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diy solar

Good solar kits?


New Member
Mar 11, 2020
hi everyone. Does anyone have any good recommendations for a good all in 1 solar power kit I can buy in the U.K.?

I feel I’m pushing it a bit late wanting to learn everything before I purchase.

if I could just buy things from China or what ever else things would be much easier.

I have bought Williams book but the more I’m reading the more I’m frying my brain trying to learn fast.

Any help would be much appreciated
Once I have purchased something then I can sit and learn and there’s no rush. I just need to get it purchased. I hope people are understand what I’m on about.
How big of a kit do you want? There are many 100 watt kits on Amazon that are good. Some not so good but all of them would suit your needs to learn. I started off with a 100 watt kits from Amazon.
Once I have purchased something then I can sit and learn and there’s no rush. I just need to get it purchased. I hope people are understand what I’m on about.

You may have your reasons for wanting to do it this way, but I would go about it in the other order (learn first purchase second).

I've seen many posts on this forum where people say something along the lines of "if I knew what I knew now I would've bought X but I bought Y because I was just starting out and didn't know any better at the time." Unless you are just looking to make a purchase to test the waters and learn, and then I would say go for it!
I am sat reading the book from start now. It definitely makes sense to learn 1st.

Call me paranoid but I feel like I’m a little against the clock haha. The world is slowly shutting down because of coronavirus.

today I am going to read and learn and work out what I need. Then go from there.

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diy solar