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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Don't virtue signal to me. The whole group of you here talk down to anyone who disagrees with continual never-ending booster shots.
But you're not being talked down to because we disagree.. You're not smart enough to have any clue what the hell you're talking about.. Like a five year old child claiming they know how Santa is going to get down the 8 inch chimney.. you just have no clue.. and since you're an adult, a little bashing is in order.
You don't want a solution to Covid for whatever reason. I'm not a psycho-analyst.
You're not a doctor or medical professional either, but that hasn't stopped you from blabbering about things you know nothing about.

I gave up on all of you way before Bob did. But I like to post proof as it comes up in the news.
Your actions betray your own bull$hit.

And I simply don't have time to hate people I don't even know and certainly not you , Shale.
Damn, you really are easy to manipulate. People in society come up with these little meaningless platitudes, spread them around like a sexually transmitted disease, and you repeat them over and over.

First off genius, it doesn't take "time" to hate people.. It takes time to brush your teeth, drive to work, etc.. Emotions don't require time.
Secondly, if you don't hate people, then you're just another easily manipulated sheepish moron running around.

I hate all kinds of people.. Murderers, guys who beat up their own children or wives, car jackers, thieves, pedophiles, people who create misinformation and fake news, and a whole bunch of others.. in fact, its a long list.. I could write a book about all the people who should be strung up by their necks in the public square and dropped from a long rope.

Sheep (the flock) always returns to church where their pastor (shepherd) tells them what to think and how to think... because they aren't capable of doing it on their own.
Sheep (the flock) always returns to church where their pastor (shepherd) tells them what to think and how to think... because they aren't capable of doing it on their own.
Sins often feel good, but it always feels good to repent and let the Lord wash you clean of impurities with the blood of Christ. It is a bummer that Jesus had to have a bad weekend slumming it on earth, apparently dying a fake death and being tortured is a heroic thing because he is all-powerful and didn't need to? You'd think he should have done it at least once, early on, to experience what it was like to be one of his mortal creatures and the horrific world he created and put us into. Hopefully he got the full range of experiences, including losing a child young, having his parents killed in tragic accidents, and suffering all sorts of illnesses. I also guess the 1/3 of angels who he created (yet, don't have free will?) and decided he sucked and left heaven might have known something that we don't as well.
It's really pathetic that the vaccine believers will tell us how these vaccines have been fully tested and vetted for safety.
Yet the safety data cannot be seen by the public. We are told to "trust the government. Trust Pfizer and Moderna.
They have our interests at heart.

I wasn't born yesterday. I know a corrupt system when I see it.

FDA Asks Court To Delay First 55K Batch Of COVID Docs; Pfizer Moves To Join Case​

As explained in prior posts, in a lawsuit seeking all of the documents the FDA relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, a federal judge shot down the FDA’s requested rate of 500 pages per month and instead ordered the FDA to produce at the rate of 55,000 pages per month starting on March 1.


Since the government has trillions of dollars of our money, it is putting it to good use by fighting to assure that the public has the least amount of transparency possible. To that end, it has now asked the Court to make the public wait until May for it to start producing 55,000 pages per month and, even then, claims it may not be able to meet this rate.

The FDA’s excuse? As explained in the brief opposing the FDA’s request, the FDA’s defense effectively amounts to claiming that the 11 document reviewers it has already assigned and the 17 additional reviewers being onboarded are only capable of reading at the speed of preschoolers.

Hilarious how all of these atheists want to change the subject to Jesus.
Maybe defending Big pharma is too difficult for them ?
It's a well-known tactic of socialists/communists to discredit the messenger.
But I'm just posting the NEWS. Deal with it.
Hilarious how all of these atheists want to change the subject to Jesus.
Maybe defending Big pharma is too difficult for them ?
Ivermectin isn't made in your kitchen.. its made by big pharma genius.
It's a well-known tactic of socialists/communists to discredit the messenger.
You mean like your church did to Galilio and Copernicus?
But I'm just posting the NEWS. Deal with it.
You're posting fake news and I wish the admins would deal with it. But apparently, they've taken the stance that anything you can find on the internet is fine to post, even if its misinformation.
Don't virtue signal to me. The whole group of you here talk down to anyone who disagrees with continual never-ending booster shots.

You don't want a solution to Covid for whatever reason. I'm not a psycho-analyst.

I gave up on all of you way before Bob did. But I like to post proof as it comes up in the news.

And I simply don't have time to hate people I don't even know and certainly not you , Shale.
one of your continuous tactics has been to is characterize the position of others. This is called the strawman logical fallacy. The FDA is not on board with continual never-ending boosters. You use overstated and hot rhetoric to try to argue a point but in the end, it undermines your credibility.

Saying we don't want a solution is a flat lie and you know it. Arguing against misstatements of science and the usage of snakeoil remedies in no way suggests we don't want Covid to end immediately.
You're posting fake news and I wish the admins would deal with it. But apparently, they've taken the stance that anything you can find on the internet is fine to post, even if its misinformation.
I'm well aware that you're the crybaby that got me a short vacation by lying. It's ok.
I'm used to dealing with liberals who have to destroy opposing opinions because they have no solution.

I see cdkipp is denying that never-ending booster shots is what you guys are pushing.
Really ? Then I guess everybody's going to get along just fine.
So what exactly are you guys pushing if it isn't perpetual vaccinations ?
So what exactly are you guys pushing if it isn't perpetual vaccinations ?
Mandatory exercise and diet programs for overweight individuals if they want to receive government-subsidized health care?

I want to see a full randomized trial of ivermectin and fluovaxamine (sp) completed, as well as the efficacy of early treatment and proactive use of zinc lozenges. I'd also like to see MC antibodies customized for omicron spike proteins vs delta, and a better understanding of excess deaths.
Ivermectin isn't made in your kitchen.. its made by big pharma genius.
Invented by Big Pharma. Now it's generic and made in India and other places for a penny a pill.
There's no money in it; therefore it has to be discredited.

Big Pharma called it a "miracle drug" back in 2015, and now calls it "horse dewormer" ?
But you guys wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for that kind of silly propaganda, would you ? LOL
I'm well aware that you're the crybaby that got me a short vacation by lying. It's ok.
I'm used to dealing with liberals who have to destroy opposing opinions because they have no solution.

I see cdkipp is denying that never-ending booster shots is what you guys are pushing.
Really ? Then I guess everybody's going to get along just fine.
So what exactly are you guys pushing if it isn't perpetual vaccinations ?
The virus plays a big role in what the net steps are going to be. Follow the science.
Invented by Big Pharma. Now it's generic and made in India and other places for a penny a pill.
There's no money in it; therefore it has to be discredited.

Big Pharma called it a "miracle drug" back in 2015, and now calls it "horse dewormer" ?
But you guys wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for that kind of silly propaganda, would you ? LOL
A miracle drug for parasites. It wasn't a cure all for everything.
I want to see a full randomized trial of ivermectin and fluovaxamine (sp) completed, as well as the efficacy of early treatment and proactive use of zinc lozenges. I'd also like to see MC antibodies customized for omicron spike proteins vs delta, and a better understanding of excess deaths.
I do too. But you know it isn't going to happen unless the government funds it, and they won't.
Why ? Politicians and drug companies are making a fortune off this pandemic.
And nothing will stop the money train, especially a cheap generic drug.
Invented by Big Pharma. Now it's generic and made in India and other places for a penny a pill.
There's no money in it; therefore it has to be discredited.

Big Pharma called it a "miracle drug" back in 2015, and now calls it "horse dewormer" ?
But you guys wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for that kind of silly propaganda, would you ? LOL

India produces fake drugs genius.. ROFLMAO... Something like 15% to 20% of the drugs from India are fake.

Holy Crap... Seriously? Your conspiracy crap is going to actually kill you one day.. Darwin candidate!

By the way.. they call every drug a "miracle drug" when its first introduced.. We call that "Marketing and sales"..


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Invented by Big Pharma. Now it's generic and made in India and other places for a penny a pill.
There's no money in it; therefore it has to be discredited.

Big Pharma called it a "miracle drug" back in 2015, and now calls it "horse dewormer" ?
But you guys wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for that kind of silly propaganda, would you ? LOL
What liars, who would dare call this a horse dewormer :(


Note to self: If the Ivermectin I take when I get COVID tastes like apples, my supplier might not be getting it from India.
I do too. But you know it isn't going to happen unless the government funds it, and they won't.
Why ? Politicians and drug companies are making a fortune off this pandemic.
And nothing will stop the money train, especially a cheap generic drug.
You aren't wrong about where most of the money for studies are coming from. I can't find the exact numbers but I think Pharma/Industry pays for ~ 75% of studies, government for 13%, and nonprofit/private for 12% ?or maybe even lower. I would be curious where the money for the negative Ivermecting study came from, but I guess even if it was private you might assume it was big pharma hiding?
The virus plays a big role in what the net steps are going to be. Follow the science.
The issue is they don't think the science is trustworthy when it comes from Industry funded trials and people in the pocket of big Pharma so they claim the science we follow is not the real science or trustworthy science. Hence the accusations of conspiracy theories because it would take a lot of people to stay quiet, but I guess a mixture of anecdotal and maybe partial efficacy for certain people with certain levels of virus leave them grasping at conclusions that may or may not be accurate.
Hence the accusations of conspiracy theories because it would take a lot of people to stay quiet,
There's a reason hundreds of doctors are prescribing it despite the threats to ruin them. They see it working.

If you guys really were sincere (you aren't), you would be wanting to see ivermectin and HCQ given a fair shot.

Legalize it and see if it fails. But you can't even be honest with yourself. You'd rather be right than to see this pandemic shut down.
There's a reason hundreds of doctors are prescribing it despite the threats to ruin them. They see it working.
Are you talking about independent doctors, or ones in hospitals? Who is threatening to ruin the doctors not under contract from a larger group / hospital?

If you guys really were sincere (you aren't), you would be wanting to see ivermectin and HCQ given a fair shot.
I want ivermectin to have a fair shot. I can't afford to sponsor a study though. I am confused why FCCC or others don't have the resources or time to devote to formalizing their experiences with patients. I guess it is hard to find people willing to go blind?

Legalize it and see if it fails. But you can't even be honest with yourself. You'd rather be right than to see this pandemic shut down.
Legalize what? Doctors are allowed to prescribe medications for off-label use, it isn't against the law. Now if you are saying legalize weed and see how it works, I would support that.

It is really weird how you keep accusing us of being in the pocket of big Pharma, call us stupid, call us evil, but who the hell here is getting paid to waste their time arguing? I can at least acknowledge that you and others believe what you do for honest (albeit seemingly faulty/unfounded) reasons. You seem to not be willing to give that benefit to us and instead think we are pharma shills spending our time going around on forums.
Ivermectin has had studies and still has ongoing studies. Part of your lies BMcl. You want lives saved. This is lives saved.


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There's a reason hundreds of doctors are prescribing it despite the threats to ruin them. They see it working.

If you guys really were sincere (you aren't), you would be wanting to see ivermectin and HCQ given a fair shot.

Legalize it and see if it fails. But you can't even be honest with yourself. You'd rather be right than to see this pandemic shut down.


Just because some yak idiot says "hundreds or thousands of doctors", doesn't mean squat.

Here, watch this:
Imagine I create a website with a silly name like "AmericanCovidDoctorScienceExperts.dotCom" I adorn the website with links to the AMA, several doctor's groups, links to the CDC, non-existent awards we've won for reporting, and a list of actually legitimate news stories.. and then I add:

Breaking News! Doctors working under a science grant discover that shoving a teaspoon of cinnamon up your ass can cure COVID!"

100% True, and Big Pharma has tried to ban this information....

My name is Suzy SlutWoman and I can tell you for sure that this works! My covid was so bad, then my husband decided to try something new and he shoved a teaspoon of cinnamon up my rear end and I was cured the next day!

My name is Bobby Bonehead, and I discovered the cinnamon trick when my doctor "Dr. WiStupidToo MD" told me to try this cure at home.. and it really works!

In other news: Science discovers a magical invisible sky fairy, but more research is needed, your donations can help.

Damn are some people just dumb as a farm animal....

Just because some yak idiot says "hundreds or thousands of doctors", doesn't mean squat.

Here, watch this:
Imagine I create a website with a silly name like "AmericanCovidDoctorScienceExperts.dotCom" I adorn the website with links to the AMA, several doctor's groups, links to the CDC, non-existent awards we've won for reporting, and a list of actually legitimate news stories.. and then I add:

Breaking News! Doctors working under a science grant discover that shoving a teaspoon of cinnamon up your ass can cure COVID!"

100% True, and Big Pharma has tried to ban this information....

My name is Suzy SlutWoman and I can tell you for sure that this works! My covid was so bad, then my husband decided to try something new and he shoved a teaspoon of cinnamon up my rear end and I was cured the next day!

My name is Bobby Bonehead, and I discovered the cinnamon trick when my doctor "Dr. WiStupidToo MD" told me to try this cure at home.. and it really works!

In other news: Science discovers a magical invisible sky fairy, but more research is needed, your donations can help.

Damn are some people just dumb as a farm animal....
How about this.
STEAM GENERATORS EMIT RADIATION KILLING MILLIONS PER YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We must stop generators and the evil maniacal people that manufacture them and oversee their installation. Steam Generators emit radiation far in excess of the bomb dropped in Hiroshima. To manufacture these correctly would cost 500% more so utilities are letting people die and suppressing radiation. The studies saying that steam generators do not release radiation are a sham paid for by BIG ELECTRIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could safely make electricity by using palm oil mixed with peanut butter and slamming it with a hammer. BUT THEY DON'T TELL YOU THAT. THEY ARE SUPPRESSING THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about this.
STEAM GENERATORS EMIT RADIATION KILLING MILLIONS PER YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We must stop generators and the evil maniacal people that manufacture them and oversee their installation. Steam Generators emit radiation far in excess of the bomb dropped in Hiroshima. To manufacture these correctly would cost 500% more so utilities are letting people die and suppressing radiation. The studies saying that steam generators do not release radiation are a sham paid for by BIG ELECTRIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could safely make electricity by using palm oil mixed with peanut butter and slamming it with a hammer. BUT THEY DON'T TELL YOU THAT. THEY ARE SUPPRESSING THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch this video from this random man in Buttville, Honduras that can barely speak english. He is the MOST EMINENT ENGINEER IN THE WORLD AND HAS THE COURAGE TO STAND UP TO BIG ELECTRICITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He convincingly says that since steam generators were banned from Honduras NO ONE HAS DIED. Now Facebook, Twitter and YOU TUBE have pulled his videos because they are in the pockets of the liberal, communist-socialist fascist state supported by BIG ELECTRICITY.

Don't listen to this BMCL guy who claims to have worked with steam generators for years and posts pictures of himself with machinery. He is a PAID SHILL. Anyone that works with this stuff is dead in six months.

IF you have been exposed to steam generators you can still protect yourself. Go to our supplement store below and buy our anti-tox protocol. This approach has now been approved by over 1,000,000 doctors and that number grows each day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about this.
STEAM GENERATORS EMIT RADIATION KILLING MILLIONS PER YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We must stop generators and the evil maniacal people that manufacture them and oversee their installation. Steam Generators emit radiation far in excess of the bomb dropped in Hiroshima. To manufacture these correctly would cost 500% more so utilities are letting people die and suppressing radiation. The studies saying that steam generators do not release radiation are a sham paid for by BIG ELECTRIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could safely make electricity by using palm oil mixed with peanut butter and slamming it with a hammer. BUT THEY DON'T TELL YOU THAT. THEY ARE SUPPRESSING THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My all time #1 favorite is Dihydrogen Monoxide

I actually got into an argument with a guy a couple years ago in a prepper forum about filling lead acid batteries with water.. Told him I keep a supply of an industrial chemical called Dihydrogen Monoxide and it would be good enough for the batteries.. that sent him into a hissy fit about me not knowing anything about lead acid batteries..

Oh man, that was comical..
My all time #1 favorite is Dihydrogen Monoxide

I actually got into an argument with a guy a couple years ago in a prepper forum about filling lead acid batteries with water.. Told him I keep a supply of an industrial chemical called Dihydrogen Monoxide and it would be good enough for the batteries.. that sent him into a hissy fit about me not knowing anything about lead acid batteries..

Oh man, that was comical..

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