diy solar

diy solar

Fronius Primo with datamanager 2.0 & SolarCity monitor


New Member
Jun 5, 2024
Hi all,
I've had solar on my home since 2016, originally installed by SolarCity, now managed by Tesla. When the inverter was originally installed the only communication on it was the zigbee neo gateway card in the inverter along with SolarCity's monitor that connects to my network.

Well l've recently started to look at doing my own battery backup system and wanted a way to monitor my inverter with a bit more detail so I purchased a Fronius datamanager 2.0. Got it installed yesterday and after some hair pulling got it connected to solarweb and it seems to be good to go.

However, now the gateway card is upset. I left the gateway card in the slot it was in on the inverter and installed the datamanager next to it. The gateway card is powered up and the link light is green, but the state light is red. When it was working before the state light was off.

The monitor that's plugged into my network seems to be happy, all lights green. In the Tesla app my home is showing as Standby and showing no solar or grid kW.

So I guess my questions are: Does anyone else have a similar setup or know if it's possible to have both active? Possible troubleshooting tips?

I've so far been unable to really find any good info on the neo gateway card thing.

Also although the data manager is connected the connection seems to be spotty. I wonder if the issue could be the antenna interfering with each other? I don’t know what frequency either one is using.

diy solar

diy solar