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diy solar

Generator displaying weird power fault ?


New Member
Nov 26, 2022
Constant State of Denial
Hy Crew..... Have hasd a deisel 6.5kVa back-up generator installed at my home for some time. It is installed with an ATS on the main board and I've never had an issue with it starting or running all my house loads that are on it's essential load bus.

I tested it about a Month ago, and found whilst it's running.... All of a sudden my UPS units in the house and shed are going crazy ?! They are beeping, flashing amber lights and I can here the relay's clicking etc ??? o_O

Nothing has changed within my home power configuration since the last test..... What are your thoughts ? :unsure:

I'm too scared to test it now in case it's somehow doing damage to my appliances etc.

Any tests you'd recommend or a place to start looking for a fault ?

Please see below URL for the specs for the generator.

Have you verified the voltage and frequency of the output?

My Onan 6500 regulator failed. Under low loads, it would supply 160V. It cooked the converter, but there were no other casualties.
Yes at this point it shows 244v 50Hz inside the home using just a retail plug-in type wattmeter …. But I’m yet to check the actual output of the generator.

The supplier has stated it maybe a faulty AVR (auto voltage regulator) and wants me to do some further testing.

I’ll keep the thread updated. Any suggestions welcome ?

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diy solar