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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

The WHO database and the VAERS are 2 different databases.

I was merely pointing out a relative comparison of adverse events in these 2 database to the other meds and vaccines. The tetanus vaccine has a 54 year record and around 15,000 total adverse events in the WHO database while the Covid vaccines have over 3 million in a little over 1 year.

These databases are both considered warning systems.
The WHO database and the VAERS are 2 different databases.

I was merely pointing out a relative comparison of adverse events in these 2 database to the other meds and vaccines. The tetanus vaccine has a 54 year record and around 15,000 total adverse events in the WHO database while the Covid vaccines have over 3 million in a little over 1 year.

These databases are both considered warning systems.
Exactly, surveillance systems. So you do know but wanted to lie. makes sense. I wonder if the high number of events has anything to do with over 10 billion shots being given in a little over a year and people like you spewing constant BS. Just a theory.
Exactly, surveillance systems. So you do know but wanted to lie. makes sense. I wonder if the high number of events has anything to do with over 10 billion shots being given in a little over a year and people like you spewing constant BS. Just a theory.
You want to pretend there are no adverse events .... and as usual are trying to misrepresent what I am saying ..... I take the position that there is a different risk vs benefit for every individual depending on a number of factors.
Everyone knows of the stories of the high number of soccer players dropping dead after getting the vaccine .... So, if I were a soccer player .... or any other athlete, I would be resisting getting the vaccine.

I only posted a clarification on this because there was so much misinformation from you and your cohorts .... or should I say comrades .... after I posted the comparison chart before .... trying to claim this was BS data .... It is NOT BS data .... Just wanting to make sure others who may not be aware of these databases that this data DOES exist ... and is NOT misinformation. These are the official databases .... Anyone denying this data is presenting misinformation.

Experts agree that the actual events are MUCH higher than these numbers .... by a factor of at least 10 and probably by a factor of 100 ... meaning the VAERS database only represents 1% of actual events .... see the pdf report I attached about the VAERS database.

So .... If you look at the VAERS chart I posted earlier .... and multiply it by 10 ... Which is the absolute most conservative multiplier .... The multiplier should probably be 100...... There have been at LEAST 220,000 events that were deaths and over 400,000 that were permanent disability.

While these events were not proven to be caused by the vaccine .... who ever reported them saw the event as being associated with the vaccine .... and a HUGE warning is shown by both databases.



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You have no idea what you are talking about. Experts, real experts not antivax con men, don't agree with you at all. You have been corrected numerous times. This issue is specifically discussed in the video I posted for you. These are NOT adverse events caused by the vaccine. Causation is determined only after investigation. This is correlation, not causation. There has NEVER been any causation established with the soccer players. Young athletes have sudden death. It happens every year. You are a liar and should be banned. The same information has been corrected over and over.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Experts, real experts not antivax con men, don't agree with you at all. You have been corrected numerous times. This issue is specifically discussed in the video I posted for you. These are NOT adverse events caused by the vaccine. Causation is determined only after investigation. This is correlation, not causation. There has NEVER been any causation established with the soccer players. Young athletes have sudden death. It happens every year. You are a liar and should be banned. The same information has been corrected over and over.
As usual .... If you are typing .... you are misrepresenting the facts .... Look at this information from Germany stating that the number of occurrences are not even remotely normal.
Why do you have to cloud everything you post with pure BS ..... when you do this .... everything you say must be considered pure BS.

As usual .... If you are typing .... you are misrepresenting the facts .... Look at this information from Germany stating that the number of occurrences are not even remotely normal.
Why do you have to cloud everything you post with pure BS ..... when you do this .... everything you say must be considered pure BS.

You are simply disgusting. Ignorant. Fool.

You quote this crap.

G. Edward Griffin is an American author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Griffin's writings promote a number of right-wing views and conspiracy theories regarding various of his political, defense and health
You are simply disgusting. Ignorant. Fool.

You quote this crap.

G. Edward Griffin is an American author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Griffin's writings promote a number of right-wing views and conspiracy theories regarding various of his political, defense and health
Griffin has been a member and officer of the John Birch Society (JBS) for much of his life[9] and a contributing editor to its magazine, The New American.[10] Since the 1960s, Griffin has spoken and written about the Society's theory of history involving "communist and capitalist conspiracies" over banking systems (including the Federal Reserve System), International banking, United States foreign policy, the U.S. military–industrial complex, the American news and entertainment media as propaganda, the Supreme Court of the United States, and the United Nations.[11][12] From 1962 to 1975, he completed nine books and seven film productions; Griffin's 1969 video lecture, More Deadly Than War: The Communist Revolution in America, was printed in English and Dutch. In 1974, he published World Without Cancer, and in 1975, he wrote a sympathetic biography of JBS founder Robert W. Welch.[13][14]

In May 2009, Griffin helped Robert L. Schulz and Edwin Vieira organize a meeting at Jekyll Island of thirty people which, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, included "radical tax protesters, militiamen, nativist extremists, anti-Obama 'birthers,' hard-line libertarians, conspiracy-minded individuals with theories about secret government concentration camps, even a raging anti-Semite named Edgar Steele."[15] Speakers at the meeting "warned of 'increasing national instability,' worried about a coming 'New World Order', denounced secret schemes to merge Canada, Mexico and the United States, and furiously attacked the new president's 'socialized' policies and failure to end illegal immigration", and attendees made plans for a "continental congress" that occurred in November 2009 that was hosted by the We the People Foundation.[15] Griffin was the first to speak at the Jekyll Island meeting and he "told conferees that merely putting 'large numbers of people in the street' was not enough. 'We must,' he said, 'achieve power.'"[15]

He founded the organization "Freedom Force International", which organized a convention called "Red Pill Expo" in Bozeman, Montana in 2017. According to human rights activists, this event was "an “alt-right” recruiting attempt."[16]
You are simply disgusting. Ignorant. Fool.

You quote this crap.

G. Edward Griffin is an American author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Griffin's writings promote a number of right-wing views and conspiracy theories regarding various of his political, defense and health
Of course your next move was going to be vilifying someone to sew a little doubt ..... I could find 25 other articles that discuss the same phenomena going on with soccer players dropping dead. That was just the first one in the search engine.
Of course your next move was going to be vilifying someone to sew a little doubt ..... I could find 25 other articles that discuss the same phenomena going on with soccer players dropping dead. That was just the first one in the search engine.
Dr June Raine, chief executive of Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said at the time that myocarditis and pericarditis remained a “very rare potential risk” with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but that sporting exercise was not thought to be a contributing risk.

Reuters presented the claims to FIFA, world soccer’s governing body, which reaffirmed its statement to Reuters in November: “FIFA is not aware of a rise in episodes of cardiac arrests as indicated in your email and no cases have been flagged in relation to individuals receiving a COVID vaccine.

“Generally speaking, FIFA is in regular contact with leading research centres and experts to do research on a variety of medical topics.”

Reuters also reached out to World Athletics, the Rugby Football League (RFL), the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) – which regulates student athletes in more than a thousand North American institutions and conferences – the International Handball Federation (IHF), the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), International Rugby League (IRL), the National Rugby League (NRL) of Australia, the International Cricket Council (ICC), World Rugby and the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) for comment.

A spokesperson for World Athletics said via email: “World Athletics has seen no evidence that supports claims of an increase in the death rate of athletes in the last two years.”

For England’s national governing body for rugby league, the Rugby Football League, another spokesperson added: “There are no indications at all from our playing population that any of the COVID-19 vaccines have had any significant adverse effects on player health or welfare, let alone any suggestion there has been any link to deaths of players.

“The RFL continues to encourage players to vaccinate against COVID-19 for specific sporting reasons, but also as part of the national vaccination effort and public health narrative.”

The National Rugby League (NRL) of Australia also said: “The NRL has not had any deaths related to COVID or COVID vaccines.”

Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY), a British charity that funds medical research and supports families of young people affected by heart conditions, told Reuters: “It’s important to understand that young sudden cardiac death (in both sportspeople and the general population) is tragically not a new phenomenon.”

It pointed Reuters toward data published in 2008, which showed 12 ‘apparently fit and healthy’ young people (aged 35 and under) die in the United Kingdom every week from previously undiagnosed heart conditions ( and here).

Youre for the party that stole the election. Why would you ever admit they did?
Have you ever considered the logic behind your statements?

How much smarter do YOU think the democrats must be to steal an election and get away with it in front of the entire world? Seriously, if they're THAT much smarter than the republicans, what does that say?
Have you ever considered the logic behind your statements?

How much smarter do YOU think the democrats must be to steal an election and get away with it in front of the entire world? Seriously, if they're THAT much smarter than the republicans, what does that say?
They were smart enough to steal the presidential election but then forgot to take the Senate. Slipped their mind.
I am going to drop out of this conversation because the divisions are just too deep .... the arguments are FAR too visceral ..... it simply isn't a healthy discussion ..... I don't see how it can be turned into one.

Well that didn't age well....
Have you ever considered the logic behind your statements?

How much smarter do YOU think the democrats must be to steal an election and get away with it in front of the entire world? Seriously, if they're THAT much smarter than the republicans, what does that say?
They didn't get away with it appparently, 6/10 Republicans said they would not vote for a candidate who said the election was not stolen.
They didn't get away with it appparently, 6/10 Republicans said they would not vote for a candidate who said the election was not stolen.
I would tend to disagree, and to support my side of the debate, Biden is currently the president.

Also, if the Republican's aren't going to vote for a candidate who said the election was not stolen, who will they vote for? Kind of a lose-lose thing yes?

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