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diy solar

EG4 6500ex not going into float


Solar Enthusiast
Sep 1, 2022
I replaced my single MPP LVX with EG4's in parallel.. The LVX would bulk charge and immediately float. On the EG4s it just stays at bulk charge voltage and never goes into float. Any ideas? Other than that it is solid. No silly parallel issues like MPP.
My LV6548 does that only in USB mode when PV energy is contributing. I now only run in SBU mode with off peak timer charging to supplement as needed.

It hasn’t happened in 9 months months however if things get weird, a shut down and restarting help. Open the grid breakers then the PV, now the two OFF switches, wait it to go off and lastly open the DC breakers. After waiting 10 minutes, reverse order but use a charging resistor before closing the DC breakers. If you are using Solar Assistant, pull the usb cables from them before de-powering and AFTER re-powering, insert the usb in the “master” inverter first. I haven’t done it in so long I had to write it down.
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My LV6548 does that only in USB mode when PV energy is contributing. I now only run in SBU mode with off peak timer charging to supplement as needed.

It hasn’t happened in 9 months months however if things get weird, a shut down and restarting help. Open the grid breakers then the PV, now the two OFF switches, wait it to go off and lastly open the DC breakers. After waiting 10 minutes, reverse order but use a charging resistor before closing the DC breakers. If you are using Solar Assistant, pull the usb cables from them before de-powering and AFTER re-powering, insert the usb in the “master” inverter first. I haven’t done it in so long I had to write it down.
Mine is set to SBU. As for solar assistant, seems you only need to attach one usb cable to master. The slave does not need it. You will see both inverters. Although it does not show the the temperature of the slave inverter.
Well I think yours is different than in SBU mode because mine drops to the float setting (program 27) to 54.8 after being at bulk 55 for about 15 minutes. It just does that time on its own. My Solar assistant won’t see the other inverter at all without a second usb cable. There may be some more actual software differences between an EG 6500 and the LV6548. I thought it was mainly the new PV and EG battery interface.
I replaced my single MPP LVX with EG4's in parallel.. The LVX would bulk charge and immediately float. On the EG4s it just stays at bulk charge voltage and never goes into float. Any ideas? Other than that it is solid. No silly parallel issues like MPP.
My two bought Aug 22, started up finally are doing this. No firmware updates yet, as I wanted to see them operate first. What was your fix?

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