diy solar

diy solar

EG418Kpu configuration Q


New Member
Apr 6, 2022
I have a setup where my EG4 has no PV input (yet), but I input through the generator 12kW (peak) of PV from a pair of SolarEdge inverters.

I have 28.8kWh of Battery.

My house load is fed by the EG4 and the Meter with bi-directional (export) capability.

I do not have enough batteries or solar to meet my daily demand (yet), although I occasionally instantaneously export to the grid (and I want to avoid this, as we sell at 0.5x, but buy at 1x, even instantaneously)

Ideally I would like to use my batteries daily to supply house power, and supplement with generator (PV) power as long as they have charge, and make sure there is enough capacity to absorb from the generator when I would be otherwise exporting to the grid.

Charging batteries when there is a surplus from the generator. I do not want to export to grid. I want the batteries to absorb any generator (PV) surplus.

I would also like to automatically supply from Generator or Batteries during any brown-outs.

I feel like if I force discharge at night for example, the batteries will then immediately charge from the grid -- and thus have no capacity to accept any generator (which is really PV) excess.

It is not clear to me what configuration I should be using. Is this a case of Micro-grid? In the manual it is confusing to understand what it means generator connected to inverter's grid port, and also AC power connected to inverter grid port and don't export to inverters grid port.

thank you for assistance.