diy solar

diy solar

FNIRSI DSO152 Oscilloscope to check inverter sine wave


New Member
Feb 19, 2021
I recently purchased this inverter. Before I use with any sensitive electronics, I would like to confirm 100% that's it's producing a pure sine wave output. To check this, I purchased a small FNIRSI DSO152 Oscilloscope. The instruction manual is quite basic and I can't figure out for the life of me how to check the waveform when I probe my 110v outlet. Even Youtube University doesn't seem to have any content that covers this specific question, despite watching quite a few videos. Does anyone have experience with this tool?
I think that was it! As a total newb, I was using the small low voltage alligator clip probes. Once I switched to the higher voltage ones, I got the following wave form showing. From what I understand, that wave looks clean?

Screenshot 2024-05-31 143452.png
Ahh, you have the single trace one. No issues with the ground for that. Kind of scary what you can get for a hundred bucks. The old Tektronix dual-quad trace 100Mhz $10,000 scopes with the tiny green displays, ....
Well I tested the inverter and even at high load the wave stayed smooth. Just to double-check I plugged into a little junky 12v inverter and the wave looked like a game of minecraft. I think I'm all good! Thanks so much for the help

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diy solar