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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Canada is instituting Nazi-type policies towards the Unvaccinated

You do know that most Nazi's were selp proclaimed Christians right?

"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

The antibodies put on holld
This decision will kill many people. There are now no early treatments for Covid. If you catch the delta strain, and you are one of the unlucky ones, good luck !
I'm sure Johnson, CD and Murph will find a way to justify this. But it's murder, plain and simple.

The FDA is wrong to pull life-saving COVID-19 antibody treatments​

by Kaylee McGhee White, Commentary Writer |
| January 26, 2022

The Food and Drug Administration suddenly decided to withdraw its emergency use authorization of two COVID-19 antibody treatments this week, leaving hundreds of patients who depend on them in the lurch.

The monoclonal antibody treatments made by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly have proven invaluable in fighting off hospitalization and death from the virus, especially against the delta variant. I would know: My grandmother was one of the patients in Florida who benefited from this treatment. Fully vaccinated and boosted, she tested positive for COVID-19 last month and was able to receive an antibody infusion within a few days. It improved her condition dramatically, and she has since recovered. But she might not have if she did not have access to this treatment.
The FDA is arguing monoclonal antibody treatments are no longer necessary because delta is no longer the dominant variant. Omicron is now dominant, and the treatments aren’t nearly as effective against omicron as they were against delta.

There are two problems with this. First, there are still cases of delta out there that must be treated. Second, the FDA is basing its decision on lab results rather than peer-reviewed clinical data, as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed out on Tuesday. This distinction is important, according to Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for the Florida Department of Health, because although the FDA’s results appear to be accurate, “things that happen in the lab don’t always translate to the real world.”
“We’re not trying to say that this does or does not work against omicron. We want clinical data inside of a controlled environment, so we know for certain that it doesn’t work,” Redfern told me.

Moreover, Redfern said Florida’s health officials have heard directly from physicians who believe antibody treatments still work in some cases.

“We’ve heard from physicians who feel like their ability to practice medicine is being hampered by a federal bureaucracy. So, we want to solve that disconnect between what we’re seeing in the lab and what doctors are seeing with patients,” he said. “That’s why we need clinical data in a clinical setting.”

The White House has dismissed these criticisms by discounting the importance of COVID-19 treatments altogether. When asked about the FDA’s decision, press secretary Jen Psaki claimed it is “crazy” to want to keep antibody treatments on the market because “we know what works: vaccines and boosters.”

This is more nonsense. Two monoclonal antibody treatments are on hold for Omicron, they can still be used for Delta. They do not work on Omicron and most hospitals quit using them as soon as that research came out. They still use monoclonal antibodies: sotrovimab and Veklury (remdesivir) are still used.

I didn't write to talk about them though but rather the amazing logical contradiction between anti-vaxxers that won't take vaccine but desperately want the versions of monoclonal antibodies proven ineffective.

The mRNA vaccines put a relatively small quantity of messenger RNA in your arm, which causes cells to produce something that looks like the spike protein, and then your own body makes the antibodies. The mRNA is gone within hours and the resulting fake spike proteins are gone within days. Everything else is our body's own immune response.

On the other hand, monoclonal bodies are built in the lab from the ground up to substitute for our own bodies' antibodies and are infused directly into the bloodstream. Don't get me wrong I would take them in a heartbeat but if someone doesn't trust high-tech drugs then GOOD LORD PEOPLE. Just another one of the continuous contradictions of this conspiracy crowd.
It is hard for me to understand how some think the concept of early treatment is controversial .... and find it impossible to believe that there are a lot of front line doctors around the world currently using effective treatments ... Some even find it impossible to believe that things like vitamin D levels aren't meaningful.
I believe if you look around the world at the places that are doing early treatment ... the death statistics show their effectiveness to be undeniable. Doctors in those areas have put out the information of how they achieved these successes ..... I have posted many references to some of those places.

I have observed that ALL those who adamantly reject the idea that these early treatments exist also proudly announce themselves as Atheist. .... Those people need to realize they are only 4-10% of the US population .... not the majority.
I don't post this to get any huge argument started about religion .... It is just an observation.

I believe our Covid response is moving beyond the vaccination phase and to the realization that early treatments are a long overdue necessity.

I am going to drop out of this conversation because the divisions are just too deep .... the arguments are FAR too visceral ..... it simply isn't a healthy discussion ..... I don't see how it can be turned into one.

If I come down with Covid I have a plan for early treatment ... and supplies ... I hope I have influenced a few to have one of their own.
I think you do have the website to buy it from. Just contact me if you lost it.
I agree with your decision. I plan on posting news updates and that's it.
You do know that most Nazi's were selp proclaimed Christians right?

"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

You are happy to punish the unvaccinated. So there's no doubt about who you would have sided with in WW2.
I think you do have the website to buy it from. Just contact me if you lost it.
I agree with your decision. I plan on posting news updates and that's it.
Oh goody. They are going to document another illegal importation of drugs online. By news updates, he means misinformation from extremist sites.
It is hard for me to understand how some think the concept of early treatment is controversial .... and find it impossible to believe that there are a lot of front line doctors around the world currently using effective treatments ... Some even find it impossible to believe that things like vitamin D levels aren't meaningful.
I believe if you look around the world at the places that are doing early treatment ... the death statistics show their effectiveness to be undeniable. Doctors in those areas have put out the information of how they achieved these successes ..... I have posted many references to some of those places.

I have observed that ALL those who adamantly reject the idea that these early treatments exist also proudly announce themselves as Atheist. .... Those people need to realize they are only 4-10% of the US population .... not the majority.
I don't post this to get any huge argument started about religion .... It is just an observation.

I believe our Covid response is moving beyond the vaccination phase and to the realization that early treatments are a long overdue necessity.

I am going to drop out of this conversation because the divisions are just too deep .... the arguments are FAR too visceral ..... it simply isn't a healthy discussion ..... I don't see how it can be turned into one.

If I come down with Covid I have a plan for early treatment ... and supplies ... I hope I have influenced a few to have one of their own.
A moron to the bitter end. Bob B is Capt Ahab and Ivermectin is his white whale. Follow it to your inevitable end.

There are NO EARLY TREATMENTS for Covid other than those that have been authorized. It is a bad situation but that is life Bob. No conspiracy, no secret password. Suck it up.

Bye, I hated getting to know you.
You do know that most Nazi's were selp proclaimed Christians right?

"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

Nothing worse then killing in the name of religion.
There are NO EARLY TREATMENTS for Covid other than those that have been authorized. It is a bad situation but that is life Bob. No conspiracy, no secret password. Suck it up.
According to you , Johnson and Murphy , there are no early treatments for covid.

You enjoy that.

I don't think I've ever encountered a more heartless and uncaring bunch. And as Bob pointed out, you are all atheists.

Take care and enjoy your negativity and hopelessness.
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According to you , Johnson and Murphy , there are no early treatments for covid.

You enjoy that.

I don't think I've ever encountered a more heartless and uncaring bunch. And as Bob pointed out, you are all atheists.

Take care and enjoy your negativity and hopelessness.
Hey, I think Paxlovid is going to work great.
You are happy to punish the unvaccinated. So there's no doubt about who you would have sided with in WW2.
Another lie, I ask that if you refuse the vaccine because you have no faith in the medical professionals, that you also don't go to hospital when you get covid.

But even if I were the most evil person and drowned all but 10 people in this world, because they didn't follow me, what does that have to do with the fact that Nazi Germany was mostly Christian?

Your arguments are childish, " little Adolf is bad so I can be bad as well"

Grow up.
Nothing worse then killing in the name of religion.
If you want to hate people you have to find a difference, having another religion is just one of those excuses. It's sad to watch.

When you look at the US the Evangelicals are leaving the church faster than before and people like BMcL are only aiding in that with their evil and stupid rethoric.
According to you , Johnson and Murphy , there are no early treatments for covid.
There is a vaccine, can't get much earlier than that. I am sure there will be others, but drinking bleach is not one of them.

You enjoy that.
He made it obvious that he wants proven treatments. You seem to be living in a fantasy world with made up boogie men.

I don't think I've ever encountered a more heartless and uncaring bunch.

You are delusional, you are the one advocating against people taking life saving vaccines.

And as Bob pointed out, you are all atheists.
Well I am an atheist, but what is your problem with people who don't believe in any of the gods? After all I only believe in only one fewer god than yourself...

Take care
Thank you.

and enjoy your negativity and hopelessness.
I think this world is beautiful, have you ever stopped to marvel at the beauty? The progress of science? The advances in medicine?
Nothing worse then killing in the name of religion.
I am not sure if this is sarcasm or not. History is rife with examples of tribalism-based atrocities, not just religion. In the case of religion this is one more divisive factor between different peoples, and on top of that the text of many religions extol, glorify and validate killing in God's name. Murder in the name of religion is bad, but righteous killings in the name of God are not, or at least they haven't always been, depending on the religion. In the US slavery and oppression were defended with the words of the Bible, homosexuality has been condemned and ostracized due to the words of many holy texts, and you will still get plenty of people who will argue for some of these passages as being literal.

BMCL- As far as the atheist comment, I agree that many are not as caring towards individuals, but on the whole are more caring for humanity. Most atheists would fall under the humanist label as well. In terms of belief systems, and who is right... Muslims... Christians.... Spiritualists, etc just remember, if the Christian God really is the one true God, then you hit the lottery when you were born into a country where that is the primary religion, even more so if like me, you were lucky enough to be born into a practicing Christian household. If you were born in India, China, or many other countries, you would most likely have been indoctrinated in another religion and been unlikely to come to Christ... sure there is always a chance, but likely not... If you then condemn others who were not given the benefit of being born or moving to a primarily Christian country or community, as destined for hell... well, I can't agree with that. If none of this bothers you then please pass on by, I understand what it is like to be secure in the comfortable embrace of a Christian community, with feedback loops continually affirming and celebrating your beliefs. I wouldn't want to take that from you, but I would encourage you to at least temper some of your dislike,anger,hatred whatever you may feel, towards non Christians.
Ibut I would encourage you to at least temper some of your dislike,anger,hatred whatever you may feel, towards non Christians.
Don't virtue signal to me. The whole group of you here talk down to anyone who disagrees with continual never-ending booster shots.

You don't want a solution to Covid for whatever reason. I'm not a psycho-analyst.

I gave up on all of you way before Bob did. But I like to post proof as it comes up in the news.

And I simply don't have time to hate people I don't even know and certainly not you , Shale.
Don't virtue signal to me. The whole group of you here talk down to anyone who disagrees with continual never-ending booster shots.

You don't want a solution to Covid for whatever reason. I'm not a psycho-analyst.

I gave up on all of you way before Bob did. But I like to post proof as it comes up in the news.

And I simply don't have time to hate people I don't even know and certainly not you , Shale.
Just be very thankful to your Lord and Saviour that you were born in the right place at the right time so that you could be a Christian.
Just be very thankful to your Lord and Saviour that you were born in the right place at the right time so that you could be a Christian.
All of you jokers love to change the subject to anything but the elephant in the room.
The Corruption of the Federal Government is on full display for anyone to see .

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and State Health Officials Directly Call the White House and FDA Liars During Monoclonal Treatment Fight

January 26, 2022 | Sundance | 458 Comments
Keep an eye on this story folks; there’s something else here.
The FDA decision to block COVID-19 treatment options is very sketchy, and I sense that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis knows the science will not support the Biden administration. This story -when exposed- has the potential to bring down the Biden administration, big time… DeSantis senses it.
Earlier today, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis held a roundtable press conference with physicians, clinicians and other health officials in Florida to denounce the Biden FDA decision to revoke monoclonal antibody treatments as a therapeutic option. The FDA action was not only done without communication, but the decision was also made without study and without any input from the treatment side of the COVID-19 dynamic.
Here’s a brief segment of the DeSantis statement:

The full presser is below and is well worth watching to listen to the doctors who refute the FDA claim that monoclonal treatments do not assist patients with Omicron variant. Doctors have treated Omicron patients successfully with the monoclonal antibody treatments. The actual doctors who are treating the patients refute the FDA directly.

The input from Dr. Dwight Reynolds is very revealing. Something is very odd around this story.

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All of you jokers love to change the subject to anything but the elephant in the room.
Pretty sure you referred to us atheists, so the topic is germane. You wonder why we think religious people fall for theories without sufficient information, so it is apt to point out they believe in one thing without sufficient evidence, so of course, they maye be susceptible to other things. Suspension of disbelief can be good for thought experiments, but can be a bad way to make important decisions.

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