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diy solar

First Post with questions re: EG4 6000xp with manual transfer not to main panel.


New Member
May 6, 2024
Please tell me if there are glaring errors in my thinking.

EG4 6000XP to Reliance Protrans 2 10 circuit manual transfer switch with or without 30 amp L14-30 inlet? Drawing line load from an existing 240 outlet
to the inverter.

Primary goal is to have have storm backup until weather clears enough to run the inverter generator. Need to power 240 volt well pump for very brief periods. Secondary goal is to utilize the daily available solar from 16 100 watt panels to power freezers and refrigerator.

I am elderly, have some physical limitations and on fixed income so must be wise in my planning.

Currently own the 16 panel, and recently purchased the Eg4 inverter. Have the inverter generator with a 30 amp panel interlock breaker installed.
Would like to start with 1 rack mount batteries and later get a second, budget being the reason for not going to 2 right away.

Would probably go with AO lithium, Expert Power or Vatrer battery
Sadly, money is a consideration so I cannot afford to scrap what I have to start over. I would be most willing to get to my goals, if recommendations to accomplish this exist, that I have overlooked.
Overall plan sounds correct. Before moving forward I would recommend identifying the start-up surge demand from the well pump. While the 6000XP can probably run the pump it may struggle or even throw an overload fault with the initial surge. If the well pump does not already have a soft start built in, perhaps an external soft start could be added.
Thanks for taking the time to point that out. I will check. Fortunately it isn't totally necessary to the overall plan. Just
a bonus to the plan. I know my well pump runs with the generator so in a prolonged outage we'll be okay.
Currently own the 16 panel, and recently purchased the Eg4 inverter. Have the inverter generator with a 30 amp panel interlock breaker installed.
Would like to start with 1 rack mount batteries and later get a second, budget being the reason for not going to 2 right away.

With the 6000XP, the recommended minimum capacity is 200Ah. With only having 1 server rack battery, I would make sure to check the discharge current limit so that it does not exceed the limitation of the battery.

Got it. Already decided to get the second battery right away.
Measured my inrush of the pump 44 amps, running 10-11 amps.
Got it. Already decided to get the second battery right away.
Measured my inrush of the pump 44 amps, running 10-11 amps.
44amps at 240v, doubt the 6000xp can start that without grid as a fallback.
I guess we'll find out the hard way. It won't be a significant problem I was looking for the added convenience
til the weather clears for starting the generator. Thanks.
Before I bought the 6000xp I weighed all my options as water is critical at our cabin. Could have bought much larger or multiple inverters to start well or replace well pump with Grundfos SQ series. Decided on the latter and glad I did. The Grundfos has no large inrush and the 6000xp has no problem running it along with other items.
I may be in a good news bad news situation soon. When the well was drilled 13 years ago they had difficulty finding
water. They had to go down over 700 feet and frack to get what is described as a low recovery well. We need to be aware not to do back to back laundry loads and showers but mostly we get by. As time goes by, seemly unrelated to usage to lose pressure.
We have a pressure switch with low pressure cutoff to prevent pump damage. When it happens over the day, I hold the lever to build pressure backup. I do this over the course of several hours till switch holds pressure on it's own. My guess is that despite my efforts there is greater than normal wear on the pump. That the bad news. The good news is I will have an opportunity, albeit
expense, to replace the pump with a Grundfos SQ series.
In the mean time, we store sufficient water to hold us for a few days. Ironically we have a heavy spring/ summer nee for a strong sump bump. Between the powerstation and 2000 watt inverter we keep the water out of the basement.

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diy solar