diy solar

diy solar

Easun (and others) 6048 charger smart interface

That is amazing - you made it working faster than me :p !
I need to finish my Tuya cloud cutting with OpenBeken tonighit and move with the monitoring project


  • tuyaCloudCutting.jpg
    219.7 KB · Views: 15
I had luck yesterday, no sunshine at all, so i could make the swap without losing solar energy. The next task would be to verify if my original MPPT (which looks the same as Easun but it's branded PowMR) uses the same protocol. It could be different as the menu and the displayed informations are not 100% the same, for instance it displays incoming solar power not just voltage.
You need to reflash all those MCUs? I prefer to buy Tasmota compatible devices or ones which has pin compatible Tuya MCUs with ESP12 so i can make a swap (like Tuya WBR3 -> ESP12F).
I had luck yesterday, no sunshine at all, so i could make the swap without losing solar energy. The next task would be to verify if my original MPPT (which looks the same as Easun but it's branded PowMR) uses the same protocol. It could be different as the menu and the displayed informations are not 100% the same, for instance it displays incoming solar power not just voltage.
You need to reflash all those MCUs? I prefer to buy Tasmota compatible devices or ones which has pin compatible Tuya MCUs with ESP12 so i can make a swap (like Tuya WBR3 -> ESP12F).
I made a decision to reflash them all. It is one-off operation. What cameout of this operatin that some of the sockets are using esp8266, but the firmware was upgraded so was not able to do cloudcutter on them.
For ESP will use ESPHome, as was struggilng with Tasmota to get the devices configured (like relay pin was not provided on the config screen).

The goal of this is to dynamically switch on my second inverter during a day time, or swich invertes during night time, so the socket need to ask HomeAssistant if a particular load (2kW kettle, grill or other stuff) can be switched on. It is a kind of crazy setup, but we need to save energy especialy in winter time.
I had to re-do my board as did it without proper electrical connections
Tonight I installed it - and will be working on nice dash to see how it is going.
But for now my 6 charge controllers are visible in Home Assistant.
Hmm, why not just ask the manufacturer for the modbus protocol ? Or maybe I am just missing something .


  • MPPT MODBUS Protocol - English Version.pdf
    467.1 KB · Views: 11
Good to see, you managed to finalize the project.
Do you know if the charger's working mode is available in the data string?
no I did not see the data, maybe if I will have more time that could be possible.
But from other way, as absorption and floating are voltage based modes, then it could be managed by received data.
If it's not too much bother or too much to ask for, can you please post the wiring diagram for what you did? From what I understand you read the Serial information off the LCD's ribbon, but it is unclear what pins you intercepted. Same for the RS232 implementation.
If it's not too much bother or too much to ask for, can you please post the wiring diagram for what you did? From what I understand you read the Serial information off the LCD's ribbon, but it is unclear what pins you intercepted. Same for the RS232 implementation.
i don't have access to device as they are working now.
But in this post: there is a photo of the back of the LCD screen with + and - markings. The TX pin shall be next to "-", so you could try that. The wires are connected to two separate RS232 to TTL modules, that mean you have all is needed theree.
If it's not too much bother or too much to ask for, can you please post the wiring diagram for what you did? From what I understand you read the Serial information off the LCD's ribbon, but it is unclear what pins you intercepted. Same for the RS232 implementation.
You only need 2 pins from the display: GND (which is common ground with the converter) and TX (connected to the RX on the receiver side).
You only need 2 pins from the display: GND (which is common ground with the converter) and TX (connected to the RX on the receiver side).

When you provide a power supply from connected device and connect directly to arduino/esp.
That is correct, you can also power the ESP with 3.3V from the display board. I think it is the Pin 4 with 3.3V (Pin3 being the RX).
Hello, based on your work I have made esphome component @
It calculates also power based on battery voltage and current


however, sometimes broken packet arrives and data are innacurate!
I am using esp32 devkit v1 fully powered by lcd port, maybe some EMI is causing the bit flip. I have to investigate further.

Late night update:
LCD 3.3V line is weak for esp32.
ESP32 while powered from dedicated usb adapter, has flawless flowing serial data:
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diy solar

diy solar