diy solar

diy solar

Free Power is AWESOME!!!

I guess I wasn't clear on what I did, so I'll try to clear up some of the confusion. I am using about 10Kwh of battery daily but you can see it has been rising as the month of Feb goes on. My pay back calculations are based on my average power usage over the past 3 years 30,000Kwh - 33,000Kwh for the year during my previous electric contract. I was paying $0.066/Kwh and about $0.033/Kwh for delivery charge. The going rate in my area seems to be about $0.155/Kwh Plus delivery charge of about $0.055/Kwh now. That works out to just under $7K for the year if I had not installed my system. The first month on our new plan with my batteries installed (and yes I have the required grounding. You can't see it but it is there) We did not use any electricity from the grid during the time of day the electric company charges for power. We charged our batteries during the night and ran from battery during the day for free. It appears our daily usage has risen to 10Kwh to 14Kwh per day time. We have done some things to minimize our usage (installed LED bulbs several years ago), installed soft start devices on both of our AC units (although we have only used one of our AC units so far this year) we also do things like laundry in the evening and we run our pool pump at night. Our power company charges a base fee that works out to about $14/month (although for some reason our first month we were charged $12.97). When we signed up with them, they offered a promotion giving us a $15 gift card into our Amazon Prime account every month for the duration of our 2 year contract. So we actually made $2.03 on the first month. In June July and August I expect to use more power daily than my battery capacity, so I have decided to purchase solar panels. I think adding solar panels actually makes my system less profitable because the cost of the power I may have to purchase will be way less than the cost of the panels. However, the main reason I plan to install panels is because I want to have a backup source of energy. If the grid goes down, I should have enough power from the panels to charge my batteries at least partially. If we conserve, we should be able to keep the frig running and run the furnace fan (we burn gas for heat).
And finally, we should be able to take advantage of the 30% tax break from the IRS to bring the cost down to about $14,000. If you divide $14,000 by $7K it works out to about 2 years for pay back. I keep saying 3 years in case we have to pay for energy in the summer or if we have a breakdown and have to buy energy while we make repairs. Honestly, I wasn't trying to say I have invented electricity. I'm just saying I have found a way to use batteries and an inverter to get electricity (when amortized over 3 years) at no cost or VERY low cost! If that makes some of you uncomfortable... oh well!
Yes I am monitoring the battery temps daily and expect to need to add fans for the summer or remove the insulated plywood panels completely during the summer months.
I had another idea that is kind of a modification of something I saw on a Youtube video. Some guy used an old freezer to keep his batteries warm in the winter by installing the battery and a light bulb in the freezer box. My thought is to purchase a medical freezer (Accucold) they used to transport the Covid vaccines around in vehicles and use it as a cold source. I think it might work to cut a hole in the side of the freezer chest and plumb it with a 4in duct into my battery cabinet (near the bottom at one end). Then install a "muffin" fan near the top of the cabinet at the other end to pull air through the cabinet and out. That should draw in cold air from the freezer and lower the temp...
Good plan.

I expect to need to make modifications to my fans too by June.

Would be nice to automate this, without a full fledged AC.
I was able to buy a thermostat controlled outlet plug made by Inkbird. I turns on my heating pad inside the cabinet to keep my batteries warm and it has a cooling connection that I plan to use for the cooling control. The thermostat turns power on to the correct outlet based on the temp control settings. Heating has been great so I think it will work for my freezer idea to cool my batteries.

How much battery capacity (kWh) did you get? You mentioned $20k. I spent $11k all together on materials and I have capacity for 1 day, realistically.
I have about 42KWh of battery capacity. Currently I use about 12% of the capacity daily. I expect the summer days to drain my batteries to near zero every day in June, July, and August. I'm looking at adding some solar panels to ensure I don't run out of power in the summer and as a backup when the grid goes down.
I had another idea that is kind of a modification of something I saw on a Youtube video. Some guy used an old freezer to keep his batteries warm in the winter by installing the battery and a light bulb in the freezer box. My thought is to purchase a medical freezer (Accucold) they used to transport the Covid vaccines around in vehicles and use it as a cold source. I think it might work to cut a hole in the side of the freezer chest and plumb it with a 4in duct into my battery cabinet (near the bottom at one end). Then install a "muffin" fan near the top of the cabinet at the other end to pull air through the cabinet and out. That should draw in cold air from the freezer and lower the temp...
You are describing something used in the home brewing hobby known as a keezer (keg+freezer). I have made many. I would not advise you to cut a hole in the side of the freezer for many reasons. The workaround is known as a collar. It's a band of lumber that sits snugly on top of the freezer, you attach the lid to it and can drill holes through it and mount faucets, etc.

I calculate my ROI a little differently, but it makes sense to me. I simply take total solar cost (10k) and divide that by the average utility bill prior to solar.(250) This gives me 3.3years ROI.
It's been 3 months and thought I would add an update. The system is performing just as expected. However I had one unexpected "glitch". I never thought about the clock on my inverter when we changed to daylight savings time! I have not been able to find a setting in the software of the inverter to automatically compensate for the shift in time. I had the inverter set to start pulling power in from the grid about 15 minutes after 9pm which is when power is free for me. When we set our clocks back, I did not change the time on the inverter so I started using power from the grid for about 1 hour while I would be charged. My power provider has a really cool app that I monitor and I noticed my energy charge was up about $2. That is how I caught and shifted the time my inverter begins to charge my batteries and the house runs from the grid. Every day the inverter charges the batteries to about 91% of capacity and we drain them to about 79% of capacity. This is why I believe we will have about 4 days of power if the grid goes down. Several times we have had storms roll through the area and our neighbors tell us they lost power during the storm. We have not noticed any power outages. The inverter is operating flawlessly! As I said, we used power during the times it is not free so for March, my bill was $16.37. So we are still on track for free power (combined with the $15/month incentive they gave us)! There were a couple of questions about the cabinet I have my batteries in. I have continually been monitoring the battery temp and have not observed it go above 78 degrees. I have obtained several 4" muffin fans that operate on 12vdc. I intend to install them at each end of my battery cabinet. One low the other high. The low fan will push air in and the high side will pull air out. I hope the low fan will pull cooler air from just above the cement floor into the cabinet and the high fan at the other end will exhaust the warm air from near the top of the cabinet. I did my taxes and the IRS gave me a $6100 tax credit that will be broken up and applied over the next several years. I was able to purchase 16 - 550w bi-facial solar panels from San Tan Solar ($3000). I plan to install the panels as a patio cover next to my pool. the path of the sun in the summer will be such that I should get a significant reflection of sunlight off the surface of the pool water onto the back side of the panels. If this works the way I suspect, we should get a significant boost in power generation from this reflected energy! Maybe we'll get the rated 550w output from each panel. If that works, we may not need the grid although we plan to stay connected in case of a system malfunction we can easily switch to grid power in minutes.

diy solar

diy solar