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diy solar

EG4 firmware support needs some serious work


New Member
Aug 17, 2023
I am not sure if these issues are seen across other products, but the PowerPro AW battery firmware file management needs a lot of work.
Here are some of the issues that I have seen.

1. There is a separate process for RS-232 and RS-485, but it appears that both are needed. Why?
2. The EXE file for the 232 update displays "PIC BMS 485 Firmware Updater".
3. None of the ZIP files that you download, display the actual firmware version(s) contained in the file.
4. The latest ZIP file only contains an update for the heater logic. Again, no version info is included.
5. This latest ZIP file on the website has replaced all previous files on the website that had updates for the BMS and RSD. How are those now accessed?
6. What are the latest/greatest versions that customers should be updating to for each module in the battery?
7. In the previous ZIP files there are hex files for 100Amp, 140Amp, 200Amp current charging. Why are those needed?
8. The HEX files should not be named the fixed component. ex: "PowerPro Heater logic change.hex". They should simply have the Product and version number. Details about what is fixed/updated is contained in the changelog.
9. Are these HEX and BIN files cumulative? This is why versioning is so important.

I realize that the PowerPro is a new product, but file management is a pretty basic process, at the same time is CRITCAL in keeping the customers up-to-date and preventing issues.
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The naming for what it fixes can come in handy is the only thing I think might be right the way it is but putting the version at the start of the name would be good too.
I am not sure if these issues are seen across other products, but the PowerPro AW battery firmware file management needs a lot of work.
Here are some of the issues that I have seen.

1. There is a separate process for RS-232 and RS-485, but it appears that both are needed. Why?
2. The EXE file for the 232 update displays "PIC BMS 485 Firmware Updater".
3. None of the ZIP files that you download, display the actual firmware version(s) contained in the file.
4. The latest ZIP file only contains an update for the heater logic. Again, no version info is included.
5. This latest ZIP file on the website has replaced all previous files on the website that had updates for the BMS and RSD. How are those now accessed?
6. What are the latest/greatest versions that customers should be updating to for each module in the battery?
7. In the previous ZIP files there are hex files for 100Amp, 140Amp, 200Amp current charging. Why are those needed?
8. The HEX files should not be named the fixed component. ex: "PowerPro Heater logic change.hex". They should simply have the Product and version number. Details about what is fixed/updated is contained in the changelog.
9. Are these HEX and BIN files cumulative? This is why versioning is so important.

I realize that the PowerPro is a new product, but file management is a pretty basic process, at the same time is CRITCAL in keeping the customers up-to-date and preventing issues.
Completely agree. My battery no long functions because of this. I have requested the latest firmware and it’s been two days. They need to fix this process now.

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diy solar