diy solar

diy solar

Eve 105 with questionable (reprinted?) QR code

@ZEUS-FL how are the voltage readings now?

Later edit: the middleman (actually middlewoman) answered my email. She said that both cells are legit. I took the plunge and removed the white part off of one of the cells then peeled the sticker: nothing, not a trace of sanding, not a trace of any attempt to etch a QR code there, just shiny metal. Under the minus sign there is another QR code, probably an internal, factory code.
I don't know what to make of this, because the QR on the sticker does not cover another QR code, most I could tell is that Eve is sketchy and Nkon is in the clear.

Email reply: Screenshot_20240207-165312.png
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@ZEUS-FL how are the voltage readings now?

Later edit: the middleman (actually middlewoman) answered my email. She said that both cells are legit. I took the plunge and removed the white part off of one of the cells then peeled the sticker: nothing, not a trace of sanding, not a trace of any attempt to etch a QR code there, just shiny metal. Under the minus sign there is another QR code, probably an internal, factory code.
I don't know what to make of this, because the QR on the sticker does not cover another QR code, most I could tell is that Eve is sketchy and Nkon is in the clear.

Email reply: View attachment 194039
They all of them are sitting on 3.412V
It' time to wrap this up. Nkon came back, said it's ok to look under the white top because they contacted Eve and Eve confirmed that it happens with very few cells and as such not too many folks know of this. If capacity/IR is not in line with specs we can talk warranty.
I'll give them the benefit of doubt. Meanwhile a friend of mine to whom I told the story bought me a capacity/IR tester. It's on its way from China so it'll be two weeks at least. I'll do a test then, but I'm confident these are indeed Eve cells. Why they're labelled like this could because of a glitch of the etcher but it's nothing Nkon could do about it. So yes, I'd still buy from them.
Got the capacity tester today. I'll have a go at testing one of the cells tomorrow, hopefully. With all the hubbub at work, I haven't had any time to work on building the battery. Got the BMS ready, need to work on the case that doubles as a fixture for the cells. The other cells already have 10 cycles. I'll be reworking their case as well, but only after building the second battery, which seems to be taking a few more weeks, maybe.

diy solar

diy solar