diy solar

diy solar

GSL 8k non DEYE installation help! (Megarevo??)

The fault will show up when you begin putting more loads on the inverter. It's really an on-grid inverter and when you subject it to higher loads it will pull energy from the grid if it has too. The Deye and Sol-ark are similar, too much juice pulled by the inverter in off grid mode will unbalance the load and temporarily shutdown. With Grid present it has a third source of energy to feed from. Remember there is no transformer here it's all electronic. Transformer based inverter have a high idle consumption, these are in the 60-70 watts.
The fault shows up in the afternoon after the battery has charged. I monitored it yesterday and there were no big loads. Matter of fact just looking at external monitor and it had a warning with a 450 watt load, Later I had a high demand of 10kw on whole system and the inverter handled it's share with no issue, but was later in the day. Seems to be at peak solar times of the day 12pm-5pm?

I am wondering if beings I am 300 watts/array over paneled if that might be contributing. I will cover one cell on each series and see if there is a change.
If this pertains to Bus Over Voltage, I got the error again yesterday. Not sure why, it happened again in early morning as it did the previous time. Right about 830am or so. I'm not sure how the vBus is related to battery voltage or panel voltage. The main issue with this (until I understand it and repair) is that the system stays idle. All loads are off, but the inverter stays on, and it sees 300+ volts on PV, but the MPPT is off, and so is the EPS. As with this latest time, I was at work, and so I was without power in the shop until lunch when I was able to reboot and all was fine again.
If this pertains to Bus Over Voltage, I got the error again yesterday. Not sure why, it happened again in early morning as it did the previous time. Right about 830am or so. I'm not sure how the vBus is related to battery voltage or panel voltage. The main issue with this (until I understand it and repair) is that the system stays idle. All loads are off, but the inverter stays on, and it sees 300+ volts on PV, but the MPPT is off, and so is the EPS. As with this latest time, I was at work, and so I was without power in the shop until lunch when I was able to reboot and all was fine again.
Is it over VOLtage, or VOLume? Looks like a few of us are running at the 300 volt range and having this warning.

I taped a sheet of paper over a few cells where two parallel strings meet, one cell on each panel, to reduce my over paneled array to do a test. I can report that I did not have any warnings all day. Hopefully I can repeat with the same results today, and then conclude that the Megarevo is sensitive to over paneling. ( or is it that my pv voltage was 325v before and yesterday with cells covered 305v)

Now at 7pm the unit did quit inverting and went into bypass mode even though the fans remained on and everything showed normal. No warnings appeared on screen or Solarman. I turned off grid breaker, it switched to EPS mode, turned grid back on, and in 10 minutes everything returned to normal.
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Is it over VOLtage, or VOLume? Looks like a few of us are running at the 300 volt range and having this warning.

I taped a sheet of paper over a few cells where two parallel strings meet, one cell on each panel, to reduce my over paneled array to do a test. I can report that I did not have any warnings all day. Hopefully I can repeat with the same results today, and then conclude that the Megarevo is sensitive to over paneling. ( or is it that my pv voltage was 325v before and yesterday with cells covered 305v)

Now at 7pm the unit did quit inverting and went into bypass mode even though the fans remained on and everything showed normal. No warnings appeared on screen or Solarman. I turned off grid breaker, it switched to EPS mode, turned grid back on, and in 10 minutes everything returned to normal.
Screenshot from 2022-06-23 08-30-06_crop.png
No problem yet running over 300 volts in grid tied mode.
I am still on the very old firmware and need to upgrade ASAP.
This is my curve when it occurred. As you can see, I restarted the inverter at lunch, and it was happy again.

This is my curve when it occurred. As you can see, I restarted the inverter at lunch, and it was happy again.

View attachment 99769
Your back end of the Graph 12 noon onwards looks normal, before 12 noon it looks like no production. I had something similar were it would show voltage but not charge. i switched over to Lithium battery mode for a minute and and then back to Lead acid battery mode, and it started charging. Never stopped charging since. Monitor it, it may just be a one time deal.
Monitor it, it may just be a one time deal.
That graph is what happens when "Bus Over Vol" Error pops up. The error occurred at approx 8:30am and will put the inverter in standby until I restarted at noon. I'm not sure what is causing the error.
I don't see any battery issue at the time of error, however I do see battery drop to 12v or so early in the morning. Strange.

I don't see any battery issue at the time of error, however I do see battery drop to 12v or so early in the morning. Strange.

View attachment 99893
The battery voltage drop is indeed very weird but timeline wise it doesn not seem to be what triggered the shutdown.

I know there is newer firmware out there:
ARM v1.03.11
DSP v2.04.11

Could someone ask megarevo for a copy?
I started to make a post and I don't know how to delete it.

Tonight I noticed that the PV/Battery dropped to zero. I got a warning on inverter Bat over Vol. First measurement off the inverter was 57v. Battery measured 53.3. BMS was in standby mode but it was actually triggering a short. I thought BMS went bad but after 5 times it latches off. When I turned it off the battery input at inverter had dropped to 40 something volts. I think it bleeds down slowly.

Long story short I turned every thing off, rebooted with battery and it came on as normal. I flipped on the grid and 30seconds to a minute later the lights went out and then came back on. Had this happen a time or two before.

I think all this over voltage stuff is a fault with inverter including bus over voltage. You can see that during the reboot and getting everything powered up I also go Bus over vol. PV was 275v and 85 watts from all three arrays as it was at sunset.

Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 21-35-26 IotaWatt Graph.png

Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 21-36-26 SOLARMAN Business.png
Attached is the manual for the GSL Hybrid 8k, I replaced an old Solar Edge inverter (2011) and the inverter looks solid. My understanding is that GSL is a manufacturer. Google it.


  • 48V inverter USER manual.pdf
    2.8 MB · Views: 30
Attached is the manual for the GSL Hybrid 8k, I replaced an old Solar Edge inverter (2011) and the inverter looks solid. My understanding is that GSL is a manufacturer. Google it.
GSL is selling the rebadged Megarevo inverter.
Attached is the manual for the GSL Hybrid 8k, I replaced an old Solar Edge inverter (2011) and the inverter looks solid. My understanding is that GSL is a manufacturer. Google it.
Thank you for the post. Looks like a much updated manual. Has some information we were unsure about before, but yet still vague on some.

There was a post mentioning they were working on the Generator function. Looks like, based on manual, they are close or GSL has the firmware?

Looks like the menu system will or has a complete new structure.

Look forward to finding, getting, or someone posting the firmware when available. Still don't see or heard of the smart load function being implemented.