diy solar

diy solar

EG4 18k PV Discharging 10 - 50 times per day

One tech who was attempting to fix another problem fiddled and poked and made changes, and finally read back the _WRONG_ serial number for my inverter, so he had been poking at someone else's system and not mine. Might be some time for some additional training @SignatureSolarJess
Is that a SS tech or EG4 tech?
One tech who was attempting to fix another problem fiddled and poked and made changes, and finally read back the _WRONG_ serial number for my inverter, so he had been poking at someone else's system and not mine. Might be some time for some additional training @SignatureSolarJess
Thank you for letting us know! I've got with the tech manager to look into this, make sure if it was our team, they're retrained to verify the serial! And also, they're going to confirm any changes are corrected. It doesn't sound like there has been any customers call in asking why their settings have changed, so hopefully it's fine! 😬
Thank you for letting us know! I've got with the tech manager to look into this, make sure if it was our team, they're retrained to verify the serial! And also, they're going to confirm any changes are corrected. It doesn't sound like there has been any customers call in asking why their settings have changed, so hopefully it's fine! 😬
Ha ha... Would they notice?? Best to save all settings first, make changes, then save the changes in a different file. That way reverting is easy. Change management is important!
I have found that if it’s to difficult for SS. Markus_EG4 has been a lot of help for me. He is very knowledgeable..
I have found that if it’s to difficult for SS. Markus_EG4 has been a lot of help for me. He is very knowledgeable..
Markus knows his stuff but he flaked out on me and just stopped responding after minimal interactions...found someone else at eg4 who was responsive but never ceases to amaze me how many flakes are out there
Markus knows his stuff but he flaked out on me and just stopped responding after minimal interactions...found someone else at eg4 who was responsive but never ceases to amaze me how many flakes are out there
Yeah he ghosted me too, some piss poor excuse about being super busy, new products, trips to China etc.
What a bummer.
There's a reason why EG4 inverters are called Beta boxes :) I am glad you escaped the Beta Box nightmare with your Sol-Ark 15k :)
Ha ha... Would they notice?? Best to save all settings first, make changes, then save the changes in a different file. That way reverting is easy. Change management is important!
Typically they’d notice 😂 Something wouldn’t work or wouldn’t be working the same 😮‍💨
From my experience my first unit (green screen) was so glitchy. But after I replace it with a newer 18Kpv ( brown yellow screen) I have not had any issues. But also I am still on the 1616 firmware, I plan on not changing it unless a problem comes up.

diy solar

diy solar