diy solar

diy solar

Growatt inverter settings WRONG PASSWORD???


New Member
Dec 19, 2022
I am owner of growatt 50KW inverter and I using android app for monitoring and also I try to set Active Power Ratio with this app but it just working one day and next day inverter back it to default value (100%), than I used page to set it because on this page exist option to store it in MEMORY (I don`t know why not exist this option in android app) and it working fine but now I want to change that value and on this page always I have WRONG PASSWORD error but no input field for password!
Do you know how I can fix this problem???

I still have this problem, somebody know how I can fix this? Password field is hidden but when I click to button to save settings answer is wrong password!
You should have the password input in the bottom of the window:
The pass is growatt + the current date with the format YYYYMMDD.

If you are not able to see the input field you can try with a different browser or you can try to inspect the page with chrome devTools (f12)
For datalogger settings I have password input field but for inverter settings I have it like on screenshot in first post, simple password field do not exist!
Also, for me page background is black but your is white and I can not find how to change it...


diy solar

diy solar