when you can just marginalize voters with political power.
Yes trying to stop fraudulently cast ballots can be a issue.
Yes trying to stop people from voting because they are the party can be an issue.

There was a GOP investigation in Arizona and they found 400 votes that were fraudulent, mostly due to mistakes and a few from family members casting their dead relatives vote for them. Keep perpetuating the talking points and lies in order to eliminate voters ability to vote.
Yes trying to stop fraudulently cast ballots can be a issue.
Yeah...just ask the Lt Governor of Texas who gave an award to people who reported fraudulently cast ballots. Of course the only one they found was a guy who voted for Trump with his ex-wife's ballot.
Simply amazing...... ALWAYS Trump. You can't come up with anything original? Well I have to admit being a parrot is the easy button.
Simply amazing...... ALWAYS Trump. You can't come up with anything original? Well I have to admit being a parrot is the easy button.
Since Trump is still talking about the 2020 election and how it was stolen from him, it's still a topic. Maybe if he concedes that he lost, we can all move on.
Yes trying to stop fraudulently cast ballots can be a issue.

All the fraud was from the Republicans. Here in Michigan, and 8 other states, they're investigating fake "electors" that Trump's campaign created.

We should go back to the old days, where the attempted subversion of our democracy would result in the criminals being found guilty of treason and then hung until death.
Are you being deliberately daft? Have you not heard of pulling ballot boxes in disproportionately democratic voter areas in an attempt to limit voting? Changes to requirements to disproportionately effect democratic voters? Good job supporting the political normalization of minimizing voters rights.

Trust me, it's not deliberate.. part of that whole natural thing...
Simply amazing...... ALWAYS Trump. You can't come up with anything original?
Some people learn from their mistakes, others want to forget about them.
If being reminded bothers you, perhaps you should talk to someone about that.

Well I have to admit being a parrot is the easy button.
Is it? What do you find comforting about being a parrot? I'm not familiar with such things.
Looks like we are almost down 1/2 way from the peak .... Omicron seems to be subsiding.

OH .... BTW .... Uttar Pradesh and Honduras both peaked at about 60 cases / 100,000 per week compared to our peak of around 1700.


Honduras may have a little further to go to get past Omicron.

I wonder if there is any way to prove or disprove this ..... Dr Pierre Kory claims to have treated a large number of US congress plus their families and their staff with the FLCCC protocol.
Wouldn't surprise me if congress is doing something we are generally denied.

I wonder if there is any way to prove or disprove this ..... Dr Pierre Kory claims to have treated a large number of US congress plus their families and their staff with the FLCCC protocol.
Wouldn't surprise me if congress is doing something we are generally denied.

You see there? That's your conspiracy talking..

While congress people do have some privileges not afforded to the rest of us, they are not secret.. they are well known and documented and are usually associated with their security or job requirements.

Stop with the conspiracy thinking.. it isn't healthy
Looks like we are almost down 1/2 way from the peak .... Omicron seems to be subsiding.

View attachment 82138
I wish it were true, around here you can't get in to get a covid test, our numbers have stabilized but many are just waiting out the mandatory 5 days if they have symptoms then returning to work. I doubt many with at home tests are bothering to go in, and Im doubly sure they arent self reporting. I guess that is one way to deal with it, and as long as their symptoms are gone brother CDC says its all good in the hood :-/
I wonder if there is any way to prove or disprove this ..... Dr Pierre Kory claims to have treated a large number of US congress plus their families and their staff with the FLCCC protocol.
Wouldn't surprise me if congress is doing something we are generally denied.

Several have pointed out Dr Kory wasn't who treated the congress members with ivermectin, but that he personally knew doctors who did

Joe Rogan said his doctor, Pierre Kory, is part of a group that has used Ivermectin to quietly treat 200 Members of U.S. Congress

Seems odd.
Are you being deliberately daft? Have you not heard of pulling ballot boxes in disproportionately democratic voter areas in an attempt to limit voting? Changes to requirements to disproportionately effect democratic voters? Good job supporting the political normalization of minimizing voters rights.
No I have not heard any details of such a broad vague claim. Please expand upon that.
As it must involve something as silly as black people being unable to get to the DMV once every four years (once in their life in Arizona) Im calling bull**** on that. They dont seem to have a problem producing an ID when applying for public benefits and had plenty of motivation to get one when the benefits came in the form of a check, (which are not points of my opinions on blacks but meant to show those of democrats are invalid at best and insultingly racist at worst.)
Most states offer discounted IDs for low income residents. If ID laws are discriminatory, whats the rationale? They cant read to fill out the application? The DMV will help you and allow you to sign with an X!
Republicans just want to ensure one vote per person, Democrats just want to play the race card, and add confusion and opportunities to create faults and abuse in the system.

Barrack Obama said and this is on record, "voter ID laws do not prevent people from voting if they really want to."

He wasnt about to patronize his own race by claiming a simple task was beyond their ability.

As for pulling ballot boxes, how many do you want? Putting one on every street corner makes it much harder to monitor their security doesnt it? If that really made it harder to vote how does it not effect Republicans equally?

All this amounts to pansy ass victim whining that someone is making it hard for you to cheat and advance your liberal facist dream.

I really cant think of behavior more pathetic and despicable.
I wish it were true, around here you can't get in to get a covid test, our numbers have stabilized but many are just waiting out the mandatory 5 days if they have symptoms then returning to work. I doubt many with at home tests are bothering to go in, and Im doubly sure they arent self reporting. I guess that is one way to deal with it, and as long as their symptoms are gone brother CDC says its all good in the hood :-/

What does that prove when covid tests are being required for so many different things?
Its evidence of a demand for testing and nothing more than that.
No I have not heard any details of such a broad vague claim. Please expand upon that.
As it must involve something as silly as black people being unable to get to the DMV once every four years (once in their life in Arizona) Im calling bull**** on that. They dont seem to have a problem producing an ID when applying for public benefits and had plenty of motivation to get one when the benefits came in the form of a check, (which are not points of my opinions on blacks but meant to show those of democrats are invalid at best and insultingly racist at worst.)
Most states offer discounted IDs for low income residents. If ID laws are discriminatory, whats the rationale? They cant read to fill out the application? The DMV will help you and allow you to sign with an X!
Republicans just want to ensure one vote per person, Democrats just want to play the race card, and add confusion and opportunities to create faults and abuse in the system.

Barrack Obama said and this is on record, "voter ID laws do not prevent people from voting if they really want to."

He wasnt about to patronize his own race by claiming a simple task was beyond their ability.

As for pulling ballot boxes, how many do you want? Putting one on every street corner makes it much harder to monitor their security doesnt it? If that really made it harder to vote how does it not effect Republicans equally?

All this amounts to pansy ass victim whining that someone is making it hard for you to cheat and advance your liberal facist dream.

I really cant think of behavior more pathetic and despicable.
All of these security solutions for something that is a non issue. Then when Zuckerpunk helps hold peoples hands to get out the vote, its buying the election. Make up your mind
What does that prove when covid tests are being required for so many different things?
Its evidence of a demand for testing and nothing more than that.
? I guess you didn't read what I wrote. People can't get a test on record so they are self testing, staying out, and not reporting. That means it makes the numbers lower than they actually are.
This is how stupid the regulations have gotten on this. Im on the tail end of a 2500 mile Amtrak trip right now. Masks required 100% of the time, they expect you to remove and replace the mask between each bite while eating and each sip while drinking.
Washing hands is very difficult as the faucets only flow when pushed. No hot water.
I cut a half dozen of my t shirt masks which I have down to a science but I was told on boarding they are not compliant and was handed a single paper mask, which fell to pieces within hours and is so poorly fitting I have no choice but to touch my face and mask a dozen times an hour with my filthy hands just to appear compliant, or by federal law I will be removed from the train by the Amtrak mask monitor who goes through the car every half hour. Thats all he is paid to do.

Now all of this to those with critical thinking skills adds up to an absurd situation. Im not anti mask I made my own and theyre comfortable and they work. But Im unable to protect myself from disease because the faulty protocols dictated by faulty science leave me doing everything common sense demands to avoid transmission.

Im actually seething at this point looking at my filthy hands I cannot wash, this beat up chinese paper mask that keeps falling off, and tge approaching mask monitor who will look at me and think this situation is helpful at all.

Go ahead you idiots. Attack this post.

I will add last year when this all began I was perfectly safe with my own measures, when in public I never touched common surfaces, used clorox wipes a lot washed my hands etc.

May 1st 2020 it was all about the masks, these stupid paper ones. Were all safe if we only wear our masks.

By the end of May I had covid.
All of these security solutions for something that is a non issue. Then when Zuckerpunk helps hold peoples hands to get out the vote, its buying the election. Make up your mind
It is an issue thats why we want ID laws.
Zuckerpunk purposefully funded efforts to get out the vote in democrat areas. This would still be okay and is allowed in elections but not to the point of canvassing and using public election assets, resources and intelligence data to attempt partisan outcome.

Any more partisan interpretations you need me to reveal as invalid rebuttals let me know.

It would help to at least offer an appearance of objectivity, as if you recognize some part of the oppositions argument, in the interest of progressive discourse.

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diy solar