diy solar

diy solar

Experiences with Longi HiMo-5?


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 29, 2020
British Columbia, Canada

We are down to the wire on ordering panels for our roof top array. We are off-grid on an island next to the sea in the Pacific Northwest.

The roof array needs to fit about 6000 W or more on a Schneider 600V controller. There is just room for sixteen 1.73 m by 1.11 m on the main roof.

The N-Type Hetro-junction REC 410 Alpha Pure panels fit the main roof perfectly and have the desired Voc for a convenient string layout. I really wanted to go with them for all of their excellent attributes (quality, strength, low degradation rate, high Voc, low light response), but they are more than twice the price of the Longi HiMos.

HiMo 5 LS54-410M-B panels (410 W, PERC, P-Type Ga doped, 9 busbar half cut) are available now, here in Western Canada.
HiMo 7 LR5-72HGD panels ( 580W, N-Type HPDC 132 half cut cell) will be available here in May.

Has anyone got experience with Longi's HiMo panels? We are in a windy, salt spray area. Any defects or failed panels etc., anything I should know about re HiMo panels before going with this option?

If I went with the HiMo 5's I'd have to add more panels and another controller to make the string layouts work, but would end up with more power than the REC option, at about the same price. This would be great if the HiMo panels had good performance, reliability and lifetime.

Thanks for any comments on your experiences with the HiMo series of panels!
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I don't have lots of experience with ours. I installed them last fall and they are working very well. But ill be honest I don;t pay to much attention to them. They seem to pull more watts compared to our poly panels with low irradiance. the poly panels are 3s2p 340w panels. The HiMo are same configuration (405w). I do wish the voltage on them was higher..... I routinely see 93v while the panels are outputting.

Where are you looking? wegosolar has the 405's for sale
Very good experience.
The last weeks I have been getting over 14kw on a 12850 combined array.
Have had the panels installed for almost 2 years. Made over 18.07mWh on them the last calendar year.
Highly recommended.

I got the 540w 72c version of the 5s.
Have had the panels installed for almost 2 years. Made over 18.07mWh on them the last calendar year.
Highly recommended.
LOL... I don't think I'd recommend them if they've only made 18.07mWh in a year ;)

Maybe you meant 18.07MWh?
Thanks for the HiMo 5 performance info.

The HiMo 5 series of panels come in both 54 cell 400+ Watt variants and 72 cell 500+ Watt variants.

As far as I know, the larger form factor 72 cell panels are only available in aluminum coloured frames, which is too bad as I'd get the larger if they were available in all black.

Anyone know if the 72 cell HiMo panels come in all black?

We've been told that a residentially sized version of the N-type 450-460 Watt, 54 cell Hi-Mo 7 will be available in Q4 of 2024. These may be all-black panels as they are in demand for residential panels.