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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

You really are an idiot. M-E-C-H-A-N-I-C-A-L

Post your degree smart one and I'll follow
So as a machinable engineer do you refer to and follow professional best practices guidelines?
So as a machinable engineer do you refer to and follow professional best practices guidelines?
Machinists work for me. I'm not a machinist; that's a trade like a carpenter, ironworker.
SOH CAH TOA ? Mean anything to you ?
Got a BASIC trigonometry question for you.
They taught us to memorize the word SOH CAH TOA. What does that refer to ? if you remember high school math ?
I don’t know. Probably a memory device for rules in doing a calculation. Should I ask you a nursing or law question now or should we just look at pictures of a generator?
Machinists work for me. I'm not a machinist; that's a trade like a carpenter, ironworker.
SOH CAH TOA ? Mean anything to you ?
Typo. I am on a tablet and have big hands. Probably autocorrect.
I don’t know. Probably a memory device for rules in doing a calculation. Should I ask you a nursing or law question now or should we just look at pictures of a generator?
It's basic math; high school actually. SOH is sine=opposite/hypotenuse
CAH is Cosine=adjacent/hypotenuse
TOA is tangent=opposite/adjacent
Those formulas let you find every angle in a right triangle
That is NOT college math

What made you think i don't know how to do algebra, trig, etc ? I took over two years of calculus but have never used it ?
Or were you just trolling again ?
It's basic math; high school actually. SOH is sine=opposite/hypotenuse
CAH is Cosine=adjacent/hypotenuse
TOA is tangent=opposite/adjacent
Those formulas let you find every angle in a right triangle
That is NOT college math

What made you think i don't know how to do algebra, trig, etc ? I took over two years of calculus but have never used it ?
Or were you just trolling again ?
Got it. Good work. My math was over 40 years ago.
LOL, you guys are proud of your "pretend skepticism" while anyone observing can only marvel
at how you trust everything the government and Big Pharma tells you.
There is nothing pretend about my skepticim. It is a burden, do you think it is easy talking to religious people like yourself and don't compare your god to a sky fairy? Just because to me that makes as much sense, that would be considered offensive to your fragile beliefs.

It's hilarious when you think about it.
I do recommend thinking to you. but do so in small increments as it might hurt to the untrained mind.

If Critical Thinking was a Mack Truck, you would get run over and not have a clue what hit you.

Critical thinking is not like a truck of any kind, you should try it. For example think about how you could prove that drinking your own urine does or does not cure covid.
I really relate to your last three sentences. I am an intensely skeptical person. I will question everything. I could write post after post about how the US is mishandling Covid and critiquing the US medical system. There is plenty to talk about. But I am not going to bite on a boatload of unproven talking points that are not even logically cohesive. It is a pile of bullshit. For me this all started as fighting misinformation but I don’t think many read this forum. BMcl, Bob B and a handful of others have said enough provably false, logically contradictory and laughably ignorant things that if you read their posts and take them seriously nothing is going to change your mind. I do find interesting though trying to figure out how BMcl and Bob B got to this point. They are very different and though BMcl has knowingly spouted lies from the beginning, Bob has moved more and more to extreme positions . I think both of them are primarily motivated by tribalism and fear. Covid changed our world. We lost control. It is a psychological burden and people react differently. One way is denial, “ the numbers aren’t real”, “those people all had underlying conditions” and another way is to retreat to fantasy, or pretend control. You get pretend control when you believe there is a handful of common drugs that could stop the virus. Then all of a sudden you can believe you control the virus. The problem is that to maintain this belief you need to continue the construct which forces you to believe more and more fantastical things. You get drawn to things that reinforce your position and shut down your logic functions. As Bob says above he has eliminated virtually every information source except those that confirm his bias. Unlike BMcl, Bob B actually can recognize nuance and at times can recognize logical flaws. You can see it in some of his responses. But he will always in the end reject comtradictory information as it would shatter his psychological comfort zone. It is the same phenomenon we see with people accepting some really bizarre things as part of religion as the psychological burden of suffering and death absent a great rewarding afterlife is to much to bear.
I agree there are plenty of mistakes made and there will be plenty more made. Government has an impossible task as covid is here to stay, to too many idiots refuse to get vaccinated and people live paycheck to paycheck. It is not a job I would want because the decision is how many people are we prepared to let die so we can open restaurants.
They don't even realize that their constant use of the phrase "conspiracy theory" .... IS one of propagandists primary phrases .... So, If you are using that term continuously ....You are either a propagandist .... or you have been propagandized.
Go ahead, drink your own urine if you want, I really do not mind. Just because I advocate against doing that, that doesn't make it propaganda.
Healthcare is #1
Notice who the ones are pushing for government control of doctors and the healthcare system

View attachment 81276
Really, single payer health care is cheaper and has better outcomes. Why do you oppose it?

Because all that they need to do to keep for profit health care is to say "socialism"...

Useful idiot indeed.
I guess the main issue I am having, is that if I am to adopt the other side of the argument I need to believe that majority consensus of scientific information is being either blocked, restricted, or manipulated. I would have to trade out the majority for the minority, and I would have to believe that all science is controlled by the government and by pharmaceutical companies.

If 85/100 experts say yes, 10/100 say no, and 5/100 say we don't know, why would I adopt the information from the minority all things being equal? If the claim is government interference, but these scientists are spread out over the world, then it becomes all of the governments working together to suppress the information. Being in the minority doesn't immediately mean you are the ones who are wrong but you have to bring evidence and proof before it is valid to believe in them. If the majority still do not believe, then I would assume those experts in their field have a good reason to, again, as long as they arent being controlled.

It is just a bridge too far, to jump onto the bandwagon. If this were true then my aunt is lying to me, my sister-in-law is lying to me, my wife is lying to me, all to save their jobs and go with the flow. I think if there was that much pressure going on there would be some hard evidence or more people near the end of their career willing to speak up, unless they are also threatening them with death as well?
I guess the main issue I am having, is that if I am to adopt the other side of the argument I need to believe that majority consensus of scientific information is being either blocked, restricted, or manipulated. I would have to trade out the majority for the minority, and I would have to believe that all science is controlled by the government and by pharmaceutical companies.

If 85/100 experts say yes, 10/100 say no, and 5/100 say we don't know, why would I adopt the information from the minority all things being equal? If the claim is government interference, but these scientists are spread out over the world, then it becomes all of the governments working together to suppress the information. Being in the minority doesn't immediately mean you are the ones who are wrong but you have to bring evidence and proof before it is valid to believe in them. If the majority still do not believe, then I would assume those experts in their field have a good reason to, again, as long as they arent being controlled.

It is just a bridge too far, to jump onto the bandwagon. If this were true then my aunt is lying to me, my sister-in-law is lying to me, my wife is lying to me, all to save their jobs and go with the flow. I think if there was that much pressure going on there would be some hard evidence or more people near the end of their career willing to speak up, unless they are also threatening them with death as well?
Yes, if you take one of these "theories" seriously, and think beyond the specific point, it is the "well, if that is true then this also must be true" analysis that things get screwy very quickly.

COVID Declaration​

Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Around the World​

The over 17,000 signers to the declaration have reached consensus on three foundational principles:

  1. Healthy children should not be subject to forced vaccination: they face negligible risk from covid, but face potential permanent, irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage.
  2. Natural Immunity Denial has prolonged the pandemic and needlessly restricted the lives of Covid-recovered people. Masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions have caused great harm especially to children and delayed the virus’ transition to endemic status.
  3. Health agencies and institutions must cease interfering with the physician-patient relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, as a result of institutional interference and blocking treatments proven to cure at a near 100% rate when administered early.

About the Global COVID Summit

Global Covid Summit is the product of an international alliance of doctors and scientists, committed to speaking truth to power about Covid pandemic research and treatment.

Thousands have died from Covid as a result of being denied life-saving early treatment. The Declaration is a battle cry from physicians who are daily fighting for the right to treat their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments - without fear of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech. We demand that these groups step aside and honor the sanctity and integrity of the patient- physician relationship, the fundamental maxim "First Do No Harm", and the freedom of patients and physicians to make informed medical decisions. Lives depend on it. More information here:


COVID Declaration​

Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Around the World​

The over 17,000 signers to the declaration have reached consensus on three foundational principles:

  1. Healthy children should not be subject to forced vaccination: they face negligible risk from covid, but face potential permanent, irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage.
  2. Natural Immunity Denial has prolonged the pandemic and needlessly restricted the lives of Covid-recovered people. Masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions have caused great harm especially to children and delayed the virus’ transition to endemic status.
  3. Health agencies and institutions must cease interfering with the physician-patient relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, as a result of institutional interference and blocking treatments proven to cure at a near 100% rate when administered early.

About the Global COVID Summit

Global Covid Summit is the product of an international alliance of doctors and scientists, committed to speaking truth to power about Covid pandemic research and treatment.

Thousands have died from Covid as a result of being denied life-saving early treatment. The Declaration is a battle cry from physicians who are daily fighting for the right to treat their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments - without fear of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech. We demand that these groups step aside and honor the sanctity and integrity of the patient- physician relationship, the fundamental maxim "First Do No Harm", and the freedom of patients and physicians to make informed medical decisions. Lives depend on it. More information here:

You are so easily manipulated it is comical...
SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The foundation has no control over our editorial decisions, and the views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the foundation. The goal is to increase exposure to accurate information about COVID-19 and vaccines, while decreasing the impact of misinformation. On this page, you’ll find answers to commonly asked questions, as well as links to our articles debunking misinformation. All of our COVID-19 stories can be found here.

This decision will kill many people. There are now no early treatments for Covid. If you catch the delta strain, and you are one of the unlucky ones, good luck !
I'm sure Johnson, CD and Murph will find a way to justify this. But it's murder, plain and simple.

The FDA is wrong to pull life-saving COVID-19 antibody treatments​

by Kaylee McGhee White, Commentary Writer |
| January 26, 2022

The Food and Drug Administration suddenly decided to withdraw its emergency use authorization of two COVID-19 antibody treatments this week, leaving hundreds of patients who depend on them in the lurch.

The monoclonal antibody treatments made by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly have proven invaluable in fighting off hospitalization and death from the virus, especially against the delta variant. I would know: My grandmother was one of the patients in Florida who benefited from this treatment. Fully vaccinated and boosted, she tested positive for COVID-19 last month and was able to receive an antibody infusion within a few days. It improved her condition dramatically, and she has since recovered. But she might not have if she did not have access to this treatment.
The FDA is arguing monoclonal antibody treatments are no longer necessary because delta is no longer the dominant variant. Omicron is now dominant, and the treatments aren’t nearly as effective against omicron as they were against delta.

There are two problems with this. First, there are still cases of delta out there that must be treated. Second, the FDA is basing its decision on lab results rather than peer-reviewed clinical data, as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed out on Tuesday. This distinction is important, according to Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for the Florida Department of Health, because although the FDA’s results appear to be accurate, “things that happen in the lab don’t always translate to the real world.”
“We’re not trying to say that this does or does not work against omicron. We want clinical data inside of a controlled environment, so we know for certain that it doesn’t work,” Redfern told me.

Moreover, Redfern said Florida’s health officials have heard directly from physicians who believe antibody treatments still work in some cases.

“We’ve heard from physicians who feel like their ability to practice medicine is being hampered by a federal bureaucracy. So, we want to solve that disconnect between what we’re seeing in the lab and what doctors are seeing with patients,” he said. “That’s why we need clinical data in a clinical setting.”

The White House has dismissed these criticisms by discounting the importance of COVID-19 treatments altogether. When asked about the FDA’s decision, press secretary Jen Psaki claimed it is “crazy” to want to keep antibody treatments on the market because “we know what works: vaccines and boosters.”

It is hard for me to understand how some think the concept of early treatment is controversial .... and find it impossible to believe that there are a lot of front line doctors around the world currently using effective treatments ... Some even find it impossible to believe that things like vitamin D levels aren't meaningful.
I believe if you look around the world at the places that are doing early treatment ... the death statistics show their effectiveness to be undeniable. Doctors in those areas have put out the information of how they achieved these successes ..... I have posted many references to some of those places.

I have observed that ALL those who adamantly reject the idea that these early treatments exist also proudly announce themselves as Atheist. .... Those people need to realize they are only 4-10% of the US population .... not the majority.
I don't post this to get any huge argument started about religion .... It is just an observation.

I believe our Covid response is moving beyond the vaccination phase and to the realization that early treatments are a long overdue necessity.

I am going to drop out of this conversation because the divisions are just too deep .... the arguments are FAR too visceral ..... it simply isn't a healthy discussion ..... I don't see how it can be turned into one.

If I come down with Covid I have a plan for early treatment ... and supplies ... I hope I have influenced a few to have one of their own.

COVID Declaration​

Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Around the World​

The over 17,000 signers to the declaration have reached consensus on three foundational principles:

  1. Healthy children should not be subject to forced vaccination: they face negligible risk from covid, but face potential permanent, irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage.
  2. Natural Immunity Denial has prolonged the pandemic and needlessly restricted the lives of Covid-recovered people. Masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions have caused great harm especially to children and delayed the virus’ transition to endemic status.
  3. Health agencies and institutions must cease interfering with the physician-patient relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, as a result of institutional interference and blocking treatments proven to cure at a near 100% rate when administered early.

About the Global COVID Summit

Global Covid Summit is the product of an international alliance of doctors and scientists, committed to speaking truth to power about Covid pandemic research and treatment.

Thousands have died from Covid as a result of being denied life-saving early treatment. The Declaration is a battle cry from physicians who are daily fighting for the right to treat their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments - without fear of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech. We demand that these groups step aside and honor the sanctity and integrity of the patient- physician relationship, the fundamental maxim "First Do No Harm", and the freedom of patients and physicians to make informed medical decisions. Lives depend on it. More information here:

In case you are wondering how much vetting goes into accepting signatures, one of them is named Bob DiySolah MD, I signed up a few weeks ago.
In case you are wondering how much vetting goes into accepting signatures, one of them is named Bob DiySolah MD, I signed up a few weeks ago.
The 17,000+ signatures of the declaration are authentic and must pass a screening process before being officially identified as signing the declaration. Signatories are required to supply their affiliation and a link to their medical organization, facility, or profile. Nurses, non-MD practitioners and non-medical scientists are removed from the list signatories, as are duplicate entries and “bot” emails. The emails of the signatories have been separately and repeatedly tested and verified by a 3rd-party provider.
Just because you signed it doesn't mean you're on the list. Nice try
Canada is instituting Nazi-type policies towards the Unvaccinated

Wed Jan 26, 2022 - 4:10 pm EST
QUEBEC CITY (LifeSiteNews) – The Quebec government is coming down harder on citizens who have not taken an experimental COVID jab, restricting them in big box stores to purchase only “essential” goods.

Shoppers who refuse to show their vaccine passports when entering a large retail location will only be allowed to enter the premises if they agree to be accompanied by an employee who will ensure that they do not purchase anything not approved for unvaccinated consumers by the government.


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Canada is slipping toward Nazi-type policies towards the Unvaccinated
"Nazi-type policies"? Really you believe that the Nazis prevented people from shopping for nonessential products unless they were vaccinated?

We rate LifeSiteNews far-right biased for story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and many failed fact checks.

The 17,000+ signatures of the declaration are authentic and must pass a screening process before being officially identified as signing the declaration. Signatories are required to supply their affiliation and a link to their medical organization, facility, or profile. Nurses, non-MD practitioners and non-medical scientists are removed from the list signatories, as are duplicate entries and “bot” emails. The emails of the signatories have been separately and repeatedly tested and verified by a 3rd-party provider.
Just because you signed it doesn't mean you're on the list. Nice try
True, they claim it is verified. Do they list the third party provider so we can make sure? Do they provide the full list to search?

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