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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Don't kid yourself, Google did a fine job of swaying undecided votes as did 400 million dollars from the Amazon CEO got to love public/private control.
Don't kid yourself, Google did a fine job of swaying undecided votes as did 400 million dollars from the Amazon CEO got to love public/private control.
You can thank the Republicans for that..
2010 Citizens United vs FEC and a conservative supreme court.. They got the rules changed, and now they're crying about it.

Never forget about the most powerful law in the universe.. "The law of unintended consequences"

The sad fact is, most politicians (on both sides of the fence) do not consider the ramifications of their actions, they're only concerned with raking in more money.
I would tend to disagree, and to support my side of the debate, Biden is currently the president.

Also, if the Republican's aren't going to vote for a candidate who said the election was not stolen, who will they vote for? Kind of a lose-lose thing yes?
I think I didn't make it clear, a republican candidate who states that Biden won cannot win. That means more and more republican candidates need to deny or at least not state their opinion on the validity of the last election. This further erodes and also supports the boy change laws currently under way....
I think I didn't make it clear, a republican candidate who states that Biden won cannot win. That means more and more republican candidates need to deny or at least not state their opinion on the validity of the last election. This further erodes and also supports the boy change laws currently under way....

You might be right.. maybe..
I am usually more inclined to vote republican, but from my own perspective, the problem I'm seeing is that both parties are going further from the center.. I've since switched to voting for the candidate who is closest to the middle.. really don't care what side they're on anymore.

The dems have become the party of nanny state welfare and gun control, while the republicans have become the party of liars and authoritarians.

This is why I'm a prepper.. its not sustainable.

I just read a paper last fall.. can't remember the damn name of it.. A PhD(?) historian teamed up with a mathematician and went through the history of the world. They somehow assigned values to events, attributes, public perception/opinion, and a bunch of other stuff like income equality, economics, etc..

They created an algorithm to see if their program could accurately predict wars and various other major events and found, while not perfect, it was accurate something like 95% of the time for predicting civil wars and other government changing societal uprisings. I might be off on the percentage claim.. The program was an experiment by DARPA or the CIA or something..

The end result is they say the USA has an (80%?) chance of a civil war within the next 10 years.. and an associated economic collapse.

I'm neither a historian or a mathematician, nor do I understand some of the stupid things we have in society, so I can't really form an opinion on the paper, but I found it kind of concerning anyhow.

A quickie google searched turned up the name "Integrated Crisis Early Warning System" I think that's the paper I read..
You might be right.. maybe..
I am usually more inclined to vote republican, but from my own perspective, the problem I'm seeing is that both parties are going further from the center.. I've since switched to voting for the candidate who is closest to the middle.. really don't care what side they're on anymore.

The dems have become the party of nanny state welfare and gun control, while the republicans have become the party of liars and authoritarians.

This is why I'm a prepper.. its not sustainable.

I just read a paper last fall.. can't remember the damn name of it.. A PhD(?) historian teamed up with a mathematician and went through the history of the world. They somehow assigned values to events, attributes, public perception/opinion, and a bunch of other stuff like income equality, economics, etc..

They created an algorithm to see if their program could accurately predict wars and various other major events and found, while not perfect, it was accurate something like 95% of the time for predicting civil wars and other government changing societal uprisings. I might be off on the percentage claim.. The program was an experiment by DARPA or the CIA or something..

The end result is they say the USA has an (80%?) chance of a civil war within the next 10 years.. and an associated economic collapse.

I'm neither a historian or a mathematician, nor do I understand some of the stupid things we have in society, so I can't really form an opinion on the paper, but I found it kind of concerning anyhow.

A quickie google searched turned up the name "Integrated Crisis Early Warning System" I think that's the paper I read..
I am just glad I have money saved and am retired. I don’t know how old you guys are but this is nothing like the country I grew up in. This is a real shit show.
My comment about you maybe being right was a reply to your statement "A republican who states that Biden won can not get elected"..

I was kind of agreeing that your statement might be correct.. maybe.. probably(?)..
I am just glad I have money saved and am retired. I don’t know how old you guys are but this is nothing like the country I grew up in. This is a real shit show.
I'm retired as well.. Mid 50's.

The biggest difference in modern times is that politicians now have instant and wide spread access to the general public.. and their rhetoric has started a political posturing war.. Add in the elements of foreign commentary, trolling, pictures, and a total lack of any filtering, and you end up with a bunch of actors trying to manipulate anyone they can.

Lets not ignore all the positive improvements that have happened... we just need to fix the bad ones.
Thats extra special but theres plenty of evidence it WAS, I produced several links to it, and none of these mainstream media DNC sycophants have refuted the underlying facts about Zuckerbucks. They do seem obsessed on publishing any related story which gives them an excuse to say the election wasnt stolen, or even the far more false claim repeated in your link- that its been proven the election WASNT stolen. How the hell can you prove that corruption didnt happen? Why do you think the constitution requires a suspect be proven guilty, and not innocent?
Get it through your damn heads. Zuckerboy is damn proud of all the money he dumped on the election, he admits it, but almost none of it went to legitimate uses as claimed. He paid partisan activists to infiltrate election officials offices and canvas voters, get confidential information, staff polling places, and block out opposition observors. Mollie Hemingways book names names, places, processes that were corrupted.
As much as youd like to pretend none of that happened weve got the damning fact that zuckerberg lead the effort to cover all this up!
Your side DIDNT get away with this, because only 90% of the media is in the DNCs pocket and this is never going to go away.
You can sugar coat a turd like calling a stolen election "saving democracy" or ecouraging fraud by failing to require voter IDs and allowing on the spot registration, calling it protecting voter rights...
But the honest people in this country will never look at the brown crust around your mouth and think of sweet sugar.

You can prove the election was certified. You can prove election officials around the country caved to their peers rather than rocked the boat, finding it much safer for their own careers to say the system is sound.
You can prove Trump appointed judges refused to rule on cases they had no legal authority to make meaningful judgements on.
You can produce republicans who abandoned Trump when it quickly became obvious he was being run out of town on rails and they would be collateral damage.
You can produce agenda driven media pieces claiming the election was free and fair.
None of this dismisses what we know, what we will know, nor the fact that an unprecedented coverup began before election day even started.
I am just glad I have money saved and am retired. I don’t know how old you guys are but this is nothing like the country I grew up in. This is a real shit show.
That simple statement tells me you are one of those responsible for any "shit show".

It wasnt that way when you were a child but it is now after youve retired... LOL, admissions of culpability from the mouths of babes... And arrogant crotchety self important grannies.
You might be right.. maybe..
I am usually more inclined to vote republican, but from my own perspective, the problem I'm seeing is that both parties are going further from the center.. I've since switched to voting for the candidate who is closest to the middle.. really don't care what side they're on anymore.

The dems have become the party of nanny state welfare and gun control, while the republicans have become the party of liars and authoritarians.

This is why I'm a prepper.. its not sustainable.

I just read a paper last fall.. can't remember the damn name of it.. A PhD(?) historian teamed up with a mathematician and went through the history of the world. They somehow assigned values to events, attributes, public perception/opinion, and a bunch of other stuff like income equality, economics, etc..

They created an algorithm to see if their program could accurately predict wars and various other major events and found, while not perfect, it was accurate something like 95% of the time for predicting civil wars and other government changing societal uprisings. I might be off on the percentage claim.. The program was an experiment by DARPA or the CIA or something..

The end result is they say the USA has an (80%?) chance of a civil war within the next 10 years.. and an associated economic collapse.

I'm neither a historian or a mathematician, nor do I understand some of the stupid things we have in society, so I can't really form an opinion on the paper, but I found it kind of concerning anyhow.

A quickie google searched turned up the name "Integrated Crisis Early Warning System" I think that's the paper I read..
"just read a paper last fall.. can't remember the damn name of it.. A PhD(?) historian teamed up with a mathematician"

I would rather not let two people with society's most useless liberal arts careers guide our civilizations future paths with analysis tainted by revisionist history.
Its as if you forgot every generations children think theyre so much smarter than mom and dad... Or that every october theres endless predictions of stock market crashes... Or that across America every night preppers have to consume 25 year old MREs they stored for the SHTF events that never happened.

The sad fact is many of them spent so much time being convinced it would happen, they now hope and contribute to it happening rather than admit they were wrong.

On a different note, I wonder how many preppers who are staunch 2nd amendnent proponents will discover the harsh reality... When/if the SHTF, unless you are in very fortunate circumstances, in your own comfort zone, the only thing a gun is going to do for you, is make you a threat to someone else, and a reason to kill you rather than let you go on your way.
Thats extra special but theres plenty of evidence it WAS, I produced several links to it, and none of these mainstream media DNC sycophants have refuted the underlying facts about Zuckerbucks. They do seem obsessed on publishing any related story which gives them an excuse to say the election wasnt stolen, or even the far more false claim repeated in your link- that its been proven the election WASNT stolen. How the hell can you prove that corruption didnt happen? Why do you think the constitution requires a suspect be proven guilty, and not innocent?
Get it through your damn heads. Zuckerboy is damn proud of all the money he dumped on the election, he admits it, but almost none of it went to legitimate uses as claimed. He paid partisan activists to infiltrate election officials offices and canvas voters, get confidential information, staff polling places, and block out opposition observors. Mollie Hemingways book names names, places, processes that were corrupted.
As much as youd like to pretend none of that happened weve got the damning fact that zuckerberg lead the effort to cover all this up!
Your side DIDNT get away with this, because only 90% of the media is in the DNCs pocket and this is never going to go away.
You can sugar coat a turd like calling a stolen election "saving democracy" or ecouraging fraud by failing to require voter IDs and allowing on the spot registration, calling it protecting voter rights...
But the honest people in this country will never look at the brown crust around your mouth and think of sweet sugar.

You can prove the election was certified. You can prove election officials around the country caved to their peers rather than rocked the boat, finding it much safer for their own careers to say the system is sound.
You can prove Trump appointed judges refused to rule on cases they had no legal authority to make meaningful judgements on.
You can produce republicans who abandoned Trump when it quickly became obvious he was being run out of town on rails and they would be collateral damage.
You can produce agenda driven media pieces claiming the election was free and fair.
None of this dismisses what we know, what we will know, nor the fact that an unprecedented coverup began before election day even started.
Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip
I would rather not let two people with society's most useless liberal arts careers guide our civilizations future paths with analysis tainted by revisionist history.
Wholly $hit.. You really do think you're being challenged when someone asks "How stupid can you be". Seriously, you think mathematics is useless ? WTF is wrong with you?

Its as if you forgot every generations children think theyre so much smarter than mom and dad...
That is obviously not true.. I just discovered someone who licks ivermectin lolipops and thinks mathematics is a useless career..
Or that every october theres endless predictions of stock market crashes... Or that across America every night preppers have to consume 25 year old MREs they stored for the SHTF events that never happened.
First off genius, no intelligent prepper stores MRE's.. I know some misinformed people do, and we have plenty of misinformed people.. The idea that MRE's last for a long time in storage is a myth, the truth is that their average shelf life is about 3 to 5 years, and that's assuming they're stored in temperatures approaching refrigeration levels. For MRE's stored at room temps, the shelf life is more like 1 to 2 years.

The sad fact is many of them spent so much time being convinced it would happen, they now hope and contribute to it happening rather than admit they were wrong.
To be honest, I have no idea what other preppers really think or why.. I've been a member of prepper forums and they are filled with wack-a-doodle uneducated idiots.. most of them are a bit like you in that they prefer to consume horse dewormers, or they think the government is out to get them by hiding secrete chips in the vaccine.
Basically, they're a bunch of bible thumping paranoid psychopaths.... and damn, they have guns and like to polish them too.. freaking scary.

On a different note, I wonder how many preppers who are staunch 2nd amendnent proponents will discover the harsh reality... When/if the SHTF, unless you are in very fortunate circumstances, in your own comfort zone, the only thing a gun is going to do for you, is make you a threat to someone else, and a reason to kill you rather than let you go on your way.
Yes, I agree completely.. Instead of being prepared to be as independent as possible, you should depend on the kindness and generosity of others when society collapses. Good luck with that.. sounds like a great strategy..

May I suggest you explore this link?
5 hour of testimony condensed to 38 minutes .... 25 minutes at 1.5 speed.

The one fellow brought up natural immunity , not one example of someone getting the virus a second time and retransmitting it. My sister's family fell like dominos after her daughter brought it into the house from a friend's family. All had covid once before and they got it a second time from her daughter.

The problem I have with the video in it's condensed form is that all I am hearing is opinion and personal experience and not evidence. I am fine with early treatment but I can't wrap my head around how many evil greedy people it would take to pull this off, and not a single one ever defecting and saying, yes we did this, we knew it worked and didn't care that people were dying.

Two years, all of this experience, all of this personal information and they couldn't put together a study showing efficacy? My sister took high doses of ibuprofen and Tylenol and got better in 1 day, she told her friend and they did the same. These are cheap medicines but until it is studied it is just a few data points out of literally tens of millions of cases. If they weren't in a risk group either by age or lifestyle or condition they very well would have recovered on their own.

The earliest treatment is vaccine, being healthy and having the right diet.
The one fellow brought up natural immunity , not one example of someone getting the virus a second time and retransmitting it. My sister's family fell like dominos after her daughter brought it into the house from a friend's family. All had covid once before and they got it a second time from her daughter.

The problem I have with the video in it's condensed form is that all I am hearing is opinion and personal experience and not evidence. I am fine with early treatment but I can't wrap my head around how many evil greedy people it would take to pull this off, and not a single one ever defecting and saying, yes we did this, we knew it worked and didn't care that people were dying.

Two years, all of this experience, all of this personal information and they couldn't put together a study showing efficacy? My sister took high doses of ibuprofen and Tylenol and got better in 1 day, she told her friend and they did the same. These are cheap medicines but until it is studied it is just a few data points out of literally tens of millions of cases. If they weren't in a risk group either by age or lifestyle or condition they very well would have recovered on their own.

The earliest treatment is vaccine, being healthy and having the right diet.
This is extremely dangerous.
The one fellow brought up natural immunity , not one example of someone getting the virus a second time and retransmitting it. My sister's family fell like dominos after her daughter brought it into the house from a friend's family. All had covid once before and they got it a second time from her daughter.

The problem I have with the video in it's condensed form is that all I am hearing is opinion and personal experience and not evidence. I am fine with early treatment but I can't wrap my head around how many evil greedy people it would take to pull this off, and not a single one ever defecting and saying, yes we did this, we knew it worked and didn't care that people were dying.

Two years, all of this experience, all of this personal information and they couldn't put together a study showing efficacy? My sister took high doses of ibuprofen and Tylenol and got better in 1 day, she told her friend and they did the same. These are cheap medicines but until it is studied it is just a few data points out of literally tens of millions of cases. If they weren't in a risk group either by age or lifestyle or condition they very well would have recovered on their own.

The earliest treatment is vaccine, being healthy and having the right diet.

I have heard that argument now a few times about no-one getting the vaccine a 2nd time ... and it gave me a pause also. Seems like what they are saying is the FDA can't show anyone that has gotten it a 2nd time.

That the official agencies have totally ignored natural immunity is my concern. I don't think there is anything to be gained by taking things to the extreme.

The other piece of this is the difficulty getting data published .... The lady in the UK is experiencing the same thing .... can't get peer reviewed analysis published .... Yet the Lancet posts totally fake papers that is what got Hydroxychloroquine put on the back burner. The FDA reference that paper as their reason even though the paper had been debunked as totally made up at the time the FDA did their review .... This is the decision that also brought us Remdesivir.
Dr McCullough references evidence all the time as do the others .... what they are all in disbelief about is that they have pretty much all be persecuted for trying to use and demonstrate that these off label treatments work very well.
This is extremely dangerous.
What is EXTREMELY dangerous .... is denying life saving early treatments ... while fudging the numbers on hospitalization and death numbers .... while the vaccine effectiveness fades to nearly zilch.
That the official agencies have totally ignored natural immunity is my concern. I don't think there is anything to be gained by taking things to the extreme.
What the hell is "natural immunity" and how would it apply to the covid issue?

To my knowledge, and I'm no medical expert, but there's no such thing as preexisting "natural immunity". In order to get immunity, you have to get sick first or inherit it from your parents (if that's even possible), and with covid, the first time you get sick might be your last.

It does not follow logic to want to get sick with the virus to gain immunity to prevent getting sick with the virus. That's the most insanely stupid piece of logic I have ever heard...
What is EXTREMELY dangerous .... is denying life saving early treatments ... while fudging the numbers on hospitalization and death numbers .... while the vaccine effectiveness fades to nearly zilch.
Can't get away from the conspiracy garbage can you?
What the hell is "natural immunity" and how would it apply to the covid issue?

To my knowledge, and I'm no medical expert, but there's no such thing as preexisting "natural immunity". In order to get immunity, you have to get sick first or inherit it from your parents (if that's even possible), and with covid, the first time you get sick might be your last.

It does not follow logic to want to get sick with the virus to gain immunity to prevent getting sick with the virus. That's the most insanely stupid piece of logic I have ever heard...
It's pretty simple really .... natural immunity is immunity achieved by getting Covid and then recovering. That immunity has been proven to be much more effective than vaccine immunity ... yet, those people were being force to get vaccinated or loose their jobs.

Makes no logical sense.
Can't get away from the conspiracy garbage can you?
There's the conspiracy word again .... good evidence you have drank the propaganda cool aid.

You guys that continue to deny the evidence that early treatment protocols are extremely effective merely show yourselves to be the sheep you are .... actually more like a bunch of quacking little ducks all lined up in a row ... No realization that in spite of being vocal and vulgar ... You are in the MINORITY.
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diy solar

diy solar