got my new solark dongle today and got it installed, app working in about 5 minutes. Solark should've offered me a replacement dongle on the first call in the first 2 minutes of hearing the symptoms which is gonna lead me into a rant:
the solar diy community is probably the most organized community I've ever encountered, and I regularly visit startup forums, software dev forums, and electrical forums. Solar community trumps them all. Smart people here who know about systems design, root cause, ROI analysis, and a myriad of other technical consideraitons.
and after a few dozen phone calls into SigSolar and Solark, I can say that Solar Support Services are the best support services I've ever encountered in any industry and I've called into every support service imaginable (I ran a business repairing returned goods which meant I got used to dealing with true scum of the earth support people and the best of the best). Solar is at the top of the support services hall of fame.
without support and community being in place for Solar, this industry would NEVER get off the ground...
but like every system, it's only as strong as it's weakest link....some of which have been mentioned on this thread...
to SIG SOLAR and EG4...........If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you want your company to succeed, FIRE the people who aren't contributing to the solution. Despite Support Services at SigSolar and Solark being generally great, they have their bad apples and I'm sure they've been pointed out on many occasions yet they persist. Honor your refund policies or HELP FIX THE ISSUE. You should have a guy that issues get escalated to. Tier 1 is great. Tier 2 doesn't have the brain power. Get better Tier 2 or reserve a guy for all escalations who KNOWS HIS STUFF. It's on YOU to support basic configuration or refund the monies.
I know EG4 could've kept my business. I know SigSolar could've been a long term partner for me. But a few bad apples spoiled the opp. How many opps have they spoiled? countless other for sure. If SigSolar was Bank of America, I'd just walk away; there's no reforming that overgrown monster. But SigSolar and Eg4 are young growth companies. GET your SHIT together and get rid of the dead weight (or give them one last chance to reform.)