diy solar

diy solar

Epever break their Cloud services again ?


New Member
Dec 27, 2021
Austin, TX
Swear they do this everytime they update the app.

I just gave up on the savings and started buying Victron, but I still have this one Epever 30amp that feeds my home office that I need to have remote connectivity to so I can turn the load on and off from the app. The victron load outs don't work for it due to their own software issues with the cheaper controllers(75/15). This had been working since the last time the geniuses at Epever updated the app without telling anyone and breaking their cloud services/remote connectivity. I may just give up on tracking usage and just replace it with the Victron with less monitoring.

Always a battle with chinese software developers. Their learning curve is REALLY slow. It's unfortunate for them, as the product hardware actually isn't bad. Now that Victron has lowered prices, there really isn't a good argument for Epever.
It's frustrating to hear about Epever's recurring cloud service issues. I feel your pain — relying on tech that doesn't deliver when we need it most can really throw a wrench into things. I've found that having a backup plan is crucial, especially for important data. Office 365 cloud backup has saved my neck more times than I can count!

I'm curious, what do you all do when faced with downtime from service providers like Epever? Do you have backup systems in place, or do you prefer to wait it out? Let's swap some tips and tricks to help each other out!
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diy solar

diy solar