diy solar

diy solar

Force 6000xp / LXP6K into SUB "mode"


New Member
Feb 24, 2024
New Brunswick Canada

I've been reading about the 6000xp / LXP6K for a few months before getting and installing one.
Thanks to the posts of many very helpful people here I learned how to get it into SBU behavior (since there are no hard set "modes" on this inverter) when I had a relatively small solar array. In this scenario SBU behavior made sense, since I had relatively little solar and most of my power still came from the grid.

I now have nine 400W panels in series on one of the MPPTs, and plan to expand to more of the same on the second MPPT.
I'd like the inverter to behave in SUB mode instead, now that I have more solar, where the solar and grid power loads together, and battery is used only in case of grid failure. I can't quite figure out how to get there though.
The closest I've come so far is to limit my battery discharge to just 2 DC Amps, so while technically it's getting used, the loads are actually powered mostly by solar. The grid is supplementing power when solar is lacking. Right now Solar, Grid and (a little bit of) battery are powering the loads together during the day, and only the grid at night.

The idea behind SUB mode is that I want the (LiFePO4 in Lead Acid mode) battery to not get used at all and only act as backup for power outages.
I can set the inverter to work in No Battery mode, but the manual doesn't recommend it, and I actually do want to keep the battery charged at 85-90%.
I understand that I need to play around with EOD and discharge cutoff settings, to get to the behavior I want, but so far I haven't been able to get it to work this way.

Would appreciate any advice at all.
I believe the best way to achieve this is to put the "On Grid EOD SOC(%)" to the max of 90%. This would use 10% of the battery when needed but would switch over to solar and grid power once the batteries are down to 90%. The "no battery" function would work, however if utility is not available then it may not function properly. If configured this way, I would recommend to deep cycle the batteries every couple of months.
Since you're in Lead Acid mode, you would set the On Grid EOD Voltage. Set it to 58V (the max value).

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diy solar