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diy solar

Firmware on the new EG4 LL V2 batteries


New Member
Jun 17, 2022
Does anyone know how to access the firmware \ menu on the EG4 LL V2 batteries?

This video from SS shows him holding down the back button under the LCD for a few seconds to get to the menu.

I've tried every button on the display, ranging from 2 seconds to 10 seconds each, still nothing.

What am I doing wrong?
Does anyone know how to access the firmware \ menu on the EG4 LL V2 batteries?

This video from SS shows him holding down the back button under the LCD for a few seconds to get to the menu.

I've tried every button on the display, ranging from 2 seconds to 10 seconds each, still nothing.

What am I doing wrong?
You need to change the dip switch to address 16 (all buttons towards you) and then restart the BMS. Once you change the protocol, switch the dip switch to the address you previously had. Remember to restart the BMS every time you change the dip switch.
Does anyone know how to access the firmware \ menu on the EG4 LL V2 batteries?

This video from SS shows him holding down the back button under the LCD for a few seconds to get to the menu.

I've tried every button on the display, ranging from 2 seconds to 10 seconds each, still nothing.

What am I doing wrong?
Can I ask why you are trying to update the FW on a V2? There is no real call for that at all. The only reason that is out there is if the unit is having BMS issues, which are very rare.

(edit**) I misread that originally. Are you just trying to find out what FW file is loaded on the battery?
Can I ask why you are trying to update the FW on a V2? There is no real call for that at all. The only reason that is out there is if the unit is having BMS issues, which are very rare.

Haven't decided to update firmware on the batteries yet, I wanted to understand what version I was on compared to the current firmware.

I am planning to update firmware on the inverters since I am continuing to have an issue with one of them showing battery charging 100% of the time (both are in USE mode and have the same #26 / 27 values) despite all the batteries being in standby mode and there being 0a read on the batt cables using a clamp meter.

I've emailed tech about this but gotten no response, so I was planning to get everything on v.latest so I wouldn't be instructed to do that before we could troubleshoot.
Arrow up on the home screen and you will see the version. I think in Oct it'll probably be 79.02 or .03. The newest version is 79.60 and available on the EG4 website

Where can I get the file for the version of the firmware that I'm currently running, just in case I want to roll back?
I just received EG4-LL V2 battery. The label on the box says it's V2. But the LCD screen shows V1.0 firmware (photo attached below). Is this really a V2 battery? Or Signature Solar shipped me V1 battery?IMG_2158.jpg
Hello, I updated my EG4-LL (48V, version one with display) firmware with Victron Hex option to see if my Victron Cerbo GX can talk to my EG4-LL batteries, then I saw this YouTube video (at minute marker 3:00/5:13) showing three different Hex firmware files, including one for EG4.

I am looking for the EG4 HEX file shown on the first line, I believe my batteries (3 of 6) now have the Victron firmware shown on the third line. Did I make a mistake of updating the firmware because I also own an EG4 6500EX-48 inverter and I want to use my EG4-LL batteries with it and I am now wondering if the communication would work between all my EG4 products (with some of my batteries having the Victron firmware)? Again, how do I get the EG4 firmware Hex file shown in that YouTube video, so I can go back, unless you tell me that upgrading to Victron firmware should not prevent my EG4-LL batteries to work with my EG4 6500EX-48. Thanks in advance for your reply

EG4 YouTube video:

Firmware update for BMS communications between LiFePOWER4, EG4-LL (V1) and EG4-LL (V2) batteries.​

It is my understanding that the LL V1 FW to communicate with the Cerbo is not going to prevent the batteries from communicating with an EG4. (The EG4 family will always have closed loop capabilities) However, on the website, you should be able to find the original FW in the Downloads section of the site under the appropriate batteries. Hope this helps!
My Sol-Ark sees only one EG4-LL V2 master. It doesn't see the other 5 slave EG5 LifePower packs that connected behind the V2. Did I miss any setting on the V2?

BTW, the DIP switch on the V2 is in a reverse order, for example 0001 is ON-ON-ON-OFF (see photo attached). I wasted about 2-3 hours on this last night trying to connect to the inverter.
Also the manual incorrectly shows ON-OFF-OFF-OFF (wrong order and wrong polarity).

How do you get to the Second or third revision of a Product and still have the Dip switches upside down ?
Pretty sure that the ON direction silkscreen is backwards. Since it's binary, with the far right (top) switch UP, and the rest down that means that up is the other direction (opposite of what the arrow shows) and the values are 1,2,4,8 from the top down...

And yeah, the fact that the switches are mislabeled is a bit disturbing.

I used the BMS tools to connect to the battery and flipped the switches, cycling the BMS each time, to confirm the ID value in software was what I wanted. I no longer trust any of the silkscreening on these dips.
The DIP switches on my LL V2s do appear to be oriented correctly, and as described in the manual I was given, but to get SA to see both batteries I had to start with position 2, and use separate direct rs485 connections to a splitter. and then to my RP. Daisy chained communications did not work.